Vaults of Tenabrus: Magic for Shadowdark & Fifth Edition!

A project in Eindhoven, Netherlands by Kabouter Games

Funding Successful

Explore the Vaults of Tenabrus: dozens of magic items for Shadowdark and D&D 5E games, plus consumables, lore, and more!
Backers: 276
Average Pledge Per Backer: €15

Funded: €4,276 of €295
Dates: May 15th -> Jun 14th (30 days)
Project By: Kabouter Games
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Last Updated: June 14 @ 12:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Home Stretch!

June 11th - via:
Only a few more days remain in the Vaults of Tenabrus Kickstarter campaign! If you're already a backer, you have our most profound thanks. If you haven't supported us yet, we hope you'll consider adding your pledge before time runs out. =) Here's... (Read More)

Shadowdark Vaults Sneak Peek!

June 8th - via:
Don't look now, but the Shadowdark version of Vaults of Tenabrus is laid out. Barring any last-minute expansions like stretch goals, we can move on to the 5E book now!  The Shadowdark version of Vaults is laid out to match the Shadowdark core books:... (Read More)

Here's Another Freebie!

June 6th - via:
This is getting repetitive: I keep saying, "Work continues!" and post another freebie. I hope it's not getting boring! Anyway, here you go: Amulet of WardingCrafted by a reclusive order of mages to protect their hidden, extraplanar sanctum from... (Read More)

Bonus item!

June 4th - via:
Work progresses on the book, gang! Here's another little taste: Rod of FlailingWeapon (flail), uncommon  The rod appears as a short, segmented stick. The segments are separated by a few chain links. Commoners and rural folk recognize it as a tool... (Read More)

Creation Continues!

June 2nd - via:
Greetings, Generous Backers! FYI: I'm trying to lay the books out, but I can't resist creating more items. It's like some kind of addiction I don't want to resist. =D  Here's one that's got an amusing curse: Robe of Useless ItemsWondrous item,... (Read More)

Mid-campaign News!

May 29th - via:
Hello, Vaulters! Here's what we're doing behind the scenes: Creating more items (can't stop, won't stop) Getting those items edited Flowing them into the layout Sourcing more art Hopefully this won't put the books more than a few days behind... (Read More)

Moving Along!

May 26th - via:
Hello, backers!  Things are moving right along on both books! I've got a surprise, too:  I decided to add a new d100 wand of wonder or Wild Magic Surge table.  This kind of random nonsense really is my jam. Each number between 01 and 00 gets its... (Read More)

Free Samples!

May 24th - via:
Hey, gang! Just a quick note to let you know that we've added free sample PDFs to the Vaults of Tenabrus main page. Each has 10 sample items, and there are Fifth Edition and Shadowdark versions. Go grab 'em, take a look, and tell us what you think!... (Read More)

Second Stretch Goal UNLOCKED!

May 22nd - via:
We did it! The Vaults of Tenabrus has unlocked its second stretch goal — the adventure The House , a randomly-generated foray into terror when the adventurers least expect (or want!) it. That'll be a PDF-only reward, as it's not quite long enough... (Read More)

First Stretch Goal UNLOCKED!

May 18th - via:
The Vaults of Tenabrus campaign is off to a fantastic start! Not only did we reach our funding goal in less than 2 hours (Wow!) we unlocked that first stretch goal in less than 2 days. I couldn't be happier!  Here's a little sneak peek at one of the... (Read More)


May 15th - via:
Amazing! Stunned! The most massive  THANK YOUto each and every one of the backers who have gotten us off to such a rocketing start!  Look for more updates over the course of the campaign as we share the development process and sneak peeks into the... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!