First and Unique Regiment : human miniatures for 3d printing

A project in France, France by Julien Grégoire

Status: Active

3D printable pre-supported STL bits & human soldiers miniatures for fans of wargames & RPG battles.
Backers: 325
Average Daily Pledges: €611
Average Pledge Per Backer: €45

Funding: €14,661 of €500
Dates: Jun 3rd -> Jul 3rd (30 days)
Project By: Julien Grégoire
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Latest News

The mysterious bonus milestone is up...

June 19th - via:
Hello everyone ! As promised, I made a last minutes stretchgoal for you guys ! I let you discover who they are here. As you can see, it will be very easy to get them, so keep sharing the project 😍 I hope you will like them ! Both are multiparts.... (Read More)

We just reached all the original milestones ! Thank you 🥰

June 17th - via:
Hello fellow members of the First & Unique Regiment ! We just reached the last milestone I designed at first for the First and Unique Regiment. In only 15 days ! So to begin, I would like to thank all of you again. This can only happen because... (Read More)

2 milestones in one night ! Last reveals and a rumor ...

June 13th - via:
Hi everyone ! ✅ 2 milestones has been reached last few hours 🥳😍 Thank you for keep spreading the word and making this project so great ! To the newcomers, be free to ask any question, and thank you for joining us in the First & Only... (Read More)

Another stretch goal is falling - More Add-Ons - Expected reveals !

June 10th - via:
Hi guys ! ✅ Another stretch goal reached just few minutes ago ! Thank you to the newcomers ! I truly appreciate each moment of this first KS, it's so good to see you like my work 🥰 ▶️ I have added more STL Add-ons from my website as... (Read More)

Another milestone reached - Some informations

June 7th - via:
Hello everyone ! Another milestone has been reached last night ! Welcome to the new pledgers, thank you very much ! It means a lot for me, you are incredible 😍 🟢 Someone asked me if all the miniature parts we see in the different stretch goals... (Read More)

The second milestone is reached ! New REVEAL & more !

June 5th - via:
Hello everyone !  The second milestone is reached ! In 2 days 🥳 !! What an incredible start, I can't even believe it. Thanks again guys, this is an hard worked project and I'm very delighted that it pleases you ! ✅ The next 2 milestones are up... (Read More)

What a start ! The project is already funded !

June 4th - via:
Hello everyone ! First of all, I would like to thank all of you who backed my project these past hours. Thanks to you, the First & Unique Regiment is ALREADY FUNDED !!! 😍🥳 And that's not all, the first milestone has been reached as quickly... (Read More)

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