Six Forms – A Chess-Style TCG for Competitive Players
A project in Greenville, SC by Kevin Dees000days
Cancelled by Creator
A “chess style” trading card game for players with a competitive spirit and desire for evocative high-fantasy art. *KS Exclusive Cards*
Backers: 193
Average Pledge Per Backer: $189
Funded: $36,521 of $11,992
Dates: Mar 19th -> Apr 16th (28 days)
Project By: Kevin Dees
Backers: 193
Average Pledge Per Backer: $189
Funded: $36,521 of $11,992
Dates: Mar 19th -> Apr 16th (28 days)
Project By: Kevin Dees
current pledge level
Last Updated: April 15 @ 13:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
For Long-Term Success
April 15th - via:
My priority as the founder of Six Forms is to ensure that Six Forms will be here for the long-term so that we all can enjoy it. To do this, I must critically analyze the current state of Six Forms and the TCG landscape as it is today, not how it was... (Read More)
Beckett Grading Partnership ✨
April 11th - via:
A few days ago, Beckett reached out to us about forming a relationship and becoming the first grading partner for Six Forms. We had a great call with Beckett today and shipped our Six Forms prototype decks to Beckett to begin the process of getting... (Read More)
New Six Forms Stretch Goals 🎉
April 11th - via:
Hey everyone! We have several exciting updates to share The first update is our latest revision to stretch goals. We think you will love them ❤️ (Read More)
How Do You Get A Friend To Play An Indie TCG?
April 9th - via:
We know getting a friend to play an indie game is difficult, so we're working hard to make player onboarding best-in-class for Six Form. Because Six Forms has not yet been released, we see Tabletop Simulator as a first step in the onboarding... (Read More)
Massive Tabletop Simulator Integration Improvements
April 7th - via:
Hey everyone, thanks again for supporting the indie game development of Six Forms. We have been improving our TTS integration this week and want to share our progress. Here is what we have done: Improved the card database search. Improved the deck... (Read More)
Babysitting Mana & How the Energy Cube Was Born
April 5th - via:
From the beginning, a core Six Forms game mechanic was to incorporate a resource system that players would use to play cards. Having only played Yu-Gi-Oh, from 2000-2005, I thought my idea was somewhat original for a TCG. It was not until many years... (Read More)
Mid Campaign Status Update
April 3rd - via:
Hey everyone 👋, It has been a fantastic week for Six Forms! Again, thank you so much for your support. Over 250% funded! We are working on several behind-the-scenes items that you should know about. We are in conversation with Beckett... (Read More)
Card Lore: "Tenacious Troll" by Travis M. Blair
April 1st - via:
Our story begins with an unlikely narrator, a tenacious troll, whose face is unable to hide a smirk and whose axe is becoming ever more threatening. Sorry, bandits sure are losing their gusto! They must've seen me, thought about how dim we trolls all... (Read More)
The Magic of OP Cards 💥
March 30th - via:
Imagine playing chess without the queen. Sound fun? How about with only queens? Sound fun? No, and no. The correct ratio of overpowered (OP) units in chess makes the game challenging and explosive. With the wrong ratio, you might think you are... (Read More)
How Six Forms Is Chess-Like
March 29th - via:
Six Forms is not chess. It is a game of its own, but we call it chess-style, not for its tactical nature or because of the grid; we call it chess-style for a few reasons: You move cards by arrow, much like a bishop or rook on the gird-based board.... (Read More)
Stretch Goal Card Design #2 and #3
March 28th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
Serialized Card Unlocked! 🎉
March 28th - via:
You did it! You hit your next stretch goal for the Serialized Card! 🤩🎉 Thank you so much! You are all amazing! Now, for the good stuff, all backers at the "Essence Pack" level and higher pledges will get one serialized card. The serialized card... (Read More)
Artist Interview with Illustrator Veronica O'Neill
March 27th - via:
This is a written interview with Veronica O'Neill. Based in Sydney, Australia, Veronica works as a professional illustrator and concept artist across multiple industries. Veronica has worked with MCDM, Illumicrate, Chaosium, Storytellers Forge, SMG... (Read More)
Full Card Database Unlocked
March 27th - via:
We have many exciting announcements for today! First, you can now view all of the cards for the set except the hidden rarity cards. Follow this link to see the card database! Artist InterviewWe are publishing another artist interview with Veronica... (Read More)
Stretch Goal Update Voting. Uncut Sheets.
