
A project in Toronto, Canada by Hounds & Jackals - Games & Magic

Funding Successful

A TTRPG Fantasy Horror Campaign & Setting (System Friendly with support for EZD6 and Shadowdark)
Backers: 224
Average Pledge Per Backer: $25 CAD

Funded: $5,521 CAD of $689 CAD
Dates: May 23rd -> Jun 20th (28 days)
Project By: Hounds & Jackals - Games & Magic
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$5,521 CAD

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Last Updated: June 20 @ 16:02 -0400 GMT


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$0 CAD

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Latest News

It is not over until the Sirens of Mystmoor Sing! Summer Solstice Grand Finale today!

June 20th - via:
MYSTMOORIAN MUSIC "Sirens of Mystmoor" is an evocative album crafted with immense passion and a deep love for both music and tabletop role-playing games (RPGs). Designed to enhance the immersive experience of exploring Mystmoor, this album serves as... (Read More)

NEW ADD-ON! The Fellowship of the Black Dog

June 19th - via:
“Beware! Dog can’t hold its licker.” - Unknown202 BACKERS? [2+2=4] Ok, I feel I should add something else for this achievement, so here... we... go...!It seemed the announcement of the Service Puppy may not have made a big "ooooh!" as a... (Read More)


June 17th - via:
MEGA GOOD NEWS! "Itzzzzz Pawwwwrty Time!!!!" ALL STRETCH REWARDS UNLOCKED! We went over $4444 CAD yesterday!   This  unlocks a complete bonus Adventure Book, Murder on the Myst!  THE FINAL LOCK HAS OPENED...!!! I promised if all Strech Rewards... (Read More)

Smile! One more Stretch Reward down! One last Stretch Reward to Go!

June 16th - via:
Smile! One more Stretch Reward Unlocked!  One more Stretch Reward to Go! Ten (+1!!!)  kind Backers have shared their thoughts on mental health and TTRPGs, unlocking THE TWILIGHT GROVE!!! Expect Philip K Dick chaos with dashes of the nexus of all... (Read More)

2 More Stetch Rewards Unlocked! 2 left to go! Only a few days left!

June 15th - via:
2 More Stretch Rewards Unlocked!  2 to Go! Thanks to the kindness of DM Scotty, Karl, and Carnacki, who shared their amazing craft work on the Spooky Doll Update, the following has also been unlocked: This will be similar to the "Agent Dossier" for... (Read More)

4 THE END IS NIGH... how to unlock the final Stretch Rewards! Plus more goodies and surprises!

June 13th - via:
4 THE END IS NIGH!The Margrave asks you to complete his final request... to Unlock the final mysteries of Mystmoor!One week before the end of the campaign!   There are 4 Stretch Rewards left to unlock!  Four is my lucky number....! How to do... (Read More)

Kickstarter - Mystmoor (Horror/Fantasy Setting)

June 13th - via:
We had Bruce on the Talking Crit Livestream last night, and not only was he a great guest, but his knowledge of horror fiction and movies is second to none. I highly recommend Bruce's Mystmoor Kickstarter. (Read More)

222 Unlocks another Stretch Reward! More chances to win goodies! Spotlights on Fellow TTRPG Creators of Current Cool Campaigns!

June 10th - via:
222!!!! What a number! Have another Stretch Reward! BONUS PRIZE: The first Backer to post here the famous catchphrase of the star of the cartoon show the scene in the TV above is from, wins a copy of the BEAST OF GÉVAUDAN! YAKKING ABOUT MYSTMOOR... (Read More)


June 8th - via:
INTERNATIONAL DOLL DAY! SPOOOOKY DOLL DAY?  CONTEST TIME!"I only drink PVC-type O negative blood!"Well, mid-campaign, we need something to spice things up! So who would have guessed it is international Doll Day!  Maybe most people think of Barbies... (Read More)

Campaign Half-Way point! Another Stretch Reward! Streams, Contests and Prizes Galore!

June 6th - via:
WHOA, we're half way there...! "I'm Half Human, Half Snake, Half Mystmoorian.  The price for saying anything negative about my heritage is that I collect your head!" Thanks to you  generous Backers for making the campaign such a success!   If you... (Read More)

397%! Sometimes a 397 is just a 397? Another Unlocked Stretch Reward and more Prizes to Win!

June 2nd - via:
397% Reached!  Another Stretch Reward Unleashed!Yes, there is a version of this character in Mystmoor...Not that I advocate smoking, since it causes tons of horrible health conditions... but it's time for some virtual simulated TTRPG celebration... (Read More)

First Week End: Win more prizes and unlock a special Stretch Reward! Plus other news

May 30th - via:
GOOD TURN  for Mental Health Awareness MonthChop Chop Chop...For those of you familiar with Hounds & Jackals, we do like to promote mental health awareness as part of our projects.  In Canada, May is Mental Health month.  So, before June rolls... (Read More)

Stretch Reward #3 Unlocked! Guess that NPC! Drop on in for Chats! Book Size! More Prizes! Other Campaigns of Interest!

May 28th - via:
Stretch Reward 3: Unlocked for reaching 276%!For your consideration, a more subtle villain whose agenda can be tied into the PC's backstories if you wish... with dire consequences!  IF YOU HAVE ALREADY WON A COMPLIMENTARY COPY OF SIRENS OF MYSTMOOR,... (Read More)

Stretch Reward 2 Unlocked and Guess that NPC!

May 25th - via:
Stretch Reward 2: Unlocked for reaching 200%! Since we went over 200% of the funding goal at this point, this is certainly deserving of a Stretch Reward!   IF YOU HAVE ALREADY WON A COMPLIMENTARY COPY OF SIRENS OF MYSTMOOR, PLEASE DO NOT POST THE... (Read More)

Stretch Reward 1 Unlocked & Guess the NPC Contest

May 24th - via:
Stretch Reward 1: Unlocked for reaching funding in First Day!  Star Trek, Kolchak, you name it... a good source for instilling some dread and horror (and clues!) is having some NPC victims for the baddies to decimate... perhaps first off screen,... (Read More)

HUZZAH! Funded in under 3 hours - I am deeply honoured!!!!! Thanks!!

May 23rd - via:
Thanks to you wonderful Backers who have embraced this strange community angled project.... it has now been funded!   Stay tuned for updates on stretch rewards and other fun stuff!!!!   "Nobody panics when things go according to plan, even if the... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!