HOLLYWOOD IS DEAD Coffee Table Art Book

A project in Macomb, MI by Matt Busch

Funding Successful

A collection of Hollywood's most iconic Movie Posters- all painstakingly repainted by hand and Zombified for your viewing pleasure.
Backers: 205
Average Pledge Per Backer: $124

Funded: $25,427 of $13,000
Dates: Oct 31st -> Nov 29th (29 days)
Project By: Matt Busch
zombies +Suggest

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Last Updated: November 29 @ 00:02 -0500 GMT


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Latest News


November 28th - via: kickstarter.com
 HAPPY THANKSGIVING! And I certainly have a lot to be thankful for!  You guys and gals supporting my project beyond what my initial goal was! We are just 8 Hours away from wrapping this up!  So here is where we stand... Shortly after my last... (Read More)


November 24th - via: kickstarter.com
 Hey gang! So it's interesting... For the first 3 weeks of my Kickstarter Campaign, my main image / video cover has been the book amongst a sea of posters.  You've all seen it, probably many times.  I tried to make an image that people would want... (Read More)

HOLLYWOOD IS DEAD "Stretch Goals!"

November 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Hi gang! The campaign continues to chug along! It's been kind of slow moving in the last week, but I'm gearing up to really blow this through the roof as we have...  ONE WEEK LEFT!I have a new video I'm working on that I think you guys will enjoy.... (Read More)

Iconic Posters Get Zombified in Upcoming Book 'Hollywood is Dead'

November 21st - via: fearnet.com
Your coffee table will never be the same again! (Read More)

Hollywood Is Dead Coffee Table Book Coming Your Way Soon

November 19th - via: dreadcentral.com
Renowned artist Matt Busch has not only created artwork for bands like Black Sabbath, Motely Crue and Alice Cooper, but he also has a project called Hollywood Is Dead wherein he recreates classic movie posters zombie style. (Read More)

Zombified movie posters...Hollywood is really dead.

November 19th - via: observationdeck.io9.com
I wanted to share these zombified movie posters from artist Matt Busch, that I thought were pretty cool. Now, I know that zombies and the whole like are a little over saturated currently, but these just look cool and he is putting together a book to showcase them all using a Kickstarter campaign. (Read More)

Dj Grandpa's Crib: Invasion of the Geek Snatchers

DJG lives a dog’s life with Piggy, embarks on a Super Roman Conquest, finds the Kings of Israel in a board game, jams with Nicholas Barron, puzzles APEXICON with Jonathan Meyer, races amazing vehicles with Bullet Bros, and discovers HOLLYWOOD IS DEAD. (Read More)

HOLLYWOOD IS DEAD "Immortalized with the Undead"

November 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Good evening! (It's actually a thunderstorm here at the moment.) (Just the way I like it!) Most of you reading this have already backed the book. THANK YOU! Your support has made this happen. My hope is to reach some Stretch Goals- so I want to keep... (Read More)


November 14th - via: kickstarter.com
To Boldly Go, Where No Man has Gone with Gore!We are exactly half-way through the campaign.  We are successfully funded- the book is happening- thanks to you!  With only 2 weeks left to go, I'm shifting into overdrive. The goal now is to take this... (Read More)

HOLLYWOOD IS DEAD "Successfully Funded!"

November 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Wow!  In 12 days, less than half of the 4 week campaign, it's official: WE ARE SUCCESSFULLY FUNDED! What does that mean? It means the book is happening! You guys made it happen! Thank you all so much!  It means so much to me- to be able to do the... (Read More)

5 Years of Zombified Movie Posters: Collected and Unleashed

November 12th - via: sfscope.com
Artist Matt Busch has just released a crowd-funding campaign for the long-awaited Hollywood is Dead coffee table art book. (Read More)

5 Years Of Zombified Movie Posters: Collected And Unleashed!

November 11th - via: horrorsociety.com
Artist Matt Busch has just released a crowd-funding campaign for the long-awaited Hollywood is Dead coffee table art book. Clocking in at 192 pages, the hardcover book will feature the giant collection of zombified parody movie posters that Busch has illustrated over the past five years, dozens of which have never been seen. The tome will also take a look behind-the-scenes at how the posters are created and feature a gallery of his other zombie-related works for properties like Night of the Living Dead and The Walking Dead. (Read More)

HOLLYWOOD IS DEAD "1 Week In... 2/3 Funded!"

November 8th - via: kickstarter.com
 Hi! We are 1 week into the campaign for Hollywood is Dead and have just passed the 2/3 mark to be successfully funded! That's great! We have 3 weeks left. My hope is to not only be successful, but perhaps to hit some stretch goals and make the... (Read More)

‘Hollywood is Dead’

November 8th - via: paperspecs.com
We’re no great fans of the zombie mania that’s taken over our culture (especially as some of us see the shambling dead daily in our meth-head neighborhood), but this little project really slapped a big ol’ smile across the face. “Hollywood is Dead” is a hardcover coffee-table book of illustrated posters for movies from the ’60s to today, all with a zombie twist. (Read More)

Hollywood Is Dead Artwork Getting A Coffee Table Art Book!

November 7th - via: buyzombie.com
Artist Matt Busch has just released a Kickstarter campaign for the long-awaited Hollywood is Dead coffee table art book. Clocking in at 192 pages, the hardcover book will feature the giant collection of zombified parody movie posters that Busch has illustrated over the past five years, dozens of which have never been seen. The tome will also take a look behind-the-scenes at how the posters are created and feature a gallery of his other zombie-related works for properties likeNight of the Living Dead and The Walking Dead. (Read More)

5 Questions for Matt Busch

November 5th - via: parkablogs.com
In this installment of 5 Questions, we have entertainment illustrator Matt Busch with us. (Read More)

HOLLYWOOD IS DEAD "Whoooa, We're Half-Way There!"

November 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello friends and supporters! I don't normally quote Bon Jovi, but when I do, I'm ready to party like it's 1989! In just 5 days, we have already crossed the half-way point to have the hardcover Hollywood is Dead Coffee Table Art Book successfully... (Read More)

HOLLYWOOD IS DEAD Begins with a Bang!

November 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hello! First and foremost, THANKS SO MUCH to those of you who have already backed the HOLLYWOOD IS DEAD Coffee Table Art Book! I've really enjoyed the Kickstarter process as a backer myself, so to finally be doing one myself on a project that has... (Read More)

Kickstarter Campaign For Hollywood Is Dead Coffee Table Art Book By Matt Busch

November 1st - via: theforce.net
Our good friend Matt Busch is looking to create a cool coffee table book for all of his Hollywood is dead artwork. Matt's redone a bunch of classic movie posters with a zombie theme including Star Wars, Clone Wars, and Indiana Jones! There are great incentives for donations, check the press release below and then click on through to become a part of the movement to make it happen! (Read More)

Hollywood Is Dead Coffee Table Book Kickstarter Project

November 1st - via:
Our great buddy Matt Busch has dropped us a line to tell us about his latest project, a Kickstarter effort to bring to life from the undead the Hollywood Is Dead Coffee Table Book. (Read More)

HOLLYWOOD IS DEAD Cofee Table Art Book

November 1st - via: zombiesandtoys.blogspot.com
Remember our buddy Matt? You know, the dude that makes all of those ridiculously cool, hand-painted, zombified recreations of the movie posters from the biggest and best Hollywood blockbusters? Of course you do! You remember this post, this post, this post, this post, and even this post from ZomBCon when we hung out with Matt up in Seattle. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!