Happy Harley Days 2 -- Harley's Angels

A project in Fort Lauderdale, FL by HooligansCO

Funding Successful

70s Style Inspired - A Jolly Green Giganta - Sue Storm : Goddess of Thunder -- A Space Ghost Rider? End your summer at Faro's Lounge.
Backers: 264
Average Pledge Per Backer: $91

Funded: $24,045 of $5,000
Dates: Aug 3rd -> Sep 5th (34 days)
Project By: HooligansCO
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Last Updated: September 6 @ 00:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Harley's Angels Inks -- Next month's Mess :)

September 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Sunday, one last weekend before Football begins, they really need to end that preseason crap and just get to it, But enough of that crap, my building is filled with packages waiting for the angry postal worker, but don't worry, I always slip... (Read More)

Fire & Ice -- Booster Buster -- Mary Marvel & Jaina -- Space Ghost Rider -- COLORS BABY!!!!

September 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Labor Day you lazy non laborers -- ALL PIXI RUNNER 4 and KANSAS PACKAGES HAVE SHIPPED!!! -- However my new postal scheme is backfiring in my face, as many cocksucking postal managers are finding out how I'm trying skirt the weight prices by... (Read More)

Cross Promotional Bliss -- Flesh Eating Cheerleaders Holiday Special

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For those of you gearing up for some long Labor Day road trip, where ye shall wax nostalgic of the days when you communicated with your family in the car, before the iDevices took over and made you cynical until the first time you discovered you... (Read More)

Happy Harley Days : Slumber Party Pajama Cover -- ECCC Colors

August 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Tuesday my friends, the next wave of Pixi Runner 4 and Kansas Packages went out today, so two to three more waves remain until they are all out of my possession and into yours, Stay tuned my friends, I have the colors for the Mary Marvel and... (Read More)

Happy Harley Days : Slumber Party Edition

August 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Sunday my friends, I'm back from Seattle, and I canceled my grunge tribute tour because it just got me too depressed. It's one thing to check out the spot where Chet Baker took a huge huff of Mary Jane and fell backwards out of a window in... (Read More)

Silence of the Rams Colors -- Harley's Angels First Sketches!

August 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Hump Day, the first wave of shipments have begun, so expect your Pixi Runner 4 and Kansas Packages in your laps quicker then a chick with daddy issues, I'm just waiting on the final colors for the Fire & Ice Poster, and the Fantasy... (Read More)

ECCC Inks -- Sue Storm : Thunder Goddess Colors!

August 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Friday friends, the printer has just shipped the Pixi Runner and Kansas Books and Posters off to me, so Downtown Fort Lauderdale shall soon be echoing with the sounds of tape scratching, and the non stop expletives of a man who just realized... (Read More)

Emerald City Comic Con LTD Pencils -- Get your NEEDLES Ready@@@

August 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Ho, Ho, Ho, Happy Sunday, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hooligansco/happy-harley-days-2-harleys-angels Cheers, FK  (Read More)

Sue Storm -- Thunder Goddess -- Finished Inks!!

August 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Weekend folks, I just got this inked piece from my man in Manila, and I just got the first sketch previews for the next Zeldara 6 Cover, done up by my newest mercenary from Bogota, This will be my anime cover for the upcoming Zeldara 6... (Read More)

Chargers Vs Chiefs Colored Cover -- Mary Marvel & Jace -- Space Ghost Rider

August 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings, so after the 1st Quarter of this stupid goddamn preseason, I was in 1st place holding 35 Grand But alas, there are 3 quarters to go, and all my starters are already eating fuckin hot dogs on the sidelines, I wish they would just start the... (Read More)

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