A Hat in Time - 3D collect-a-thon platformer

A project in Copenhagen, Denmark by Gears for Breakfast

Funding Successful

A Hat in Time is a 3D collect-a-thon platformer in the spirit of the classic Nintendo 64 titles you know and love!
Backers: 9169
Average Pledge Per Backer: $32

Funded: $296,360 of $30,000
Dates: May 29th -> Jun 28th (30 days)
Project By: Gears for Breakfast
video gameadventurepc3dretrowii u +Suggest

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current pledge level
Last Updated: June 28 @ 17:30 -0400 GMT


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funding period ended


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Latest News

Review: A Hat in Time: Nyakuza Metro

May 10th - via: destructoid.com
A Hat in Time is doing its thing. (Read More)

A Hat In Time: Five Fast Facts You Need To

October 3rd - via: heavy.com
A Hat in Time is a Celebration, Evocation, and Iteration on the 3D platformers of old. Is it right for you? Read on to find out. (Read More)

A Hat In Time Release October 5th with Mod Support

August 23rd - via: techraptor.net
The long journey is finally over. More than four years after its Kickstarter A Hat in Time release is coming finally on October 5th with more details (Read More)

A Hat in Time Leaps Into Fall Release

July 26th - via: hardcoregamer.com
To herald the long-awaited launch, Danish studio Gears for Breakfast has posted a new trailer for its debut title (Read More)

Indie 3D platformer A Hat in Time launches this fall

July 26th - via: polygon.com
Four years after it was Kickstarted (Read More)

After four years A Hat in Time is finally coming out on PC, PS4 and Xbox One

July 26th - via: eurogamer.net
Over four years ago the cute, cartoony platformer A Hat in Time raised nearly $300k on Kickstarter, yet it remained stuck in development for ages (Read More)

A Hat In Time Previewed

March 26th - via: cliqist.com
When I first saw A Hat in Time, it was love at first sight, so if you’re looking for the one person on the internet who didn’t like the game, you’re looking in the wrong place. I don’t even know where you’d look. Maybe check a prison built entirely to house joy-hating, evil people, because this game is pure, unfiltered happiness. It’s beautiful, it’s funny, it controls well, it sounds fantastic, and I’ve only seen an early Alpha build of the game. A Hat in Time brings us all back to a simpler time, when running around a happy, colorful world was fun all by itself because of thoughtful design and prioritizing fun above all else. (Read More)

William T. Nicholls Discusses A Hat In Time

March 23rd - via: cliqist.com
If you haven’t heard of A Hat in Time from international development team Gears for Breakfast then you haven’t been paying attention to crowdfunding for very long, and you’re missing out. Described as a “3D collect-a-thong platfomer, A Hat in Time conjures memories of Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Wind Waker, and other late 90′s early 2000′s platformers that so many gamers were raised on. We recently had a chance to take the recently released Alpha of A Hat in Time for a spin, something we’ll be telling you all about a little later this week, and talk to the team about the game and its development. (Read More)

Talking Kickstarter With Yacht Club Games, Castle Pixel, Chris Niosi, Gaijin Goombah, and Josh of RFC

September 30th - via: screwattack.com
Gaijin Goombah sits down with Yacht Club Games of Shovel Knight, Pixel Castle's Rob of Rex Rocket, Chris Niosi of TOME/A Hat In Time, and RFC's Josh to discuss games, kickstarter, and how they've affected us all! (Read More)

A Hat in Time Wii U version teased?

September 21st - via: explosion.com
Back in May this year, we reported on the exciting indie retro platformer, A Hat in Time, launching a Kickstarter. Since then, the project has raised almost $300,000–ten times the amount of it’s goal. (Read More)


June 28th - via: kickstarter.com
We at Gears for Breakfast would thank you so much for an amazing ride!! We hope to be able to provide you with a great gaming experience soon! We will be doing a lot of behind-the-scenes over at our new blog on HatinTime.com! Hopefully people will... (Read More)

Dawn of the Final Day - 24 Hours Remain

June 27th - via: kickstarter.com
24 hours left, and we've almost reached 4 additional Grant Kirkhope tunes! :DIn these final hours, we at Gears for Breakfast want to thank you guys so much for your help and support! A lot of you have been asking if we are ever gonna be supporting... (Read More)

2 New Kirkhope tunes! Greenlight!

June 26th - via: kickstarter.com
(Fanart by amburgered.tumblr.com) We just hit $230,000! That means two additional Grant Kirkhope tunes, as well as more game content! And what kind of content, you ask? Well... We've been brainstorming some additional enemies! While we can't reveal... (Read More)

A Hat in Time Kickstarter succesfully meets all stretch goals

June 26th - via: gameranx.com
Has three days to go before reaching the deadline. (Read More)

Nostalgia platformer A Hat in Time funded, stretching for over 800% of its Kickstarter goal

June 26th - via: neoseeker.com
If you like N64 platformers like Mario 64 and Bajo Kazooie, then get in here (Read More)

ALL GOALS DOWN! Grant's Music Madness!

