Luminous Lore, 5e Setting Guide & Supplement to Dream Magic

A project in Adelaide, AU by Anthony Christou

Status: Active

Luminous Ages 300-Page Setting, New Dream Art Magic Spells & Items, 5E Monsters, Cities & More. Launching June 3rd. (6:30 PM EST)
Backers: 441
Average Daily Pledges: $2,125 AUD
Average Pledge Per Backer: $116 AUD

Funding: $50,997 AUD of $20,000 AUD
Dates: Jun 3rd -> Jul 3rd (31 days)
Project By: Anthony Christou
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$50,997 AUD

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Last Updated: 42 minutes ago


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$65,871 AUD

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of goal

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Latest News

5th Stretch goal SMASHED!

June 25th - via:
The 5th Stretch goal is smashed and voting is inThanks to everyone's amazing support we have reached 50k (AUD) and smashed another stretch goal. This means another location will be added to Luminous Lore, based on the vote Nerostrios is the winner,... (Read More)

We have unlocked another stretch goal and it is voting time again!

June 24th - via:
Wicked another stretch goal unlocked! VOTE ON THE CITY We have now hit over $47,000 and are almost at $50,000. Also what is amazing we are now so close to unlocking one of the cities. I am going to let you vote on which city that we unlock at the... (Read More)

Subclass Revealed almost at $45k

June 19th - via:
Well Here is one of the subclasses revealed! The subclass of the Fysiki (Nature) Paladin, thanks to Nathan Leuth a Canadian artist I am friends with who was kind enough to get this art done on time so we can release this for Kickstarter. This is... (Read More)

Another Stretch Goal is Unlocked Woohoo!

June 15th - via:
Stretch goal unlockedWoohoo thank you all so much we have unlocked another stretch goal how amazing. The next stretch goal is 5 bonus Dream Artefacts. I am just working out with my team what is the next stretch goals based on your votes it will be... (Read More)

The votes are in! Friday

June 14th - via:
Thank you for the votes So it seems that the highest-voted stretch goal was for us to include another one of the cities. We will be integrating that into the next round of stretch goals once we get past the $45k mark well inform whats happening but I... (Read More)

Two stretch goals and Voting on how to improve the book!

June 10th - via:
Another Stretch Goal unlocked! Woohoo! I am so excited that we have unlocked another stretch goal and I want to thank you all for being onboard. I have taken your feedback and applied it on the announcement of the next two stretch goals at $40 and... (Read More)

First Stretchgoals unlocked~! VOTING TIME!

June 6th - via:
DRUID Luminary Sculpturis & Gold Eding unlockedFantastic news due to the amazing support of you as fans we have now unlocked the bonus Druid Subclass and not only that the Gold Edging on the hardcover book so it looks fancy.Words cannot express... (Read More)

FUNDED in 15 hours! You ROCK!!

June 4th - via:
Thank you!!Thank you so much to everyone who's already joined the project. I'm blown away by your support and am so grateful. What's next?We're less than $5k away from reaching our first stretch goal. And we're really looking forward to introducing... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!