The Objective Oracle: A 54 Card Deck

A project in St. Catharines, Canada by Alex E.

Funding Successful

An original 54 card oracle deck depicting simple object images and their prominent keywords.
Backers: 183
Average Pledge Per Backer: $41 CAD

Funded: $7,558 CAD of $3,660 CAD
Dates: Mar 2nd -> Apr 1st (30 days)
Project By: Alex E.
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$7,558 CAD

current pledge level
Last Updated: April 1 @ 14:03 -0400 GMT


of goal
funding period ended

$0 CAD

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of goal

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Latest News

We made it!

April 1st - via:
Yay! We made it!!! Thank you so much everyone! I'm so excited! I'm touching base with the printing company as I post this, I'll be posting another update once everything is sorted, checked over, and paid for! I could have to wait up to 14 days for... (Read More)

Quick Update!

March 23rd - via:
Hi friends! Just a quick update for everyone as we get closer to the end of the month! We're at about 185% funded! Thank you all so much!!  If we hit 200%, I do plan on upgrading to better shipping in order to get the decks from the supplier, to me,... (Read More)


March 10th - via:
I truly thought it was going to take almost the whole month to hit the funding goal but wow was I wrong! We hit 100% funded last night and I don't have the proper words to express what I'm feeling towards everyone who helped me get here. I wanted to... (Read More)

About the Card Back Design

March 9th - via:
Hi again friends! I hope everyone's week is going well. In my last post, you probably saw how we were 30% funded and well on our way to hitting our goal! But lately you may have noticed a huge jump in backers and we're now about 82% funded! I'm over... (Read More)

Rewards Update!

March 7th - via:
Happy Monday all!  I hope everyone is doing well and had an awesome weekend. If you haven't noticed yet, I've added a few new things into the rewards section: New red color option for the card mats A digital download reward for print and cut your... (Read More)

Last Update About the Card Mat Mix-Up, I Swear! <3

March 3rd - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

Important about the card mats!

March 3rd - via:
If you can tell, I'm super new to setting up the rewards correctly here on Kickstarter. It says it includes: 5x black mats and 5x purple mats. I meant to make it so you can choose 1 of either color at the set price. I unfortunately can't change it at... (Read More)

Wow! Thank you for a successful launch day! Here's some info:

March 3rd - via:
Although this project isn't massive by any means, I still can't believe the immediate turn out when I launched yesterday!  I don't have the words to explain how thankful for each and every backer I am. I was so nervous to begin this entire process... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!