Robert E. Howard's Conan Roleplaying Game

A project in London, UK by Chris Birch, Modiphius

Funding Successful

This is Conan roleplaying as Robert E. Howard wrote it – savage pulp adventure battling ancient horrors in the Hyborian Age
Backers: 4352
Average Pledge Per Backer: £100

Funded: £436,755 of £45,000
Dates: Feb 16th -> Mar 20th (34 days)
Project By: Chris Birch, Modiphius
dicedicerpgrpgbookshorrorlovecraftfantasyfantasyartaction rpgaction rpgtabletop gametabletop gamepulppulpmapsmaps +Suggest

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Last Updated: March 20 @ 16:01 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Last chance to Pick Add On's before Pledge Manager!

March 20th - via:
Remember you can pick any of the Add On's, simply increase your pledge by the total of the Add On your want. We will invite you to a Pledge Manager in about 2 weeks (after a rest!) where you will let us know what you picked, you can then upgrade your... (Read More)

UNLOCKED! Conan the King & 5000 Printed Quickstarts!

March 20th - via:
YOU DID IT! You unlocked Conan the King the last of the core supplements! PLUS we hit 200 Re-Tweets so we unlocked a 5000 print run of the cut down 32 page Quickstart - you'll be able to request a pack of ten for a £1 to give to friends and help get... (Read More)

UNLOCKED! Conan the Scout & £400k Bonus!

March 20th - via:
Phew we have 3 hours to go and still goals are being slashed down before us, like wheat beneath the reaper's scythe! [thanks Richard for that one!] £400k Blessing of Mitra Bonus - We've unlocked a horde of short adventures in PDF that will give you... (Read More)

4000 Backer Bonus PLUS What's In The Pledges

March 20th - via:
Hi there, great news we just broke the 4000 Backer level and passed the point which makes us the 4th biggest RPG Kickstarter! We've unlocked the next Blessing of Mitra which is the Online Gamesmaster Tools App! This is a suite of tools that will sit... (Read More)

UNLOCKED! Conan the Adventurer!

March 20th - via:
Hi everyone, we have just 8 hours to go and this morning we unlocked Conan the Adventurer in the Conan Kickstarter, which means Conan the Scout and Conan the King are next! We're now the 5th biggest RPG Kickstarter so massive thanks guys! Conan the... (Read More)

UNLOCKED: Ancient Ruins & Cursed Cities! PLUS Final 2 Tile Sets in Print!

March 19th - via:
We're in the final 24 hour stretch now, and this has been quite an incredible month. Thanks to everyone for all their hard work pushing and promoting and sharing! We have one final day so let's make it count - it's THE the best deal ever in... (Read More)

UNLOCKED: Conan the Wanderer PLUS Ancient Ruins are close!

March 19th - via:
We've blown through another goal in the Conan Kickstarter late last night setting Conan the Wanderer free! This supplement is now available as a £15 Add On. It's free in PDF with any pledge with 'all the unlocked books in PDF' and of course it's now... (Read More)

Exclusive CROM! Pledge with Wyrmwood Blood & Steel Dice Vault & Tray

March 18th - via:
Hi there as the 48 hour Kickstarter warning is about to go out we've created this final super pledge after Wyrmwood approached us wanting to produce a truly beautiful dice vault and tray. You know we are aiming for real excellence with this project... (Read More)

UNLOCKED: Online Character App!

March 18th - via:
We just hit 3000 Twitter followers and triggered another Blessing of Mitra - this unlocked the Online Conan RPG Character App which will let you create characters using our online generator (which will also work on mobiles nicely). You'll be able to... (Read More)

UNLOCKED: Nameless Cults & Big D20 Bonus at £300k!

March 18th - via:
Hi everyone it's another great morning as we unlocked the Nameless Cults supplement and we have a big surprise! Having smashed the £300,000 Kickstarter level, Mōdiphiüs wants to thank our backers. To that end, we are presenting not only a Free... (Read More)

UNLOCKED! Conan The Brigand! Pledge Calculator! 3000 Backer Bonus & Valerita

March 17th - via:
Hi all it's been a huge night! Remember yesterday we unlocked ALL THE BOOKS IN PRINT FOR 2 YEARS with the Hoard, Secrets and Treasure Pledges! We have lots more to announce today. Yesterday we blew through the 3000 Backer target which unlocked... (Read More)

Print Subscription Added to Hoard, Secrets & Treasures!

March 16th - via:
We have some incredible news to share tonight, many of you have been asking for a 'Print Subscription' that would get you all the amazing books we've been talking about coming over the next year or two in case they don't get unlocked in the... (Read More)

Mutant Year Zero Team To Collaborate on Conan Exiles Sourcebook!