June 25th - via: kickstarter.com
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!When we were considering using Kickstarter, we were incredibly worried we wouldn't even reach anywhere near $30,000. We were wrong, and as a result we're able to put so much more into the game! We're finally able to say, the... (Read More)

A Hat in Time Smashes Through All Kickstarter Stretch Goals

June 25th - via: nintendolife.com
At the end of May Gears For Breakfast opened up a Kickstarter campaign for the beautiful 3D cel-shaded platformer A Hat in Time. The campaign is in its final days now and it has not only achieved its set target but has smashed through every single stretch goal too. (Read More)

2 goals down, 1 to go!! New Game + and Voice Mumble!

June 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
We just hit $180,000 and we're happy to put a checkmark on two of the three remaining stretch goals!! :D With New Game +, you'll be able to replay the game, optionally as the co-op Partner Timmy, but with a much harder difficulty! Watch as puzzles... (Read More)

Kickstarter exclusive hat winner! JoshJepson playthrough!

June 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
The world has spoken! Or, at least the part of the world that has liked our Facebook page or commented on the Kickstarter announcement page! We tallied it up and here is the winning design of the Kickstarter exclusive hat... The Time Br- I mean, Time... (Read More)

LAST WEEK! Hat Kid figurine! Grant Kirkhope tune!

June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Welcome to the last week of A Hat in Time's kickstarter campaign!! At time of writing we're about $50,000 away from reaching all the stretch goals, we can make it happen! Yesterday I also promised I would show the Hat Kid figurine! Since we were so... (Read More)

Video Games AWESOME's video now online!

June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Enjoy some sweet gameplay and some sweet costumes from Fraser and Becky from Video Games AWESOME! Please note that this is of the prototype build, it is far from finished!  (Read More)

Chapter 2 Peek, Physical box! Hat Kid's Spaceship!

June 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Chapter 2 Peek w/ CommentaryAs promised, here's Jonas walking through parts of Chapter 2: The Subcon Forest and talking about some of the choices! Please excuse his poor English and accent! Physical Copy Box! If you're at the $50 pledge reward tier... (Read More)

SpilBar showcase, shirt winners, VGA's stream, Buttons!

June 18th - via: kickstarter.com
A Hat in Time showcased at the Danish SpilBar event! Last week we had the opportunity to showcase the prototype at a local game event here in Denmark called SpilBar (can roughly be translated to "Game Bar"). It's a bi-monthly gathering of game... (Read More)

More stretch goals: Mumble, New Game +, HUB! Also, coming up next...

June 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for all the enthusiasm! We're happy to bring you three new additional stretch goals we hope to make a reality: New Game +, Banjo-Kazooie style voice mumble and Hat Kid's Spaceship HUB! New Game + ($165,000) At this... (Read More)

Wii U Status

June 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi Everyone! First of all the team at Gears for Breakfast would like to say a big thank you for all your continued support for our game. We are confident that we can reach all the stretch goals with your help so please continue to support us as the... (Read More)

Kickstarter exclusive hat voting! Also more hats in stock!

June 10th - via: kickstarter.com
All pledges $40 and above now also get the Kickstarter hat!Previously the Kickstarter exclusive hat was only available in the $17 pledge reward tier, but it is now accessible to everyone who pledges $40 or more! Hat design voting!Let us know which... (Read More)

A Hat In Time Developer Claims Donkey Kong 64 Was Instrumental In Killing Off Collection Platformers

June 10th - via: nintendolife.com
Wind-Waker lookalike A Hat In Time is currently being developed by Gears for Breakfast after it smashed through its Kickstarter goal. It's a cell-shaded homage to the classic N64 plaformers and though it's currently only down for a PC and Mac release, the developer has expressed its desire to bring it to Wii U. (Read More)

Woosh! Down goes another stretch goal! Next: Grant Kirkhope tune!

