RunNGun Run And Gun App powered boardgame PnP
A project in Franc, France by HecateEdiciones000days
Funding Successful
90's action movies inspired Print And Play tabletop shooting game - App powered for 2 to 6 players
Backers: 44
Average Pledge Per Backer: €9
Funded: €399 of €200
Dates: Feb 8th -> Mar 10th (30 days)
Project By: HecateEdiciones
Backers: 44
Average Pledge Per Backer: €9
Funded: €399 of €200
Dates: Feb 8th -> Mar 10th (30 days)
Project By: HecateEdiciones
current pledge level
Last Updated: March 10 @ 13:20 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
The last hours… But an infinity to discover!
March 9th - via:
¡Hola, grandiosos guerreros y pollos todopoderosos! Estas son las últimas horas de campaña y queremos agradecerles, una vez más, por el apoyo que nos dieron ¡Gracias por acompañarnos en esta nueva aventura! Estamos trabajando en mucho contenido... (Read More)
Comment jouer à Run & Gun (tuto vidéo en français) !
March 8th - via:
Bonjour braves guerriers et poulets sorciers ! Déjà sur les dernières heures de cette campagne, nous vous apportons ce nouveau tutoriel vidéo présentant et expliquant comment jouer à Run & Gun de la main de nos amis de Pug and Play ! Très... (Read More)
How to play Run & Gun (video tutorial in english)!
March 2nd - via:
Hello, brave warriors and ashy chickens! We bring you this new tutorial video presenting and explaining how to play Run & Gun! You can watch it here or in the campaign, where it's already uploaded too. We want to thank you again for all your... (Read More)
Men of action!
February 27th - via:
Hello, brave warriors and wise chickens! We want to share with you some of the explosive work of our seasoned friend, designer, illustrator and creator of Run & Gun, the one and only: Marcos Lescano! Soon we will have for you photos and videos of... (Read More)
New videos!
February 23rd - via:
Hello, hello, soldiers and ghost chickens! We bring you three new videos to delight your senses! One explaining how to play and two others with adrenaline-pumping games. You can find them in this update as well as in the campaign. Nothing better than... (Read More)
Platoon, keep moving! GO GO GO!
February 23rd - via:
Hello again, fierce warriors and cyborg chickens! We reached our second goal! Now you have the power to choose the new warrior who will join the ranks of this crazy battle for… corn. And as you well know: “With great power comes great chicken... (Read More)
New content on YouTube!
February 17th - via:
Hola, nuevamente, bravos guerreros y pollos ninja! Les traemos dos fantásticos videos. Uno para conocer como jugar Run & Gun, de la parte de nuestros amigos de Lúdicos Platenses. Y el otro es una explicación del juego y una partida, hecho por... (Read More)
First Full Gameplay video! La mazmorra de pacheco
February 14th - via:
Nuestro primer gameplay completo de la mano de "La mazmorra de pacheco" ! Disfrutalo, compartilo y ayuda a correr la voz! (Read More)
February 9th - via:
The campaign was funded in 24 hours! Hello again, brave warriors and ninja chickens! We are incredibly grateful for the great support received, being able to fund our second Kickstarter campaign so quickly! *chicken noises* Now we will continue... (Read More)
February 9th - via:
Hello fearless warriors! Welcome to this new campaign, full of action, excitement, explosions, sweat, muscle and ninja chickens! We are very happy to be able to share, once again, this magnificent digital space with you. We had planned to release... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!