March 16th - via:
Modiphius & Funcom have announced CONAN EXILES a new cross-over sourcebook for the Conan tabletop roleplaying game.  This tie-in sourcebook adapts areas and gameplay from CONAN EXILES to Modiphius’ 2d20 roleplaying game; Robert E. Howard's... (Read More)

Tom Grindberg Cover! New Pledge! Cheaper Shipping!

March 16th - via:
Check out this fantastic cover for Conan the Pirate by Tom Grindberg (Conan, Savage Sword of Conan, Conan Saga, Judge Dredd, ERB's Back to the Stone Age). Most of the covers you see on our project page are temporary art only and so it's great to be... (Read More)

Guide to the big Pledges & Pledge Calculator coming!

March 15th - via:
Hi all we're going through editing the pledge calculator at the moment to make sure all the weights and pricing is correct. The good news is there are about 40% savings for the pledges in the US and Canada as well as savings elsewhere across the... (Read More)

Discovering Robert E Howard: The New Conan RPG

March 15th - via:
If you’re willing to learn a new system and you are yearning to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women, this is your game. (Read More)

Cheaper Tokens & Card Deck, Blessings of Mitra & Character App!

March 14th - via:
Hi we have been doing some updates to the Kickstarter page graphics today and can show you how the tokens are going to look (we'll have actual photos of an engraved Doom token by friday).  The good news is we have been able to reduce the prices of... (Read More)

Old & Young Gorm Excerpt! Hoard Pledge Options

March 13th - via:
Hi hope you're all having a great weekend! Tonight we have a double helping of Gorm - Old Gorm and Young Gorm for you to test out in your adventures with the Conan roleplaying game! Hoard of Yezdigerd, Secrets of Mount Yishma & Treasure of... (Read More)

UNLOCKED: Beasts of the Hyborian Age & THOG Excerpt!

March 11th - via:
We unlocked TWO books in two days in the Conan Kickstarter! Thanks to the cross-over with Monolith we have the Conan Board Game Sourcebook and have now unlocked the Beasts of the Hyborian Age at £255,000! Thanks so much for all the plugs and shares... (Read More)

UNLOCKED: Conan Board Game Cross Over - More Info!

March 10th - via:
As we previewed yesterday, we have announced a major cross-over supplement with Monolith, producers of the massive Conan Board Game for our Conan RPG Kickstarter which is now available as a £15 Add On. As we have Unlocked it, we are including it... (Read More)

News from Paris! Monolith Conan Board Game Cross-Over!

March 9th - via:
We're putting out full details tomorrow but we can confirm that we're working on a major cross-over book with Monolith who produced the massive Conan Board Game! Today I was in Paris with Fred and Leo from Monolith discussing the plans and I took... (Read More)

By Crom, Here's Some Bitchin' New Conan the Barbarian Art

March 9th - via:
We can just never have enough Conan the Barbarian in our lives. Back in January, we brought you some new Conan art from legendary fantasy artist Brom, from the new role-playing game Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of. Now there’s a Kickstarter to make the game, and we’ve got some more incredible Conan art to show you. (Read More)

Fortune & Doom Tokens & Animated 2d20 Tutorial!

March 8th - via:
Hi guys lots happening this week with some REALLY big news tomorrow and then Thursday. We've got an incredible video put together by backer Waldgeist showing you how to play 2d20 illustrated with cool graphics from the Age of Conan game!  But first,... (Read More)

Character Sheet Pad & Stygian Doom Pit Video

March 7th - via:
Hi guys after the maelstrom of chaos introduced by the Grey Ape stats, backer David Thomas decided to put it through it's paces over on the Conan The Cimmerian Blog with this great play example. Amala and Othwald are in for a tough time! Today we're... (Read More)

Conan RPG Excerpt - The Gray Ape!

March 6th - via:
Hi all here's another except from the Conan RPG core book - this time from the Bestiary.  First of all for there is a Treasure of Tranicos Pledge available for those looking to upgrade.  Conan’s world contains many fearsome threats, and on... (Read More)

Conan Content Preview - Hyperborea

March 5th - via:
Today we have an excerpt of Content from the Gazetteer section of the core book but first I wanted to thank Backer David Thomas who's been fired up doing lots of examples of play using the Quickstart materials. He worked up the Stats of Queen... (Read More)

Yaaaarrrrr! Conan the Pirate be UNLOCKED & Big Pledge Contents

March 4th - via:
Ahh me landlubbers! Now this be a book worthy of Conan! Now I'll tell ye a story of a time I was.... Anyway....! Thanks for everyone plugging away this week and helping unlock the Conan the Pirate Supplement! There's been so much buzz in the... (Read More)

Sorcery In The Quickstart! Jeff Shanks Interview, Card Deck Bundles

March 3rd - via:
Hi everyone, been a busy day and we're not stopping yet! First of all there's been talk of online play and I want to confirm 100% that the Conan Roleplaying Game will be supporting one of the major online roleplaying services. The question of which... (Read More)

Age of Conan Sourcebook Announced!

