Holomatixx: A New Wave Order

A project in Jersey City, NJ by Nerdy City

Status: Active

The 80s Pop RPG of Totally Audacious Secret Rockstars!
Backers: 144
Average Daily Pledges: $331
Average Pledge Per Backer: $53

Funding: $7,608 of $10,000
Dates: Jun 4th -> Jul 4th (30 days)
Project By: Nerdy City
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Latest News

It's the Final Countdown, doodeeloodoo, doodeedoodoodoo...

June 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Rockers, it's the final week! Origins Game Fair was a blast, thank you for all the new friends who have gotten us to 75%! We've only got 1/4 left, with 1/4 of the campaign to go, but we've got a lot in store for this final week so don't touch... (Read More)

It's a half-past four and I'm shifting gears...

June 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Halfway through, Rockers, and we gotta get that motor running, so we're heading out on the highway!  Nerdy City is on the move, and Megan will be at Origins Game Fair this weekend with a triple threat of Holomatixx for any attending. The 2PM... (Read More)

Gonna Keep on Tryin', Til We Reach The Higher Ground...

June 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Rockers, A couple of tidbits today. First, we saw that you guys sold out our Front Row and Backstage Pass tiers, so we've added some more slots for you. If you've missed out getting your Persona added into the text or the art, you've got another... (Read More)

Never gonna break our stride...

June 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there Rockers, We're past the halfway point and moving on up! Thanks again for every pledge and every share, they mean the world to us. This second week of our campaign, we've got some fun media for you: Megan appeared on Rook&Rasp's... (Read More)

Woah-oh, almost half-way there...

June 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Thanks for a great first week, rockers! Keep spreading the word, we're well on our way! If you'd like to see Holomatixx in action, come check us out this Saturday June 8th on Seriously; Let's Play by Rook & Rasp, Megan will be running a module... (Read More)

Good morning rockers!! First 24 hours and I'm so excited!

June 5th - via: kickstarter.com
First of all, thanks to every one of you. We're a third of the way there already and I'm thrilled that Holomatixx is striking a chord! (the music puns will continue, there is no escape) We've been busy as well; just recorded an interview episode with... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!