Maritime Music Directory International
A project in Milwaukee, WI by Organic Arts000days
Funding Successful
Professional, maritime-themed musicians want to create a web directory listing performers, festivals, music and news of sea music.
Backers: 102
Average Pledge Per Backer: $71
Funded: $7,262 of $6,000
Dates: Mar 20th -> May 19th (60 days)
Project By: Organic Arts
Backers: 102
Average Pledge Per Backer: $71
Funded: $7,262 of $6,000
Dates: Mar 20th -> May 19th (60 days)
Project By: Organic Arts
current pledge level
Last Updated: May 19 @ 23:12 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
The Maritime Music Directory countdown is down to "remaining hours"!
May 17th - via:
The pandemic popularity of maritime music will continue and will evolve as it has for decades. People have been singing about the sea and the life surrounding it since humans began working in and around the water. The Maritime Music Directory... (Read More)
Smooth Sailing to the Finish Line!
May 10th - via:
Ahoy mates! As of this writing (Tuesday, May 10, 2022) we have just nine days to go in this Kickstarter campaign. While we have technically reached our $6,000 goal you have to keep in mind that when we set that figure it was the bare minimum we... (Read More)
We made our minimum goal - with days to spare!
May 2nd - via:
It's a Musical Celebration! We set out to raise $6,000 to fund the creation of the Maritime Music Directory International in 60 days! We received committments from the community with about 15 days to spare! But we cannot stop there - this... (Read More)
75% toward our goal with just 22 days to go!
April 27th - via:
all-hands-on-deck adjective Miriam-Webster Definition of all-hands-on-deck: Relating to, or being a situation in which every available person is needed or called to assist. Example from the days of sail: a cry or signal used on... (Read More)
We need to really PUSH now to make our goal with the Maritime Music Directory International!
April 19th - via:
Hi folks - this is Dean. We are coming along here in the last half of this Kickstarter campaign. The MMDI has about 50 backers and we're slightly over halfway to our $6,000 goal to make the Maritime Music Directory International a reality.... (Read More)
Tacking into the Halfway Point!
April 11th - via:
At a little under 40 days remaining to our Kickstarter campaign we are a little under halfway to our $6,000.00 goal. These funds are strictly to pay for the development of the actual website (paying "Code Monkey" for his work) and the attendant... (Read More)
Well, shiver me timbers - we're 33% on the way to our goal!
April 4th - via:
We are very proud to point out that we're one-third of the way to our goal number to launch this web site! Please continue to pass along information about this kickstarter to all of your shanty-loving friends, your local event organizers, your... (Read More)
Progress on our database development!
March 28th - via:
During a recent video conference with our primary web programmer, whom I've taken to calling Code Monkey, he was blathering on about Shadow DOM, transporting JSON and the Argonauts to render Golden Nodes. It's very hard keeping up with whatever he's... (Read More)
MMDI Enhanced Reward Levels Added!
March 22nd - via:
On the advice of a friend in a maritime themed band whose name is NOT the Rolly Jogers of Cansas Kity we have added some things to our reward levels, including an official Maritime Music Directory T-Shirt! Official Maritime Music Directory T-Shirt... (Read More)
Our sights are set and we're underway!
March 21st - via:
We are on our way to this new website that will be a focal point for all things maritime music! We have a number of followers on our Facebook page already and we've made good progress on our funding goal! We did hit a little rough water today!... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!