March 3rd - via:
Today we are excited to announce an exclusive Age of Conan cross-over sourcebook for the Conan Roleplaying game!  Have you always wanted to play some of the great adventurers from Age of Conan in a tabletop setting? Now is your chance! The... (Read More)

The World of Kull - King of Atlantis with Justin Sweet & Chris Gruber!

March 2nd - via:
We can announce that Modiphius will be producing The World of Kull - King of Atlantis, a brand new source book for Robert E. Howard’s Conan Roleplaying Game - Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of supported by the stunning art of Justin Sweet as well... (Read More)

'Conan' RPG Adds Artist, Kull Sourcebook

March 2nd - via:
Modiphius has announced it has added artists Joe Jusko and Cary Nord, as well as a new Kull sourcebook illustrated by Justin Sweet, to its Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of roleplaying game (Read More)

Conan RPG Card Decks!

March 1st - via:
Tonight we're unveiling the Conan RPG card decks for the Kickstarter! These are not essential to play but they can be useful aids. Here's an example of the Creature & Character Card deck which is now a £12 Add On (€16 / $18). Remember these... (Read More)

Cinematic Combat Example - And Something Fun...!

February 29th - via:
Hi all we're producing more examples of play for the Conan Kickstarter to help you understand how fun the 2d20 system can be. Taking you from full blown combat to the more cinematic end of the spectrum. Here's a one round cinematic combat scene to... (Read More)

Release Schedule PLUS Tile & Landscape Art!

February 28th - via:
Hi everyone first of all here's some art of Kordava on the Zingaran coastline by Giorgio Baroni. Below there's more of Jose Esteras' inspirational adventure tiles for the Conan RPG Kickstarter! Shipping Schedule. The first wave of books and... (Read More)

Conan Combat Example & Quickstart Updates

February 28th - via:
Hi all we're making updates to the Conan Quickstart today and hope to send out tonight or tomorrow morning. In the meantime I wanted to send out this awesome Combat Example that Lead Developer Nathan Dowdell wrote to give you some more flavour of the... (Read More)

Conan and the art of Carousing!

February 27th - via:
Hi everyone as we head towards our seafaring supplement, Conan the Pirate, here's another piece of inspirational art by artist Giogio Baroni plus we have some very apt insight in to the Carousing rules for the Conan Roleplaying Game. Between... (Read More)

Forbidden Places Tile Set UNLOCKED. Fabric Map Video & the Mysterious East!

February 26th - via:
Another great night as we unlock the printed tile sets Forbidden Places & Pits of Horror in the Conan RPG Kickstarter. This set focuses on forbidden temples, monster-haunted spaces, and other dangerous exotic locales and is a £20 Add... (Read More)

Cary Nord, world famous Conan artist, joins Conan RPG!

February 25th - via:
Are you ready? Yes you read that right and you heard it here first! The incredible Cary Nord has agreed to paint a cover for Robert E. Howard's Conan roleplaying game!  Cary Nord is an Eisner Award-winning artist whose work on Conan for Dark Horse... (Read More)

£200k & Blessing of Mitra UNLOCKED, Conqueror's Bag Video!

February 25th - via:
Incredible to think we've hit £200k in just nine days with the Conan RPG Kickstarter  - and what a tribute to Robert E. Howard that we've brought together such an amazing line up, with more still to announce later today...! With this latest... (Read More)

Jeweled Thrones of the Earth UNLOCKED! Magic & 2d20 Interview!

February 24th - via:
We're very close to the £200 Blessing of Mitra goal now that the Jeweled Thrones of the Earth Stretch Goal has been unlocked! Tomorrow we have another big piece of news plus we'll be sending out videos showing off the Conqueror's Bag, the Fabric Map... (Read More)

Ken Kelly Painting Conan Cover! New £90 & £135 Pledges Bundles!

February 23rd - via:
Hi folks the fantastic is news is that legendary Conan artist Ken Kelly is back with the team. He had to drop out before but now we've managed to line up schedules and he's painting the most epic Conan cover for us...! We've also been listening to... (Read More)

Character Generation Example!

February 22nd - via:
“Verily, Siddhartha first son of the Aryas did visit his guidance counsellor and seek advice on entering a suitable college degree…” Not in 2d20! Our developer Benn Beaton prepared this introduction to character generation for you all, so over... (Read More)

Revised Stretch Goal, Stygian Doom Pit, PDF Tile Sets & Social Goals!

