The Alchemist - Power Anything, Anyhow, Anywhere.

A project in Dublin, Ireland by Luke Brennan

Status: Active

If you are a musician, or modern mobile professional, this USB-C powered hub will next-gen power your life.
Backers: 178
Average Daily Pledges: €3,411
Average Pledge Per Backer: €498

Funding: €88,684 of €100,000
Dates: May 21st -> Jun 20th (30 days)
Project By: Luke Brennan
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Latest News

Sale: Last week add-ons! - up to 46% off Candycords / Halos + €1 offer!

June 13th - via:
Hi Alchemists We're 82% funded with 7 days to go, there is nothing for it, but to launch a myVolts add-on SALE to end all SALES!!! If you've enjoyed our previous Kickstarter campaigns, or missed out on a chance to back them, NOW is your chance to get... (Read More)

New add-ons - myVolts t-shirts and €199 DIY Silent Alchemist kits!

June 7th - via:
Hey DIY fans in your cool new myVolts t-shirts!! We've had a lot of positive feedback on the suggested add-ons, so they are now available to add to your pledge: A hyper-cool screen-printed cotton myVolts for €20. At €199, a DIY kit version of the... (Read More)

Can 'The Silent Alchemist' Remove Ground Loop noise? Judge for yourself!

June 5th - via:
Hey All We did a 70 sec video test of the SA versus a standard USB power hub. Have a look here at the results! In this video, we look at how this power hub, can remove noise caused by ground loops from your setup.  This was recorded by taking the... (Read More)

Our 3 X Step Up for €1 offer was popular, any ideas for more Add-ons?

June 4th - via:
Hello Musical Alchemists What would you like to see as add-ons for the campaign? We've got some ideas: Some funky myVolts t-shirts? A DIY version of the Silent Alchemist (think NTS1) for €200 with a 100W power limit and only 3 ports isolated? Let... (Read More)

Grab 3 X Extra Step-Up adapters for a €1 (Normal price €59) - This weekend only!

May 31st - via:
Hi Kickstarters! A special deal to thank those we have backed already and also maybe encourage some new backers into the fold! If you look in the Add-on section of your reward, you will see (Normal price €59) the following Add-on available for... (Read More)

myVolts to launch The Alchemist power hubs

May 31st - via:
myVolts have announced the launch of a Kickstarter campaign to fund the manufacture of two new power hubs, The Alchemist and The Silent Alchemist. Already designed and developed based on a six-month-long user survey, the units provide a flexible, high-quality solution for powering a wide range of audio equipment. (Read More)

Sonic State "Hands on" with the Silent Alchemist, they were impressed!

May 30th - via:
Hello future Alchemists Sonic State talked to our Caroline about the Alchemist at Superbooth '24. She gave them a run down of how everything works, how powerful it is and the potential of a high quality, high power isolated USB power hub! Favourite... (Read More)

You might not believe what you've done....

May 29th - via:
Hi Kickstarters Each time we design a new product, we do it because our customers tell us they have problems which can't be solved with their existing equipment. We gather those problems together and try to solve as many of those problems as... (Read More)

myVolts Intros Alchemist USB Power Hubs For Musicians

May 28th - via:
myVolts – an Irish company that specializes in power solutions for electronic musicians – has launched a Kickstarter project to fund production of The Alchemist and The Silent Alchemist, a pair of USB power hubs for musicians and other mobile creative professionals. (Read More)

MATRIXSYNTH: Superbooth 2024: MyVolts Alchemist 200W Isolated USB Power Hu

May 21st - via:
Caroline from MyVolts introduced the Alchemist Power Distribution Hub (launching on Kickstarter today), highlighting its progression from prototype to production. This hub, designed with musicians in mind, offers five isolated outputs with up to 20 watts each, plus an additional output providing 100 watts, also capable of powering devices like a MacBook. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!