KITORI ACADEMY - A magical life sim of a wizard apprentice

A project in London, UK by Cubenary

Funding Successful

Spend joyful days on whimsical story-quests, mixing potions, casting spells, crafting, chilling with your cat and tending your garden.
Backers: 2470
Average Pledge Per Backer: £33

Funded: £82,451 of £29,750
Dates: Feb 8th -> Mar 10th (31 days)
Project By: Cubenary
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Last Updated: March 10 @ 15:04 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Kitori Academy is like an indie Hogwarts Legacy but with more cats

May 30th - via:
During their time at Kitori Academy, players will train their magical skills, learn how to brew potions, grow vegetables, cast spells, and more. All with their very own "spirit companion" - an adorable cat friend - by their side. (Read More)

And that is a wrap, everyone!🙂

March 10th - via:
I can't believe this; we are 2470 Backers! We reached almost all stretch goals, and we couldn't be happier! We, Catinci and Bee, want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts.    We reached all these stretch goals! 🦋What happens next? Initial... (Read More)

🍄The last 24 hours have begun!🍄

March 9th - via:
Our team of 2 can't thank you enough for your incredible support🙏 . This is the last chance to reach that last stretch goal before this journey is over. It would be incredible if we could include the Magical Creatures Ranch in the game! I hope you... (Read More)

We got the broom flying stretch goal! 🧹

March 8th - via:
It's all thanks to you. 🥰 You've helped us to reach the anticipated broom flying feature! And we got it!! You all will be able to fly all over the beautiful Kitori Valley that surrounds the academy 🏕️. Time to reveal the last stretch goal... (Read More)

The last 48 hours of Kickstarter are here!

March 8th - via:
Hi, wonderful Kitori Community 🥰! First of all, thank you very much to all of you who believe in Kitori Academy and especially our small team. We are so close to getting to the next stretch goal, broom flying. I am sure we will get there in the... (Read More)

The crop contest winner!🌿

March 5th - via:
Happy Saturday, everyone😀! First of all, thank you, incredible community; you really made us smile with all your crop entries.🥰 We ended up with 44 different entries on Discord, Twitter and Instagram! We told you, the most important thing... (Read More)

🌻Last chance to submit your fantastical crop entry!

March 1st - via:
Thank all who submitted your entry; we have more than 30 😄! Don't worry; there is still time to have a chance to make your creation part of Kitori Academy. The fantastical crop contest closes on March 2, 11:00 PM Pacific Time (PT) (March 2,  7:00... (Read More)

Presenting... Best friend's familiar: Raven! 🐦

February 26th - via:
Good Saturday everyone! We want to introduce you to this cheeky raven! As you know, in the academy live other apprentices, and you will be able to become best friends with 8 possible ones. You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content.... (Read More)

Kitori Academy is Making Some Magic on Kickstarter

February 26th - via:
Kitori Academy is a magical life sim that lets you enjoy being a wizard apprentice, spending joyful days on whimsical quests, mixing potions, casting spells and more. You also get a cat companion! The game is currently going through the Kickstarter campaign where it already gathered enough funds to complete its main goal and moved onto stretch goals. (Read More)

There is still time to submit your Fantastical Crop entry!🌿

February 23rd - via:
Happy Tuesday, everyone🤗! Last week we opened a contest to test how creative you are, as today we have more than 20 different ones! You've been sharing your creations on Twitter, Instagram and Discord and let me tell you, and it's not going to be... (Read More)

Have we just reached the fruit dragon stretch goal? YEEES!🐉

February 21st - via:
Hi future apprentices 🧙! What a fantastic way of starting this new week, reaching another stretch goal, the fruit dragons!!! We will add these colourful and small dragons who love to hoard fruit and live in your garden. Inviting them to your... (Read More)

Announcing... very special witch hat!👒

February 19th - via:
Good day wizards🧙‍♀️! I can't believe we are more than 1 week in the Kickstarter, and we are so close to reaching our 3rd stretch goal, the fruit dragons and revealing the next one... You again played the guessing game with the next stretch... (Read More)

🌿Contest Alert: Design your own fantastical crop🌿

February 15th - via:
Good morning apprentices! We have something exciting to share with your today, a contest! Would you like to design a fantastical crop that will be added in the game? Well now it's your chance! You don't have to create a master piece, a coloured... (Read More)

✨ Second stretch goal smashed! Let's go for the next one!✨

February 14th - via:
Happy Monday, apprentices! It's a veeery happy day for us; we've reached the second stretch goal, which means we are more than 150% Funded!  We have the magical infirmary! Treat other apprentices and familiars. from mild affections produced by a... (Read More)

✨We've reached the first stretch goal, Cat accessories reached✨

February 10th - via:
We are so happy 🥰; we've reached the first stretch goal! You will be able to customize your adorable cat companion even more. We are thinking fancy hats, collars and maybe wings!   It would be amazing to reach the second stretch goal fast, and... (Read More)

We did it!! 100% funded 🥳 - Announcing.... stretch goals!

February 10th - via:
This is incredible! We woke up this morning with fantastic news; we've reached our goal! Thank you so much again; we couldn't do it without this fantastic community growing little by little. And now what you've all been waiting for, our first 2... (Read More)

More than 80% Funded in the first 24 hours!

February 9th - via:
Welcome to this very first update, wizards! We are more than 80% funded and 736 wizard apprentices sharing this magical journey together ^^ We want to thank you for all the kind comments you've sent us on Twitter, Discord, Youtube... We are thrilled... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!