February 22nd - via:
Hi there, it's nearly a week (tomorrow) since we started the Conan Kickstarter and feels like a month so much has been happening! We've got lots of stuff to show off today and news of changes to the Stretch Goals... First up the Stygian Doom Pit -... (Read More)

Joe Jusko joins Conan Art Team! Jeweled Thrones Adventures

February 21st - via:
All shall fall before the sword of Conan! The incredible Joe Jusko has signed up to paint a cover for the Conan roleplaying game. We're blown away! Joe is an award-winning artist known for his many covers for Savage Sword of Conan. He has also done... (Read More)

Book of Skelos UNLOCKED! Options to Swap Conqueror's Edition

February 21st - via:
That's it! The 112 page hardcover full colour Book of Skelos is unlocked in the Conan Kickstarter as a £15 Add On (just increase your pledge amount to add it). The temporary cover is an image by Tim Truman but we'll be announcing the cover artist... (Read More)

Gamesmaster Screen Add On, More Books Info & Fortune Add On

February 20th - via:
Hi we just hit £160,000 so it's great timing as we're unlocking the Gamesmaster Screen today - it's a £20 (approx €26 / $29). Add On and comes with a 32 page full colour bonus booklet inside containing an awesome Plot Generator to help you... (Read More)

Conan the Mercenary UNLOCKED! & Pledges Values!

February 19th - via:
Not bad for the start of Day 4 dog brothers! Check out what the big pledges are worth below but first... The Conan the Mercenary 112 page full colour hardcover sourcebook is now available as a £15 Add On (just increase your pledge amount to add it)!... (Read More)

Free Conan!

“This free Conan Roleplaying Game Quickstart gives you an introduction to the 2d20 system, a short adventure, 7 pre-generated characters and an overview of the world of Conan and the Hyborian Age.“ (Read More)

Conan Quickstarter Now on DriveThruRPG! Please Share!

February 18th - via:
Hi everyone we're already half way to the Conan the Mercenary book! Thanks so much for the quick responses and error reports you submitted last night. It really helps. We've now uploaded the v.2 Conan RPG Quickstart on DriveThruRPG here: ... (Read More)

Conan the Barbarian Supplement UNLOCKED!

February 18th - via:
Enter the Barbarian! Another fantastic sourcebook is unlocked as an Add On in the Kickstarter. The Conan the Barbarian 112 page full colour hardcover sourcebook is now available as a £15 Add On (just increase your pledge amount to add it). The... (Read More)


February 17th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

Conan the Thief Book, & Geomorphic Tiles UNLOCKED!

February 17th - via:
We had quite a night hitting over £102,000! Overnight you unlocked several Add Ons - the Conan the Thief book in hardcover, the Perilous Ruins & Forgotten Cities geomorphic tile set as well as the first Blessings of Mitra! If you want to add... (Read More)

[Modiphius] Robert E. Howard’s Conan roleplaying game Kickstarter

February 17th - via:
Modiphius have launched Robert E. Howard’s Conan roleplaying game Kickstarter and they’ve managed to pull together one of the biggest line-ups ever (Read More)

Explore a world undreamed of – CONAN RPG

February 17th - via:
It has been a while since we heard news from the Conan RPG front since Mongoose lost the license to make Conan RPG products and Modiphius got the rights to take over. (Read More)

'Conan' Crushes Kickstarter

February 17th - via:
Modiphius Entertainment's Kickstarter to fund its new RPG, Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed, successfully hit its funding goals in a mere four hours after opening on February 16. (Read More)

By Crom! You smashed it - £65,000!

February 16th - via:
Well that was an incredible last 4 hours! We strode through the £45k goal and just kicked down the gates of the £60k art upgrade. Now we can really going overboard doubling the amount of art we're commissioning from the big name artists for the... (Read More)

Modiphius' Conan RPG finally hits Kickstarter

February 16th - via:
The top pledge level, which already has 24 backers, costs £600 and unlocks a Conan style treasure chest of goodies.  (Read More)

Modiphius Launches Conan RPG Kickstarter

February 16th - via:
Do you like to run around in a loincloth and swing a giant sword? Yeah, me too. (Read More)

Conan RPG Kickstarter from Modiphius

February 16th - via:
Modiphius Entertainment launches their Kickstarter for Robert E. Howard's Conan (Read More)

Conan RPG Kickstarter funded in just over two hours

February 16th - via:
Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of smashes KS target with a swish of its barbarian's axe (Read More)

Modiphius’ Conan Roleplaying Game

February 16th - via:
The kickstarter has already funded within hours, and will run until March 20th with estimated delivery this early summer. (Read More)

Modiphius’ Conan RPG Kickstarter Launches

February 16th - via:
Modiphius have now begun their Kickstarter for the Conan: Adventures In An Age Undreamed Of role-playing game and they are already raking in quite the funding from the community... (Read More)

Get Age of Conan pack for backing new Conan Kickstarter RPG

February 16th - via:
It should be mentioned that the Conan RPG book has already passed double its original goal and is pushing hard toward several stretch goals. (Read More)

Conan is coming!

The new Conan Rpg is now on kickstarter. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!