The Corgi Ita Bag 2.0
A project in Madison, WI by Lizombie000days
Funding Successful
current pledge level
Last Updated: October 15 @ 13:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
We did it!
October 15th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
Fourth Stretchgoal - Black Brindle Colorway: UNLOCKED
October 15th - via:
We are down to the last and final hour of this kickstarter campaign and literally only dollars away from 20k so I went ahead and unlocked this colorway! I don't think we have enough time to unlock the 5th stretchgoal for the thumbgrips but don't... (Read More)
Third Stretchgoal - Tuxedo Kitty: UNLOCKED
October 14th - via:
Kitty bag and freebie kitty pin have been unlocked! WHOO! I know a ton of people were excited for the kitty option so I'm real happy to say it's going to be made We're winding down to almost the last 24 hours but there is still 1 more colorway that... (Read More)
Second Stretchgoal - Merle Colorway: UNLOCKED
October 12th - via:
Last night we unlocked the Merle colorway! Look at that spotted cute baby, I'm so thrilled we get to make him. We only have a few days left and 1.9k to go to unlock the next stretchgoal - the tuxedo kitty colorway. This bag once unlocked will also... (Read More)
First stretchgoal - TriColor Colorway: UNLOCKED
October 7th - via:
oh gosh, we unlocked our first stretchgoal colorway. I know a ton of you were excited about the tricolor version and I'm so happy we unlocked it! ;0; ty so much for the support!! We are now only 2k away from unlocking the Merle colorway! (Read More)
But Liz, what *are* the thumbgrips stretchgoal??
October 5th - via:
The corgi thumbgrips was a collab project I did with Succulent Scribbles (@SucScrib on twitter)! We already got the samples made and they're SO cute. Essentially, these are little covers for your thumb pads on your switch joycons - however with a... (Read More)
We did it, we got to 100%!!!! NOW... stretchgoals?
October 4th - via:
YAY! I'M SO HAPPY I get to share these bags with you! But we are just getting started -- there's a lot more we can have if we raise enough money! Our next goal is the Tricolor bag at 14K - we are currently 2.5K away from unlocking it but I believe we... (Read More)
Adding a second optional freebie pin variant!
September 30th - via:
You'll now be able to choose between the original freebie pin with this new tricolor variant with your bag or pin pledge! If you want to have both, just simply add an "enamel pin" add-on to your pledge or an additional $10. (Read More)
New freebie for all shippable pledges!
September 29th - via:
All pledges that have product shipping to them will get these free 3" vinyl stickers ^^ (Read More)
"How do I add more than one bundle to my pledge?"
September 25th - via:
Hello! I've gotten this question a couple of times and just wanted to address it here. You can add additional bundle deals to your pledge one of two ways: 1/ with the add-on feature kickstarter uses, add an additonal ita-bag, plush bag, and wallet to... (Read More)
Discord Invite
September 21st - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!