NAWALLI: The Aztec Card Game (Second Edition)

A project in Port Arthur, TX by Gonzalo Alvarez

Status: Active

A strategic lane battle game based on Aztec mythology - become a Nawalli Sorcerer summoning Nawals and Spells to dominate the Arena!
Backers: 277
Average Daily Pledges: $841
Average Pledge Per Backer: $64

Funding: $17,656 of $2,000
Dates: Jun 6th -> Jul 6th (30 days)
Project By: Gonzalo Alvarez
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Latest News

Devlog #2 The Nawalli 2nd Edition Prototype is here!

June 25th - via:
Hey everyone the prototype of the cards, components, and box for NAWALLI 2nd Edition arrived and they look amazing! We ordered a prototype to ensure the final version would be as close to our vision as possible. We are happy to say printing has... (Read More)

2nd Giveaway winner announced for Backers!

June 22nd - via:
Hey everyone, yesterday we announced the winners for the Giveaway of the 1st edition... here is the Backer winner!  Congratulations to Backer #38 you won! We'll be contacting you and sending your 1st edition box set at the end of the... (Read More)

We are halfway there, come see us in Austin, Texas!

June 20th - via:
Hey everyone we are at the halfway point with only 15 days left and have reached almost 250 backers! Thank you everyone who has backed our project, it's a dream come true to create a balanced and culturally accurate Aztec card game that people are... (Read More)

The 1st Stretch Goal Promo Card, The Bat Lord!

June 17th - via:
Hey everyone, I am proud to present the new Promo Card for reaching our first stretch goal! Everyone who backs Nawalli at any tier will receive this card as well as any future stretch goal cards we unlock. Read about The Bat Lord below! This is... (Read More)

Giveaway winner announced for Backers!

June 14th - via:
Hey everyone, thank you for being a backer and supporting Nawalli as this automatically entered you into one of our giveaways! Congratulations too... backer #11!!! You have won a 1st edition Nawalli box set which will include the Xiwkoatl promo card... (Read More)

We reached our first stretch goal, time for a new card!

June 13th - via:
It's time to celebrate, we reached our first stretch goal!! That means I'll create a new promo card that EVERYONE who has backed our Kickstarter will receive. Join me tomorrow as I Livestream and draw the new card on our Discord while hanging out and... (Read More)

We are giving away a first edition copy of Nawalli!

June 11th - via:
Hey everyone, to celebrate almost reaching our first goal we are running a giveaway of the first edition of Nawalli, the one that started it all! We are giving away 2 box sets, 1 to a lucky winner who shares our Instagram or Twitter post AND to 1 of... (Read More)

Behind the scenes of the NAWALLI pyramid

June 10th - via:
Hello everyone, today's update will discuss the design and production of the pyramid card stand we are offering as part of our Kickstarter Tlatoani and Teotl bundles. There are still some left, so pick them up while they last!  The new and improved... (Read More)

The Nawalli Launch Party in Beaumont, Texas was a success!

June 9th - via:
Me and my dad whose been so supportive with NawalliHey everyone, yesterday we had a Nawalli launch party at The Art Studio Inc. in Beaumont Texas, a community art studio founded by an amazing clay artist Greg Busceme, and it was amazing! I had an art... (Read More)

Devlog #1 The Nawalli 2nd Edition cards!

June 8th - via:
Hey everyone, thank you for all the comments and support for the Kickstarter, we're almost to our first stretch goal! I'm happy to share the 2nd Edition cards that came in! we had a prototype printed and sent to us in order to make sure they are all... (Read More)

Nawalli 2nd Edition launch was a success! The journey begins🌞

June 7th - via:
Hey everyone, welcome to the official Nawalli 2nd Edition Kickstarter! Whether you were here during the first campaign or just now discovering us, we are excited to have you here.We surpassed our funding goal in 2 hours thanks to many of you early... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!