MAPS FOR FANTASY RPGs Workbook 2 - Softcover Book of Maps!

A project in Sydney, AU by Laidback Dungeon Master

Status: Active

Book with 20 hand-drawn, full color maps, with space to write notes and stock your dungeons! DnD 5e OSR OSE D&D Pathfinder Runequest
Backers: 33
Average Daily Pledges: $111 AUD
Average Pledge Per Backer: $44 AUD

Funding: $1,440 AUD of $500 AUD
Dates: Jun 18th -> Jul 3rd (15 days)
Project By: Laidback Dungeon Master
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$1,440 AUD

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Last Updated: 17 minutes ago


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$1,772 AUD

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Success! Thank You!

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