March 25th - via:
Hey everyone, you have been holding strong. Thank you so much for continuing to support Six Forms! We just heard back from manufacturing, and we have some awesome news! Immortal Backers are getting 4 foil uncut sheets. We can decide on the new... (Read More)
Etherial Card Previews 👀
March 25th - via:
Happy Monday, everyone! Today, we are starting with a preview of 12 Etherial cards. We will have several previews this week for the other Forms. Six Forms has over 250 unique cards in the first set, so we have many more cards to explore. As an indie... (Read More)
Weekend Six Forms Update. A MUST Read 🎉
March 23rd - via:
Wow! It has not even been one week, and your accomplishments are stunning! You trusted us, you backed us, and it is paying off! Six Forms is almost 200% funded. Nearly 100 of you are backing us. 2 of you are immortal backers! You have already hit... (Read More)
Stretch Goal Card Design #1
March 23rd - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
Artist Interview with Illustrator Michael Katchan
March 22nd - via:
Before we start the design process for your first stretch goal card — which we are super excited about — we have another interview ready for you. This is a written interview with Michael Katchan. Based in Denmark, Michael is a freelance... (Read More)
Artist Interview with Illustrator Dean Spencer
March 21st - via:
This is a written interview with Dean Spencer, a freelance illustrator based in Tonbridge, England. He specializes in fantasy and sci-fi art. We are honored to have Dean's artwork featured in Six Forms' first set, Search for Power. Without Dean's art... (Read More)
Zack's Six Forms Playtesting Review
March 21st - via:
Here is Zack's review of Six Forms from a few months ago (pre-alpha/alpha), BEFORE we put on any finishing touches... who would love to see those alpha cards? Let us know in the comments! Our highlights of his review are "It a comfortable 9/10. I'm... (Read More)
You Did It! 🤩 You Hit the First Stretch Goal!
March 21st - via:
You have already hit the first stretch goal within three days! It is again an honor to have you all as backers and fellow journeyers with us in our pursuit of making Six Forms a reality. This is an incredible day! Our first stretch goal is not just... (Read More)
30 Failures and Delayed Dreams
March 20th - via:
We have all experienced it, dashed and delayed dreams. It can be hard to see through the fog. Six Forms took 18 years to get here. We failed over 30 times to get here. These are the original 2006 Six Forms cards cut from poster board on a friend's... (Read More)
Exclusive Gameplay Only Found in Six Forms
March 20th - via:
Discover the exciting and exclusive game mechanics found in Six Forms. Grid-based games often leave you casing your opponent around, or wishing you had just played Magic. We felt this, too, when we were making Six Forms. We playtested for years on... (Read More)
Artist Interview with Illustrator Anato Finnstark
March 20th - via:
This is a written interview with Anato Finnstark. Anato is a professional illustrator, concept artist, and art director based in France. Anato's work has been featured in Magic the Gathering and many others. We are honored to have Anato's artwork... (Read More)
The 24-Hour Mark! What is Next?
March 20th - via:
It has been an incredible 24 hours for Six Forms 🎉! Thanks to you, we are now 157% funded! And we have almost reached our first stretch goal of $20,000! We heard from so many of you yesterday. We felt so much love and support! Further, we would... (Read More)
Artist Interview with Illustrator Luca Finotto
March 19th - via:
This is a written interview with Luca Finotto, a freelance illustrator and concept artist based in Turin, Italy. Luca's artwork was first debuted in Six Forms with his Energy Cube card illustration. We are honored to have Luca's artwork featured in... (Read More)
We are fully funded! 🎉 Lets celebrate and keep accelerating!
March 19th - via:
Thanks to all of you, our amazing backers, we have been funded in only 6 hours! It has been a true honor to bring this game to you and experience it. You return it with such enthusiasm and love. Again, Thank you all! 🎉 Now that you have funded Six... (Read More)
Six Forms Launches!
March 19th - via:
Thank you so much for your support only a few hours into the launch! We have already crossed the 50% funding mark and are quickly approaching our 100% funding goal. Without you, Six Forms would not have been possible! Today is an active day. Our... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!