Oyster Wars: A Dystopian Grappling Platformer

A project in Montreal, Canada by Joseph Nicholson

Funding Successful

Grapple walls, grab items and navigate a secret-filled island on your way to take down the Man's End Oyster Company.
Backers: 217
Average Pledge Per Backer: $59 CAD

Funded: $12,902 CAD of $12,000 CAD
Dates: May 2nd -> Jun 1st (30 days)
Project By: Joseph Nicholson
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$12,902 CAD

current pledge level
Last Updated: June 1 @ 09:03 -0400 GMT


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funding period ended

$0 CAD

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Latest News

100% Funded!!!

May 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Hello everyone, we did it, Oyster Wars is 100% funded!! Thank you so much to every backer, I still can't believe it's real. I look forward to working with you on the beta tests, making the in-game content, sending the physicals out, and getting this... (Read More)

Almost there, the final 24hrs!!

May 31st - via: kickstarter.com
This past month has been a wild, sleepless month for me and I couldn't be happier about it. So many amazing folks have come together to make Oyster Wars a reality and I want to thank everyone again from the bottom of my heart.  I'm truly flattered... (Read More)

48 Hours remaining!! We're so close.

May 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey everybody, dropping in to say hello to the new backers and thanks to everyone for playing the demo! The best time so far is 4:58 by Jopo, check out the run here:  Also, check out the campaign for Hidden Pass, they were just funded, their game... (Read More)

77% Funded!! Dawn of the final days.

May 28th - via: kickstarter.com
We're nearing the end of the campaign and getting so close to the goal! These last three days are super important, I urge everyone to share the demo with anyone who will play, every pledge counts! This has been a crazy month and I thank you all so... (Read More)

Final Week!! Demo is now available.

May 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Well, we're in the final week. Sorry if I've been a little quiet, I've been working like crazy on getting this demo ready. I'm so happy to tell you all you can finally play it on itch.io right now!  Play the demo here It will be available on Steam... (Read More)

50% Funded!! Demo release date.

May 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello everybody! Here are a couple of things on the docket today:  First, we have passed the 50% mark and have no signs of stopping anytime soon. Hello and thank you to all of the new backers :). Second is that the demo is nearly complete and will... (Read More)

One week down! Demo is coming soon.

May 9th - via: kickstarter.com
After one week we have 98 amazing backers here to support the project with over $5100 raised!!. Thanks to everyone who's supported, as I've said before it truly means the world. I'm hard at work on a demo for everyone to enjoy, I can't wait for you... (Read More)

Not even 24 hours and we're at 33%!

May 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hey everyone, yesterday was a huge success. Thanks so much to everyone who's supported the project. 33% on the first day is fantastic. While it's not guaranteed, I'm confident we can hit the goal. You're all making my dream a reality. From the bottom... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!