The Official Role-Playing Game of the PLANET OF THE APES

A project in Chicago, IL by Magnetic Press Play

Status: Active

Return to the world where Apes rule over a dwindling human population in the official PLANET OF THE APES RPG.
Backers: 1322
Average Daily Pledges: $14,007
Average Pledge Per Backer: $170

Funding: $224,112 of $15,000
Dates: Jun 11th -> Jul 12th (32 days)
Project By: Magnetic Press Play
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Latest News

Quickstart Guide and more!

June 25th - via:
Hi, everyone!Exciting news – as promised in the last update, we have something big for you...  The Quickstart Guide is now available for download (for... (Read More)

Weekend Update - Community Channels, Questions answered, Team Spotlights, and more!

June 22nd - via:
Hi, everyone! We hope you had a great week – things have been busy here! We’re getting a ton of stuff prepared for the next 3 weeks, and we promise more frequent informational updates starting next week. Gameplay Features, Team Member spotlights,... (Read More)

A quick note about the PSI Level package - now more complete!

June 18th - via:
Hi everyone! Hope your week is off to a great start. We just wanted to post a quick update spotlighting the new "PSI (redux)" tier package that you may have noticed added to the page. We realized after launch that the item list for that tier had left... (Read More)

The Planet of the Apes TTRPG is already six stretch goals in

June 18th - via:
Magnetic Press Play, publishers of Carbon Grey and rejuivinators of West End Games’ D6 System, have landed a remarkable TTRPG license Planet of the Apes. The campaign just raised $200,000, well above the asking target, and is six stretch goals in. You can see progress on Kickstarter. (Read More)

Weekend Update - Off to an exciting start!

June 16th - via:
Hi, everyone! We're here with our first Weekend Update, the first of regular reports that we'll post on Saturdays or Sundays moving forward through the campaign. While we'll do our best to respond to comments, questions, and messages as promptly as... (Read More)

Planet of the Apes RPG Passes 1000% Kickstarter Funding

June 14th - via:
Magnetic Press Play is in the midst of a very successful Kickstarter to fund Planet of the Apes: The Role-Playing Game. The game is built on the classic West End Games D6 system and is set in the world of the classic Charlton Heston films of the 1970s. The project is past the 1000% funding mark already and you can score the hardcover rulebook, adventure box, and PDF for a $99.00 pledge or grab just the PDFs alone for a $60.00 pledge through July 12 with an expected delivery this September. (Read More)

What a wonderful first day!

June 12th - via:
Hi, everyone!Thanks for joining our PLANET OF THE APES RPG launch event! We’re very excited to welcome you aboard. We’ve been working on this special project for quite some time, and we can’t wait to get it in your hands! This has been a... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!