Murder at the Old Wolf Inn (5e)

A project in Oxford, UK by Midnight Tower

Funding Successful

An Investigation Mystery Adventure Inspired by Agatha Christie for Fifth Edition (DnD/RPG)
Backers: 2155
Average Pledge Per Backer: £29

Funded: £63,226 of £2,000
Dates: Sep 17th -> Oct 17th (30 days)
Project By: Midnight Tower
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Last Updated: October 17 @ 10:02 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Poll Results and Character Sheets!

October 15th - via:
Hello friends and fabulous finders of abominable assassins! This is a quick update with the Backer’s Choice poll result – and also a newly arrived sketch of the custom-made character sheets! Let’s dive in! *** Character Sheets With A Lot Of... (Read More)

Last Chance to Vote in the Poll!

October 14th - via:
Hello friends and terrific trackers of malevolent miscreants! We’re in the project’s very final week, and we’re kicking it off with a quick update about the Backer’s Choice – and also about the last magic item in the compendium. Read on!***... (Read More)

A Mischievous NPC and 1,600 Backers!

October 12th - via:
Hello friends and enterprising experts on curious crimes! This is your weekend update for Murder at the Old Wolf Inn – because what’s a Saturday without a quick peek at another suspect? A rather dull and unsuspicious Saturday, we think! So jump... (Read More)

A Seriously Sinister Shrine!

October 11th - via:
Hello friends and hopeful heroes in terrifying taverns! Here’s a quick Friday update for Murder at the Old Wolf Inn with a sneak peek at an item that’s central to the mysterious murder – so dive in, but don’t show this update to your... (Read More)

A New NPC Portrait and 1,500 Backers!

October 9th - via:
Hello friends and wandering warriors in search of skulking slayers! This is your Wednesday update for Murder at the Old Wolf Inn and we’d like to introduce another suspect – this time, an NPC who might confound the characters more than a... (Read More)

The Maps of the Inn!

October 8th - via:
Hello friends and inquisitive investigators of dreadful deeds! We’re back with a quick update for Murder at the Old Wolf Inn, featuring a sneak peek at the maps for the aforementioned inn. Read on!*** The Scene of the Crime ***First up: A look at... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal Unlocked and a Vintage Wine Bottle!

October 7th - via:
Hello friends and toughened truthseekers in sinister schemes! We’re kicking off this week’s updates with a look at new artwork and the new Backer’s Choice. Let’s venture inside the cosy inn and hear what the bard has to share! *** A... (Read More)

A Surly Troll and an Upcoming Poll!

October 5th - via:
Hello friends and smart seekers of conniving criminals! Here’s your quick Saturday update for Murder at the Old Wolf Inn…and there’s a troll in the contents! Run! Or rather, read on! *** Sour, Savage, and Stony Faced ***We’re delighted to... (Read More)

A Map Video and a Finalised Magic Cloak!

October 4th - via:
Hello friends and shrewd sleuths about to delve into perilous plots! This is a new update about Murder at the Old Wolf Inn because there’s a lot going on right now – so light a candle and wander inside! *** A Cloak Handy for Hiding ***Tove has... (Read More)

Plenty of Poisons and 1,300 backers!

October 2nd - via:
Hello friends and savvy sleuths in poorly illuminated inns! We’re back with a new update featuring a sneak peek at poisons and art-related news. Let’s enter the tavern and find out what’s going on…*** Poisons Galore! ***We’ve finished the... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal Unlocked and an NPC Warrior!

October 1st - via:
Hello friends and seekers of stealthy shadow-dwelling crooks – it’s October 1, so we officially bid you welcome to the spooky season! In today’s update, we’ve got a new NPC to share with you – and the campaign has also unlocked a brand-new... (Read More)

A Cloak for a Cunning Criminal and 1,200 Backers!

September 30th - via:
Hello friends and hunters of hard-to-find criminals! We’re kicking off this week’s first update about Murder at the Old Wolf Inn with alook at a magic item in the making! *** Fashion for Foes ***Here above is Tove’s sketch of a magic item... (Read More)

Sneak Peek: A (Kind Of) Troll Sketch!

September 28th - via:
Hello, all friends and investigations of illicit ill-doings! This is a quick Saturday update about Murder at the Old Wolf Inn, with a recently arrived sketch of a creature that’ll cause trouble for the characters. Dive in! *** They Dwell in... (Read More)

A Hand-Painted Fantasy Map in the Making!

September 27th - via:
Hello friends and excellent explorers of insidious inns! Here’s your Friday update for Murder at the Old Wolf Inn - featuring a first glimpse of an upcoming hand-painted map! Let’s light our lanterns and wander into the contents…*** Wilderness... (Read More)

A Mischievous Amulet and 1,000 Backers!

September 25th - via:
Hello friends and tireless trackers of wily wrongdoers! This is your Wednesday update for Murder at the Old Wolf Inn, featuring a magic amulet and a fanfare for another milestone reached. Read on! *** New Stretch Goal Unlocked!!! ***Yesterday... (Read More)

Backer’s Choice Result Reveal and a Surprise!

September 24th - via:
Hello friends and dauntless delvers into dim dungeons! Here’s a new update for Murder at the Old Wolf Inn – jump in for news about the result of the poll, a snippet of lore, and more!*** Backer’s Choice Result ***The campaign’s first... (Read More)

NPC Portrait Reveal and More Unlocked Stretch Goals!

September 23rd - via:
Hello all friends and finders of fiendish thieves! This is a new update for Murder at the Old Wolf Inn in which we’ve got suspects, stretch goals, ideas and more. Let’s dive in, shall we!*** Suspect #2 ***Meet the second of the suspicious NPCs... (Read More)

A Perilous Potion and Preparing for a Map!

September 21st - via:
Hello friends and seekers of stealthy skulkers! Here’s this week’s last update for Murder at the Old Wolf Inn, in which we talk about potions, paintings and more. Read on!*** Surprising Side Effects ***Thanks so much to Anita for the excellent... (Read More)

Magic Item Ideas and Backer’s Choice Results!

September 20th - via:
Hello friends and patrons of perilous inns! This is your new update for Murder at the Old Wolf Inn, and we’ve got questions and results galore – read on!*** We Got the Potion, We Got the Remedy ***As we mentioned in the last update, we’re... (Read More)

NPC Portrait and Fourth Stretch Goal Unlocked! Gloooong!

September 19th - via:
Hello, friends and experienced explorers of sinister schemes! Here’s your new update for Murder at the Old Wolf Inn, featuring a first look at the suspects. Read on!*** Suspect #1 ***We’ll start with Inga Broadhammer, the innkeeper and owner of... (Read More)

Third Stretch Goal Unlocked! Boom kara-blang! :D

September 18th - via:
Hello, friends and daring investigations in dimly lit inns!*** Third Stretch Goal Unlocked!!! ***Boom kara-blang! That’s (approximately) how it sounded in the tower’s halls when the campaign’s THIRD stretch goal was unlocked – and we’re... (Read More)

Murder at the Old Wolf Inn is Funded!

September 17th - via:
Greetings from the tower, friends new and old!*** We’re Funded! Whoop! Whoop! ***It’s the first day of the Kickstarter for Murder at the Old Wolf Inn, and you helped fund the project quicker than a Winterhold guard can draw their longsword! We... (Read More)

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