Circle of Blood
A project in Avilés, Spain by HT Publishers000days
Funding Successful
Skirmish game in the dark city of Gormalak
Backers: 261
Average Pledge Per Backer: €64
Funded: €16,592 of €6,000
Dates: May 29th -> Jun 15th (18 days)
Project By: HT Publishers
Backers: 261
Average Pledge Per Backer: €64
Funded: €16,592 of €6,000
Dates: May 29th -> Jun 15th (18 days)
Project By: HT Publishers
current pledge level
Last Updated: June 15 @ 18:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
Last 24 hours
June 14th - via:
There are just over 24 hours left to finish the patronage. We have obtained a multitude of gifts, which have increased the rewards of the different pledges. This is the option for those who want a complete pack to dive completely into Gormalak. This... (Read More)
New Cross Promotion with Last Sword Miniatures
June 13th - via:
Greetings to all! This month we have for everyone a new Cross Promotion with our friends from LAST SWORD MINIATURES. Last Sword is a 32mm scale miniatures company for fantasy tabletop games perfectly adaptable to 9th age, or, in our case: Circle of... (Read More)
Lonwine Alder - Bloody Brigade Captain // Lonwine Alder - Capitana de la Brigada Sangrienta
June 7th - via:
Lonwine Alder Lonwine grew up deep within the lands of the Alderai behind the walls of a fortress, knowing nothing of the world outside. She was the ninety-first daughter of a father she never knew, so she lived with her mother, who often was her... (Read More)
Rule of Valark STL files // El Mandato de Vallark Archivos STL
June 3rd - via:
As you know, Circle of Blood is an agnostic game, you can play it with the miniatures you want. There are also an oficial miniatures avalailable. Creating your own band is one of the game options that we invite you to experience.We have made a... (Read More)
Sull "the Vampire" // Sull "el Vampiro"
June 2nd - via:
The All-in Gormalak pack will include a resin figure, that of Sull. But who is that vampire? All Gormalak characters have their own story. Sull, the Vampire, too. Sull "The Vampire" Sull grew up in Ederim, the son of a humble family. Despite their... (Read More)
Another day, another stretch goal unlocked // Otro día, otra meta desbloqueada
June 1st - via:
I love the smell of goal unlocked in the morning. And today, you have unlocked another stretch goal. Now, all of you have another quick reference card on your pledges. With this two cards, you can consult the most important information during the... (Read More)
Second day repor // Informe del segundo día
May 31st - via:
Second day of the campaign and two other goals unlocked. We keep advancing together in this project. You have unlocked an additional solo mission. This will be delivered separately (on a card) and can be played independently, or you can include it in... (Read More)
First 24 hours report // Reporte de las primeras 24h
May 30th - via:
24 hours have passed since we started the adventure of funding this project with your help. We reached the minimum goal in just nine hours and the project has turned into a reality. Now, one day after the start of the campaign, two additional... (Read More)
May 29th - via:
The mist covered everything. It was so thick that night seemed to have fallen, but it was still mid-afternoon. The adventurers gathered in the cathedral square. They valued each other. And together they went into the mist. It seemed to dissolve in... (Read More)
Comienza el kickstarter para la tercera edición de Círculo de Sangre
May 29th - via:
Hace solo unas horas que ha dado comienzo la campaña de Kickstarter para llevar a cabo la producción de la tercera edición del wargame de escaramuza Círculo de Sangre. En esta ocasión a los autores del juego se une HT Publishers como editora. (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!