Nimble: Streamlining your 5e game
A project in Orlando, FL by Nimble Co.000days
Funding Successful
Elegant D&D 5e rules supplement. Fixes common player and DM frustrations & gives INTERESTING, tactical, options. No more slog.
Backers: 1762
Average Pledge Per Backer: $10
Funded: $17,815 of $1,000
Dates: Oct 11th -> Nov 10th (31 days)
Project By: Nimble Co.
Backers: 1762
Average Pledge Per Backer: $10
Funded: $17,815 of $1,000
Dates: Oct 11th -> Nov 10th (31 days)
Project By: Nimble Co.
current pledge level
Last Updated: November 10 @ 09:03 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Final days!
November 6th - via:
Hey everybody! We're in our last couple days to share the Kickstarter with your friends. Be a hero, don't let your buds play slow D&D 💪 What's next? Once the campaign ends Kickstarter will release the backer information to me so I can send the... (Read More)
Hot off the presses!
October 26th - via:
Hot off the presses! This new video shows step by step how Nimble works. Check it out, and share it with your friends to get them excited about trying the system out. Rad-Awesome Video! Be a hero Be a hero, save your friends from slow D&D. Share... (Read More)
Fixing Long Rests.
October 23rd - via:
Resting in 5e is broken. Here's how to fix it. It doesn't take players long to start "gaming" the rest system in 5e. Players go into a dungeon, have a fight or two and "go nova" burning all their abilities, then they immediately want to rest –... (Read More)
Streamlining Spellcasting in 5e
October 19th - via:
Streamlining 5e spell slots. One of the most confusing aspects of D&D for newer players is spell levels/character levels/spell slots, and one of the most frustrating things for DMs and experienced players is the inflexibility of spellcasting.... (Read More)
Stretch goal unlocked! Player Reminder Cards
October 16th - via:
We've reached our first stretch goal: Player Reminder Cards! They make it easier for players to track their AP and speeds up play with its handy reminder text. These will be included for FREE for all backers at the Nimble Premium level, and as an... (Read More)
Fixing D&D Initiative!
October 14th - via:
Initiative kind of sucks Imagine the scenario: a tense negotiation with the bad guys goes south and the barbarian shouts "I break the leg off the nearby table and clobber him in the face with it!" DM: Awesome, roll initiative! Nothing takes you out... (Read More)
Thank you! Nimble is fully funded!
October 12th - via:
Thank you all so much, in just 1 day we were able to get 200% of our funding goal. Wow! Stretch goals & addons We got here so quickly, what are some stretch goals and addons are in order that would help your table adopt some of these rules... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!