Phantom Ink: Arcana

A project in Hanover, NH by Mary Flanagan

Status: Active

A standalone tarot expansion for the hit séance party game Phantom Ink
Backers: 443
Average Daily Pledges: $1,098
Average Pledge Per Backer: $37

Funding: $16,474 of $7,500
Dates: Jun 12th -> Jul 11th (30 days)
Project By: Mary Flanagan
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Latest News

Streams This Week

June 24th - via:
Dear mediums, Thank you so much for bringing us to 200% funded (and beyond)!  A few wonderful creators are streaming games of Phantom Ink: Arcana this week, so now's an excellent opportunity to see the game in action! Phantom Ink: Arcana... (Read More)

Kickstarter Preview: Phantom Ink Arcana Conjures Up New Play Options For Spooky Party Game

June 24th - via:
I felt a cold spot when I went near the door of my apartment the other day, and when I went to investigate a sudden wind blew the door back and revealed a box from Resonym Games. Upon opening I discovered Phantom Ink: Arcana, the stand-alone new expansion to the original Phantom Ink that was easily one of my favorite party games of the past few years. I’d clearly summoned up a preview copy of the game and, lest I anger the spirits, I think It’s best I dig right in to see just what the team at Resonym had brought to Kickstarter from beyond the veil. (Read More)

Giant Window Cling Phantom Ink Boards!

June 20th - via:
Dear mediums, New Addon!When we bring Phantom Ink to conventions, the most frequent question we're asked is "Where can I get the giant version?"  Well we've found a way to bring this to you! I'm excited to be able to offer a giant (18x24 inch) vinyl... (Read More)

Play Arcana With Us Tomorrow!

June 17th - via:
Dear mediums, Thank you all for a fantastically successful first week! We're cruising towards 200% funded while we cook up some special announcement for you all!  Upcoming EventsA quick reminder that Max is going to be playing Phantom Ink: Arcana... (Read More)

Project We Love

June 14th - via:
48 Hours InWe're just about 2 days into the campaign, and Kickstarter made Phantom Ink: Arcana a "Project We Love." Thank you so much for believing in this game, Kickstarter team! Upcoming EventsJoin us for playtests and streams in the coming weeks!... (Read More)

Fully Funded Day 1!

June 12th - via:
Dear mediums, Thank you all so much for supporting Phantom Ink: Arcana on the first day, and getting us to our funding goal!  We will be able to make this game for you, seriously I cannot thank you enough! Updates!Over the next few weeks I'll be... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!