New Niveau: A 44mm Trioscopic 3D Wiggle Lens

A project in Atlanta, GA by George

Funding Successful

An almost fully 3d printed niche trioscopic 3D wiggle lens for mirrorless cameras. Available for Canon RF, Nikon Z, and Sony E.
Backers: 191
Average Pledge Per Backer: $113

Funded: $21,637 of $20,000
Dates: Feb 4th -> Mar 6th (30 days)
Project By: George
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Last Updated: March 6 @ 17:02 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Phew! Six days left in the campaign. We can do it!

February 28th - via:
However this kickstarter campaign ends, I appreciated all of you who supported me in this. It means a great deal to me that others find my stupid ideas interesting enough to support. Now on to other news! The color ways are out. The initial colors... (Read More)

Lens preview from Marc Alhadeff @ sonyalpha.blcog

February 26th - via:
hey, folks. marc alhadeff over at was kind enough to preview the lens and write a quick first look. you can find the article here: you can check out some of the samples... (Read More)

As the campaign winds down, I'm going to show you how I post process my wigglegrams.

February 26th - via:
wigglegram workflow i wanted to run you folks through processing wigglegrams with my workflow. it's what i've found was easiest and fastest for me.  out of habit, my main raw developer or dam of choice is adobe lightroom, but i'll also be showing... (Read More)

Hoo boy, we're getting close! Just wanted to do a quick update on the focus ring.

February 21st - via:
Hey, all! So, I've made a quick update for the focus ring. It's a rough focusing guide that helps with framing subjects quickly.  We have a few options here: Flower is about Macro Head/circle is about 0.8m Head and Shoulder is about 1.5m Head and... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!