June 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Wow, $110,000! You guys have just succeed in getting a 7th chapter for the game! Well done - thanks a lot! Now we are looking at the next stretch goal, $150,000, which will result in the awesome Grant Kirkhope writing a music piece for the game! In... (Read More)

A Hat in Time hopes to atone for the platforming sins of Donkey Kong 64

June 9th - via: polygon.com
The collect-a-thon platformer genre is dead, Danish indie developer Jonas Kaerlev explained. His studio, Gears for Breakfast, a global collective of volunteers living in Denmark, the U.K., Australia and the U.S., is trying to revive it with A Hat in Time, the team's first project which has skyrocketed past its modest $30,000 Kickstarter goal. (Read More)

Full voice acting reached!! Vote on T-shirt designs!

June 5th - via: kickstarter.com
A Thank You from the Mafia of Cooks! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to add more life and character into our cast!! T-Shirt DesignsWe'd also like your opinion on the t-shirt designs that are in the reward tiers! Let us know which standard... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal: Grant Kirkhope song (Banjo-Kazooie Composer)!

June 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
We at Gears for Breakfast are happy to say that we have been able to get in contact with legendary composer, Grant Kirkhope, and make him part of our A Hat in Time Kickstarter stretch goal! Grant Kirkhope has worked on the soundtracks for... (Read More)

6th Bonus Chapter Stretch Goal Unlocked!

June 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
(The Moon Jumper, from chapter 2 'The Subcon Forest' of A Hat in Time) We have unlocked an additional chapter! This means the game will now feature a total of 6 chapters as opposed to 5! We are currently looking into additional stretch goals! We'll... (Read More)

Zelda, Banjo-Kazooie Inspired Platformer A Hat in Time Tackles Kickstarter

June 3rd - via: cubed3.com
A 3D platformer, inspired by classic Nintendo games, has blitzed its Kickstarter target with a Wii U version a possibility. Paying homage to and updating the classic platforming/3D adventure formula developed during the Nintendo 64 era, A Hat in Time aims to "re-create that feeling of exploration and excitement" (Read More)

A Hat in Time evokes nostalgia, smashes Kickstarter goal

June 2nd - via: games.on.net
It’s not my cup of tea, but everyone’s falling over themselves to shower love on A Hat In Time, “a 3D collect-a-thon platformer in the spirit of the classic Nintendo 64 titles you know and love”. Maybe it all makes a bit more sense to Nintendo kids? (Read More)

A Hat in Time: Official Source Filmmaker pack!

June 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you everyone for backing! We want to give you something in return for boosting our morale so much! As a result we've taken a leap of faith and decided to make some of our assets compatible with Source Filmmaker! You can get the pack for... (Read More)

200% of goal reached! Music! Virtual-only reward tiers!

May 31st - via: kickstarter.com
We've reached 200% of our goal!(Fanart by windpriest.tumblr.com) Wow! Thank you all so very much! We're incredibly glad to hear that people are interested in our project, we'll do everything we can to provide you with as much insight as possible!... (Read More)

Co-op + Developer Commentary reached!!

May 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Co-op and developer commentary stretch goals reached!Heck yeah! We never thought we'd make it to co-op this fast (or even if we would at all)! We definitely think this will be a new experience for a collect-a-thon; to be able to bring a friend!!... (Read More)


May 30th - via: kickstarter.com
A Hat in Time has been funded! Thank you all so very much!Before we went to Kickstarter, we tried another publisher who flat out denied our entire project, it definitely made us worry that nobody would like collect-a-thons anymore. BUT, all of you... (Read More)

Wauwsa - this is crazy!

May 30th - via: kickstarter.com
WOW WOW WOW WOW!! What a day, what a day! We have only been on Kickstarter for a little over 12 hours, and we are already more than 50% funded! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Let's hope that we will continue with this pace and reach all of the stretch goals as... (Read More)

A Hat in Time winds up on Kickstarter, wakes memories of games gone by

May 30th - via: joystiq.com
Created by Gears for Breakfast, A Hat in Time tells the story of Hat Kid and her battle against the evil Mustache Girl. The game takes its inspiration directly from "collect-a-thon" platformers from the N64 era, with Gears for Breakfast unabashedly calling it "Banjo-Kazooie, The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario 64 all in one!" (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!