Gracewindale: Dungeon Master's Inventory

A project in Auckland, NZ by Narnaa Gracewind

Status: Active

3D Printable Modular Game Master Screen and Accessories for TTRPG games
Backers: 457
Average Daily Pledges: $2,817 NZD
Average Pledge Per Backer: $92 NZD

Funding: $42,260 NZD of $2,900 NZD
Dates: Jun 12th -> Jul 12th (30 days)
Project By: Narnaa Gracewind
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$42,260 NZD

current pledge level
Last Updated: 12 minutes ago


of goal

$87,337 NZD

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of goal

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Latest News

Are you a player? πŸ₯·πŸŽ²

June 24th - via:
My DM doesn't like it when players forget to bring their charsheets, minis or notes to our gaming sessions. To avoid that, I prefer keeping them in a designated backpack β€” this way I can be sure I don't ever forget anything.Β  Ultimate player's... (Read More)

Spell card and Miniature case concepts!

June 19th - via:
Keep your cards and minis safe (and lock the naughty ones)!Β  Check out this lovely project πŸ‰ Luminous Lore is a 300+ page tome that brings surreal dreams and... (Read More)

A couple more stretch goal concepts

June 17th - via:
9/15 stretch goals are unlocked! Here are a few concepts: I love mugs. So y'all get a mug! Simple spell slot tracker fits into a lid of a small chest/treasure box. You can use it for anything, really.  (Read More)

Potion bottles concept (4th stretch goal)

June 15th - via:
Do you always remember how much HP different healing potions restore? I certainly don't! Another issue I always have β€” I don't have enough D4s on me usually and have to ask for them around the table or make a few rolls. And I like to roll them all... (Read More)

Unique adventure book for 5E, OSR, Pathfinder πŸ„πŸ§ΈπŸŽ²

June 15th - via:
Our friends from Cawood Publishing made a new 72-page book with low, mid, and high level options and new monsters!Β  Check them out!  (Read More)

Gems concept (3rd stretchgoal)

June 14th - via:
When our group plays, we love using props. I always wanted to design some gems but never got enough time or motivation. Now I have no choice :) They will be different shaped agate, azurite, malachite, bloodstone, onyx, amber, pearl, ruby, etc.Β   (Read More)

Coins (2nd stretch goal) concept

June 13th - via:
Coins for Dungeon and Dragons! Would you use them in your game? Would you like to have coins from other games?  (Read More)

Height bases (1st stretch goal) concept

June 13th - via:
First of all, I want to thank all backers for your trust in my designs! 4 stretch goals have been unlocked in less than a day. Height bases will be designed similar to Initiative tracker β€” with 1 inch (5ft) stackable sections, so you could easily... (Read More)


June 12th - via:
Wow, so many adventurers in our town! It's 5am here in NZ and I got up just to tell you how awesome you are. First stretch goal is unlocked too πŸ’œ Will update you with a concept in a bit!  (Read More)

Stretch goals suggestions

June 12th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!