Galactic Racers

A project in Birmingham, UK by Kathy Millatt Limited

Status: Active

3D printable galactic racers, miniatures and terrain STLs for sci fi 28mm - 40mm tabletop games, wargames and RPG
Backers: 144
Average Daily Pledges: £453
Average Pledge Per Backer: £41

Funding: £5,886 of £1,000
Dates: Jun 18th -> Jul 11th (24 days)
Project By: Kathy Millatt Limited
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Latest News

A First Look at the Race Game

June 28th - via:
What would Galactic Racers be good for without the chance to use them in a race? Well, they would look good on your shelves for sure as Kathy did a really good job designing them, but the real fun (after printing and painting) will be gaming with... (Read More)

Another Stretch Goal unlocked

June 27th - via:
Thank you everyone for unlocking another stretch goal - I am so excited by all your support! This design took forever though - the sand texture slows Blender down so much and I wasn't at all happy with the print orientations and fit at first.  Many... (Read More)

Another Stretch Goal unlocked - Pit Stop Bases

June 23rd - via:
I am so excited that we have unlocked another stretch goal - pit stop bases. These are another option for the racers and minis to fit on.  I did wake up at 4:52 this morning thinking that the gap between Adika and the tall equipment may be too close... (Read More)

Another Stretch Goal unlocked - small cloaked thieves!

June 20th - via:
We've unlocked another stretch goal - three additional poses for the small thieves.  The fourth is available as a free gift if you sign up to the newsletter: This guy is the free gift and he's already making off with an important part of someone's... (Read More)

Another Stretch Goal Unlocked - Marker Rocks with Small Flags

June 19th - via:
I have a confession to make.  I love my little droids with their flags in the core minis set but the flags can overbalance them a little unless you weight the bases, a lot. So I decided to design some smaller flags - which also print in FDM as they... (Read More)

We're Funded!

June 18th - via:
Thank you so much for your early support!  We've made the funding level and unlocked the first stretch goal - Rocky Bases This is the racer base: Plus mini bases in a holder: Don't forget there are social stretch goals as well as funding ones so we... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!