Kingdoms of Akandia "The Seven Realms"
A project in Dusseldorf, Germany by Florian Molzahn_KoA_Studios000days
Cancelled by Creator
FULL-coop and open world adventure (1-4 players). Mighty group abilities, crafting, supply chains, progressive experience & much more!
Backers: 237
Average Pledge Per Backer: €144
Funded: €34,137 of €62,000
Dates: Apr 18th -> May 8th (20 days)
Project By: Florian Molzahn_KoA_Studios
Backers: 237
Average Pledge Per Backer: €144
Funded: €34,137 of €62,000
Dates: Apr 18th -> May 8th (20 days)
Project By: Florian Molzahn_KoA_Studios
current pledge level
Last Updated: April 24 @ 08:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
A LOT OF Questions & Answers and the MOST IMPORTANT Survey
April 23rd - via:
Hello SPARKS! Last days we got a lot of questions and we want to bring them all together AND we have an important "anonymous" survey for you about KOA and your wishes. We will start with the survey :) From the first campaign till now, we are always... (Read More)
Destiny Cards: Funny/strange ones, Merchant ships at the port, Eternal Storm, Resources, more Action points and many more
April 22nd - via:
We want to take this moment to give you an impression of the Destiny Cards. There are many different influences that can affect every game round. This is because a new Destiny Card is drawn every round. So...every game play is different...only... (Read More)
1# Stretchgoal unlocked
April 22nd - via:
Hello SPARKS! Currently we did not fund, BUT...we want to unlock the first stretchgoal as a gift to all of you, who are on our side in this adventure called campaign :) THANK YOU!!! Shebara "the Battle Monk" She is coming with her mount "Scorpion",... (Read More)
Tower Defense and Story
April 20th - via:
Hello SPARKS! First of all...THANK YOU for your support!!! Currently we have 52% and still one day of EarlyBird and 18 days to go. Let us stay on the track and bring KOA to your table!!! Now we want to point out two questions which are very important... (Read More)
A personal interview with Bier & Brezel (German Reviewer)
April 19th - via:
Hello SPARKS! Last week Florian had an interview with Tobi from Bier & Brezel Tabletop. A very nice guy. By the way...Tobi was our first reviewer who talked about our game last year. Now, Tobi invited us to simply talk about the path of KOA with... (Read More)
THANK YOU and some notes
April 18th - via:
Hello SPARKS! Thank you! Not everyone of you knows that this is our relaunch. After 11 months of bringing Kingdoms of Akandia to a next level we changed 100% of the design and optimized gameplay and combat system. You gave us a lot of ideas and we... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!