Forbidden Psalm: Endless Horrors From Between The Stars

A project in Cardiff, UK by Kevin Rahman

Status: Active

A miniatures game of summoning A Million Cosmic Horrors. A Forbidden Psalm game of playing cults and ending the world.
Backers: 957
Average Daily Pledges: £935
Average Pledge Per Backer: £30

Funding: £28,973 of £4,000
Dates: May 29th -> Jun 28th (30 days)
Project By: Kevin Rahman
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Latest News

Getting into the home stretch

June 19th - via:
Hi all we are moving into the home stretch with 9 days to go. With some of the stretch goals a little ways off wanted to give you all a heads up if we don't hit those goals do not panic we will be making them anyway but as Addons in the backerkit.... (Read More)

Endless Horrors In space

June 10th - via:
Hi all We are trucking along and wanted to give you an overview of the stretch goal Endless Horrors in space. Or formally called Tengoku station. Written by Friend of the Forbidden Psalm and previous contributor Dan. Design by me and art coming from... (Read More)

Last War comes to Endless Horrors

June 6th - via:
Endless Horrors Kickstarter is trucking along so wanted to let you all know that are going to able to pick up Last War and other books as Add-ons in backerkit so if you want to get hold of a copy head over to the campaign and back now. So we have a... (Read More)

UK Games EXPO. Stretch Goals and More

June 3rd - via:
Hi all  Wow what a mad weekend. The UK Games expo was bloody brilliant. A massive thank  you to everyone that came to the booth said hi and expressed love for the Forbidden Psalm Games. We got some new people into the game, ran some demos, met some... (Read More)

Wow what an incredible first day

May 30th - via:
Thank you all for once again trusting me and backing my mad little games. Couple of quick notes as I am about to jump in a car to go to UK GAMES EXPO.  Thats the first note Im going to UK games Expo and you can find me at stall 2-897 Come say hi. I... (Read More)

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