Sickest Witch RPG - Core Rulebook
A project in Baltimore, MD by Severed Books030days
Status: Active
d20 based, rules-light folk horror RPG w/ open third-party license
Backers: 345
Average Daily Pledges: $10,766
Average Pledge Per Backer: $62
Funding: $21,532 of $3,000
Dates: Mar 25th -> Apr 26th (32 days)
Project By: Severed Books
Backers: 345
Average Daily Pledges: $10,766
Average Pledge Per Backer: $62
Funding: $21,532 of $3,000
Dates: Mar 25th -> Apr 26th (32 days)
Project By: Severed Books
(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Stretch Goal 3 UNLOCKED!
March 25th - via:
YES! We've unlocked our next stretch goal! I started on the maps already (because I'm an optimist) so here are a few. Also, the core rulebook will be an exclusive meaning it will have extra content (likely art) that will not be in a subsequent... (Read More)
Stretch Goal 2 is Unlocked!
March 25th - via:
We just hit $10,000! Thank you all for making this better and better. All physical backers will now get this Fighter wood mini! The Player's Guide will also get more original artwork. What's up next for stretch goals? $15,000 All of Black Branch... (Read More)
Funded in 15 minutes! Let's unlock some stretch goals!
March 25th - via:
Wow, that was fast! To keep the momentum, if you can, please post the campaign link and write a quick sentence about why you backed it. Your words mean a lot to your friends. Here's a rad image you can share that got a lot of traction on socials. :)... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!