Veiled Fate: Tribunal
A project in Nashville, TN by IV Studios000days
Funding Successful
New expansions bring deeper strategy and enhanced deduction to a game that asks one not-so-simple question—can you hide in plain sight?
Backers: 8221
Average Pledge Per Backer: $128
Funded: $1,054,338 of $50,000
Dates: Mar 12th -> Apr 2nd (22 days)
Project By: IV Studios
Backers: 8221
Average Pledge Per Backer: $128
Funded: $1,054,338 of $50,000
Dates: Mar 12th -> Apr 2nd (22 days)
Project By: IV Studios
current pledge level
Last Updated: April 3 @ 12:32 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
1 Million! Age III is Up! Live Stream! So. Much. Excitement.
April 2nd - via:
$1,000,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked! 🙌We are so grateful for your support in making this project come to life. And we're so stoked that the $1,000,000 stretch goal was unlocked, giving everyone access to the Renewal Die for just $1! We all love a... (Read More)
Campaign Almost Over, Society Puzzles Update, and Final Day Live Stream!
April 1st - via:
24 Hours Remaining! ⏰Time flew by so quickly. Age III is almost done, which means we're at the end of the campaign! We're amazed by how much support we have seen for Tribunal and can't thank you enough for your excitement for MORE Veiled Fate! ... (Read More)
4 Days Remaining, More Hadria's Favor Puzzles, Society Puzzle #5, and Submit Your Card Ideas!
March 29th - via:
Final Countdown! ⌚Time has flown by and somehow there are only 4 days left in the campaign! We are getting so close to unlocking the rest of our stretch goals and are excited to livestream on Tuesday as we finish the campaign. New Hadria's Favor... (Read More)
New Metal Comparisons, Community Card Idea Survey, New Hadria's Favor Puzzles, and 800k!
March 26th - via:
Whew. We've reached 800K! 😵💫It feels like we were just thanking you for helping us reach 700k and we are back already to thank you again! This has been one of the best mid-campaign momentums we've ever experienced, and we are so thankful for... (Read More)
Dice Tower Live Play, Correction to Society Puzzle #3, Society Puzzle #4!
March 22nd - via:
Dice Tower Live Play 🔥 Austin joins Tom, Milla, and Chris to play the new Veiled Fate expansions! Who will be the master strategist? Do you think Austin can guess all of their Demi's correctly as Eredan? 🤔 You never know. Society Puzzle #3... (Read More)
Society Puzzle #3, New Hadria's Favor Puzzles, and FAQ updates!
March 20th - via:
Another Thank You for 700K! 🎉We are so thrilled about the campaign's progress from this week. We have passed $700,000 and have unlocked the 4th Community Age Card! Thank you so much for all of your support! New Hadria's Favor Puzzles 🧩Three... (Read More)
Society Puzzle #2, Society Puzzle #1 Solution, and Metal Minis Comparison
March 15th - via:
Society Puzzle #1 Complete!You did it! We got 27 correct answers after 160 submissions, great job! The correct answer was "Chirp"! To get the answer you enter aponi in the middle of the Abyss Cryptex. Then use the red dots to find these letters,... (Read More)
Society Puzzle: Hadria's Favor 😈 and Unlocked Stretch Goals!
March 14th - via:
Thank you so much again 🫰We are cruising through the stretch goals and are so thrilled with your support for Veiled Fate Tribunal! We have now unlocked 2 community age cards, 2 community city cards, 1 of the Moonrakers crew cards (Hadria) as well... (Read More)
Funded, Thank You, and First Society Puzzle!
March 12th - via:
Thank You.We're again honored to be joined on this journey by all of you. We make board games because we love that they bring people together, and we're never reminded of that purpose more than on launch days. You're the reason we love making games.... (Read More)
Veiled Fate: Tribunal just launched! 🚀
March 12th - via:
Veiled Fate: Tribunal is now live! Hey folks! We are immensely proud of the collection of expansions that we've pulled together for this campaign. Individually, each one adds something really special to the game. As a whole, they allow you to shape... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!