The Cave Giant & Sporefolk Guide for 5e
A project in France, France by Mériate Games000days
Funding Successful
A guide all about Cave Giants & Sporefolks for 5e, with lore, stat blocks, magic items and high quality STL files!
Backers: 174
Average Pledge Per Backer: €7
Funded: €1,231 of €250
Dates: Aug 6th -> Sep 5th (30 days)
Project By: Mériate Games
Backers: 174
Average Pledge Per Backer: €7
Funded: €1,231 of €250
Dates: Aug 6th -> Sep 5th (30 days)
Project By: Mériate Games
current pledge level
Last Updated: September 5 @ 08:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
8th Stretch Goal!
September 5th - via:
Howdy Everyone! We just unlocked the last Monster stretch goal, the Bloodcap Firstborn Sporefolk. The third Firstborn of each sporefolk colony, in his eyes there is no middle ground between ally and enemy! Fair winds and following seas to you all!... (Read More)
6th & 7th Stretch Goals!
September 5th - via:
Howdy Everyone! We unlocked two stretch goals in just a day! The Cave Giant Shahrugat's Chosen, a cave giant imbued with the powers of its dark god, and Grook the First Rruk, Shahrugat's Herald, the very cave giant that led the unsuccessful... (Read More)
Fifth Stretch Goal & Projects we love! - Part 7
September 3rd - via:
Howdy Everyone! We just unlocked the Pungentcap Firstborn Sporefolk! In charge of growing food for the colony's countless sporefolks, the Pungentcap Firstborn will stop at nothing to get the job done... Also, here is a project that might interest... (Read More)
Fourth Stretch Goal & Battlemaps
September 2nd - via:
Howdy Everyone! We just unlocked the Pallidcap Firstborn Sporefolk! The very creator of each sporefolk colony, it resides at its center, its immense mushroom castle being literally grown to surround and protect it. I also just finished the two... (Read More)
Stretch Goals change & Projects we love! - Part 6
August 27th - via:
Howdy Everyone! As we approach the last week of the project, there are still several stretch goals that are achievable. So I decided to lower them to try to add as much content as possible to the final PDF! I'm making good progress on the creation... (Read More)
Free Stuff: The Spore War!
August 19th - via:
Howdy Everyone! I know I just published an update yesterday... but I couldn't resist sharing this good news with you. I just added a new content into the Monster Guide PDF: a 2 page long adventure “The Spore War”. This plug & play short... (Read More)
Third Stretch Goal (almost) & Projects we love! - Part 5
August 18th - via:
Howdy Everyone! As we are Sunday, I am fairly confident we will unlock the Cave Giant Stoneback Rruk's Guard by the end of the day! Tasked with protecting the Rruk, the king of the cave giants, they will use their terrifying stone halberds to repel... (Read More)
Second Stretch Goal & Projects we love! - Part 4
August 13th - via:
Howdy Everyone! You just unlocked the Cave Giant Underling Trapper (+1 magic item)! With its stone-like skin, it specialize in ambushes, literally jumping on its unfortunate prey. Then, I just updated some stretch goals, lowering them. I've got a... (Read More)
Projects we love! - Part 3
August 10th - via:
Howdy Everyone! I hope you all enjoy a great week-end! As we are slowly approaching our 3rd stretch goal, the Cave Giant Underling Trapper, I've got two projects that I think will also interest you! Forgotten Chapters IIThe Forgotten Chapters II... (Read More)
First Stretch Goal & Projects we love! - Part 2
August 7th - via:
Howdy Everyone! You already unlocked the Pallidcap Architect (+1 magic item)! In charge of growing the mushroom castle, they can summon giant mushrooms in the middle of combat to hinder the movement of their opponents. Then as usual, I wanted to... (Read More)
THANK YOU & Projects we love! - Part 1
August 6th - via:
Howdy Everyone! Thanks to your amazing support, this Cave Giant & Sporefolk Guide is fully funded within 3 Hours! THANK YOU so much for this amazing start! Then, I wanted to share with you a project that might also interest you! Most Wicked... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!