A project in Sydney, AU by Laidback Dungeon Master

Funding Successful

2 Shotglass Adventure PDF Oneshots for 4 Bucks (AU)! DnD 5e & OSR adventure, Gridded & Ungridded Maps, 5e/1e Monsters & Magic Items!
Backers: 251
Average Pledge Per Backer: $10 AUD

Funded: $2,600 AUD of $500 AUD
Dates: May 21st -> Jun 5th (15 days)
Project By: Laidback Dungeon Master
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$2,600 AUD

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Last Updated: June 5 @ 21:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

3rd Stretch Goal Falls!

June 3rd - via:
Hi all, The 3rd Stretch Goal has fallen and new pages and art have been added to the Las Staand supplement! This time it's a page of random Shops and Stalls, complete with shop sellers, shop names, and new weapons, foods and beverages - all with an... (Read More)

Murder & Stuff...

June 2nd - via:
Hi all, As you know, one of the adventures in this Kickstarter features a murder to be solved. The town speaker of Las Staand has been killed, and it's up to the PCs to find out who did it. There's an array of potential suspects, and a lovely "clues"... (Read More)

Another Map Preview!

May 31st - via:
Hi all, Here's a portion of the map from All in the Family, the vampiri fortress of Traalonium Lord Ar'Ma'Th. The PCs must infiltrate the fortress and find the missing Cross of Irony, a vampiri artifact that (ironically) can save the Underwold... (Read More)

Las Staand Map Preview!

May 30th - via:
Hi all,  Thought you might like a little look at a section of the map of the Underwold Derthlands town of Las Staand, featured in the Las Staand town supplement and the adventure Dead in Las Staand!  The great thing about this town map is it... (Read More)

More New Art!

May 29th - via:
Hi all, I readily admit I'm an okay artist - not a great artist, but an okay one. Here's a preview of some new weapons I drew for the next stretch goal, which features a bunch of new Underwold weapons, foods and beverages, each with special... (Read More)

2nd Stretch Goal Down!!

May 28th - via:
Hi all, The 2nd Stretch Goal has fallen, and it's 2 new Underwold lineages - the Trollster and the Sh'Ru'Ki - added to to the Las Staand supplement! The cool thing about these lineages (aside from being usable in any 5e setting) is that they come... (Read More)

Some Cool Art? Or A Hand Drawn Travesty?!

May 28th - via:
Hi all, Thought I'd show you the cool new art I drew and painted for the two new playable lineages I'll be adding to the Las Staand town supplement once we unlock the Stretch Goal! These are the Trollster and Sh'Ru'Ki lineages, who are a fairly... (Read More)

This is Madness! When Will It Stop?!

May 27th - via:
Hi all,  Sorry for the clickbaity headline - it's not quite mad, but I had to get your attention somehow, didn't I lol.  I like to draw maps and I often post map-drawing YouTube videos. My latest one features a cool dungeon isometric map. If you're... (Read More)

Books for Shelves! And maps...

May 26th - via:
Hi all, I don't normally announce these things (other than on my website, screaming on social media, telling my mum, etc. lol), but I just released a new book. A new book, you say? And what, pray tell is in this book? I'm glad you asked (even if you... (Read More)

FiveE Magazine is FREE in PDF and PRINT!

May 25th - via:
Hi all, FiveE Magazine is an annual periodical dedicated to content for the World’s Most Popular Fantasy Role Playing Game! Issue 3 contains 70 pages of amazing content, gorgeous art, free maps, new monsters, new magic items, a new lineage, a... (Read More)

Routinely Itemised: RPGs #258

May 25th - via:
It’s a bank holiday weekend here in the UK, and next week there’s UK Games Expo. Geek Native will be spending — me! Say hi. (Read More)

1st Stretch Goal Unlocked!

May 24th - via:
Hi all, Yeah!! 1st Stretch Goal down (of many, I hope lol).  As promised in my last update, this is Las Staand, an Underwold (yes, that's spelled correctly) town supplement with factions, lore, maps and monster stats for 5e/1e/OSR! Las Staand is the... (Read More)


May 23rd - via:
Hi all,  You might not know this, but I have a website where I sometimes give away free stuff. It so happens I just posted a free, hand drawn, non-commercial usage map. You can get it here: Free Map: Spider Caves! – Laidback DM:... (Read More)


May 22nd - via:
Hi all! SHOTGLASS ADVENTURES: 2 X 2 has achieved its funding target! And that means we get to unlock some stretch goals. The first is a town supplement, including factions, lore, maps, NPC stats for 5e/1e/OSR. And if we keep going, I hope to add a... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!