Precision Miniature Magnets + Thematic Game Aids

A project in Rochester, NY by Chris

Status: Active

The same precision experience with even more immersion on a matte finish. Elevate your tabletop gaming with thematic game aids.
Backers: 247
Average Daily Pledges: $1,774
Average Pledge Per Backer: $93

Funding: $23,066 of $10,000
Dates: Jun 14th -> Jul 19th (35 days)
Project By: Chris
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Latest News

Major Milestone Reached!! Major Unlocks and a Partnership Pledge Added to the Campaign. Leave a comment to influence the faction themes unlocked.

June 22nd - via:
In just over one week we hit our first milestone stretch goal! That's absolutely incredible. Emboldened by your support, I have been working very hard on the evolution of the matching set of objectives + dice for our Experience backers. If you recall... (Read More)

Reviews are in! Goonhammer takes our new stuff for a spin.

June 21st - via:
Good afternoon backers and believers! Goonhamer was sent an early set of items to perform provide an honest critique of what we are offering this round.  Please give the article a read! We are very excited to see that Robert is overjoyed with the... (Read More)

Two More Theme Concepts to Show! Alien World + Blood, Skulls & Gore

June 20th - via:
Hello again and thank you for tuning in for another update! Its a crazy day with the new balance update and there is so much to read! We hope this one is short and sweet for you. This week we have been working on two more art concepts for the... (Read More)

Almost to our first major stretch goal!!! Building momentum on our mission.

June 19th - via:
Hello gamers, backers, and believers. We are absolutely on a mission to bring affordable, precise, immersive, and fair-play gaming to the masses. We just got back from ACO and noticed a couple things. Many folks were playing on neoprene still, one of... (Read More)

Wow!!! Funded on Day 1! We love you!!!

June 15th - via:
Hello from Chris and Ryan down at ACO. We were so excited to see the support roll in as our dice rolled all day. You can even catch my game on the Wargames Live stream where Magnus makes a bold play that prooves that he can do some things wrong. I... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!