Darklands: Brutal Beasts II

A project in Warsop Vale, UK by Mierce Miniatures

Funding Successful

In the dark lands, YOU command the hosts of man and beast that your ancestors once did for power, glory or just to survive...
Backers: 126
Average Pledge Per Backer: £88

Funded: £11,061 of £10,000
Dates: Jan 23rd -> Feb 13th (22 days)
Project By: Mierce Miniatures
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Last Updated: February 13 @ 12:09 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

PHYSICAL - Managing Your Pledge

February 13th - via: kickstarter.com
THIS UPDATE IS FOR BACKERS OF PHYSICAL MINIATURES - if you're backing only for digital miniatures, read the other update! If you have purchased both physical and digital miniatures, you'll have to divide up your pledge by answering the survey. You'll... (Read More)

DIGITAL - Managing Your Pledge

February 13th - via: kickstarter.com
THIS UPDATE IS FOR BACKERS OF DIGITAL MINIATURES - if you're backing only for physical miniatures, read the other update! Thank you all so much for taking part in this project, guys and gals - your support is much appreciated and very welcome! Here's... (Read More)

Casineg, Felltrolls and Mammax Warchiefs

February 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Good morning, fellow Miercenaries! With just a day to go, and with a great total to look at, let's try and smash some of those stretch goals with a couple more add-ons and another goal to aim for... £11,750 - Casineg, Prifcawrdraig of Gwaelod First,... (Read More)

We're Funded! Thank you!

February 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Fantastic - Darklands: Brutal Beasts II! Thank you everyone! The project is now a reality - give yourselves a pat on the back and GET PLEDGING, lurkers!  (Read More)

MORE close stretch goals!

February 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Thursday, Miercenaries! With five days to go and us nearing that total, let's add some very close stretch goals try to extract some more pledges from everyone to push us over... You can purchase any of the following stretch goals individually.... (Read More)

Cawrdraig, and More Add-Ons

February 6th - via: kickstarter.com
It's update time again! Today I've added a number of new units that can be taken within the BRUTAL BEAST BINGE reward, with the new cawrdraig and lots of existing miniatures as add-ons too. Firebringers of Dugadw, Cawrdraig Unit The Firebringers are... (Read More)

More Rewards for the Brutal Beast Binge!

February 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Today I'm adding the Oghureach that can also be part of the BRUTAL BEAST BINGE reward - i.e., they'll be sculpted shortly, so they have no need to be a stretch goal. That means these can be part of your existing BINGE, or you can increase your pledge... (Read More)

Oghureach Ahoy!

February 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Apologies for the lack of updates, fellow Miercenaries! I've had a huge amount of work to do this week for our patreon page / MMF tribe. Check them out! Next week I'll be doing lots of updates here, with more add-ons, a sneaky discount code for the... (Read More)

Stretch Goals

January 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Miercenaries! I've added some stretch goals for you to aim for on this project; we've got plenty of time to reach them, and they're all new miniatures rather than existing miniatures with alternate weapons. As the oghureach and cawrdraig should... (Read More)


January 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Miercenaries! I've added a few more add-ons today to bring in some of the existing 80mm based monstrous infantry units - at least, the digital ones, anyway. Some of them will be produced in grey wulf for the first time, and some already have been;... (Read More)

Half way - Vote for stretch goals!

January 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Miercenaries! This project has reached half way in double quick time, for which we must give thanks to you, our awesome backers. To reach our goal I'm going to pop in some add-ons that you can all increase your pledge for, but I'd also like to add... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!