
A project in Quebec, Canada by Goblivion Games

Funding Successful

Develop a colony in a fantasy Gold Rush with DOUBLE DECK BUILDING! --- Also available : Goblivion Storm Edition
Backers: 951
Average Pledge Per Backer: $87 CAD

Funded: $82,541 CAD of $28,000 CAD
Dates: Dec 1st -> Dec 21st (20 days)
Project By: Goblivion Games
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$82,541 CAD

current pledge level
Last Updated: December 21 @ 12:03 -0500 GMT


of goal
funding period ended

$0 CAD

trending toward
Trends are not projections.


of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)
Latest News

Thank you! Merci!

December 21st - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Hello dear backers! What a fun campaign! Thank you so much for getting on board with the madness of voting for stretch goals. Your energy has made our third Kickstarter campaign our best yet. We... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Unlocked! Vote #14

December 21st - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Thank you so much everyone! We've passed the $79,000 cad mark, which unlocks a fourteenth Stretch Goal. So let’s start a new vote! Let me remind you how it works. Each time we reach a Stretch... (Read More)

Vote #12 results

December 20th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Ladies and gentlemen. here are the voting results for the twelfth stretch goal: Choice A: 32% Choice B: 56% Choice C: 12% Congratulations! We have unlocked a new Boss card! Demon become stronger... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Unlocked! Vote #13 + Vote #11 results

December 20th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your great participation! Here are the voting results for the eleventh stretch goal: Choice A: 89% Choice B: 3% Choice C: 8% We have unlocked a new... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Unlocked! Vote #12

December 19th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Thank you so much everyone! We've passed the $71,000 cad mark, which unlocks a twelfth Stretch Goal. So let’s start a new vote! Let me remind you how it works. Each time we reach a Stretch Goal,... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Unlocked! Vote #11

December 19th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Thank you so much everyone! We've passed the $68,000 cad mark, which unlocks a eleventh Stretch Goal. So let’s start a new vote! Let me remind you how it works. Each time we reach a Stretch... (Read More)

Vote #10 results

December 16th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your great participation! Here are the voting results for the tenth stretch goal: Choice A: 17% Choice B: 55% Choice C: 28% Congratulations! We have... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Unlocked! Vote #10

December 15th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Thank you so much everyone! We've passed the $64,000 cad mark, which unlocks a tenth Stretch Goal. So let’s start a new vote! You will see that there are now voting choices for Goblivion: Storm... (Read More)

Vote #9 results

December 13th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your great participation! Here are the voting results for the ninth stretch goal: Choice A: 6% Choice B: 30% Choice C: 64% Congratulations! We have... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Unlocked! Vote #9

December 12th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Thank you so much everyone! We've passed the $60,000 cad mark, which unlocks a ninth Stretch Goal. So let’s start a new vote! Let me remind you how it works. Each time we reach a Stretch Goal,... (Read More)

Vote #8 results

December 11th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your great participation! Here are the voting results for the eighth stretch goal: Choice A: 13% Choice B: 16% Choice C: 71% Congratulations! We have... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Unlocked! Vote #8

December 10th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Thank you so much everyone! We've passed the $56,000 cad mark, which unlocks a eighth Stretch Goal. So let’s start a new vote! Let me remind you how it works. Each time we reach a Stretch Goal,... (Read More)

Vote #7 results

December 8th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your great participation! Here are the voting results for the seventh stretch goal: Choice A: 3% Choice B: 78% Choice C: 19% Congratulations! We have... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Unlocked! Vote #7

December 7th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Thank you so much everyone! We've passed the $53,000 cad mark, which unlocks a seventh Stretch Goal. So let’s start a new vote! Let me remind you how it works. Each time we reach a Stretch Goal,... (Read More)

Vote #6 results + 1 Info

December 7th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your support! Here are the voting results for the sixth Stretch Goal: Choice A: 28% Choice B: 18% Choice C: 54% Congratulations! We have unlocked a... (Read More)

GOLDblivion + Clash of decks

December 6th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Hello everyone, I am very proud to collaborate with Léandre Proust and his kickstarter project Clash of Decks which is in its third season. If you support his project in addition to ours, you'll... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Unlocked! Vote #6

December 6th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Thanks everyone! We've passed the $50,000 cad mark, which unlocks a sixth Stretch Goal. So let’s start a new vote! Let me remind you how it works. Each time we reach a Stretch Goal, we will put... (Read More)

Vote #5 results + 1 Info

December 5th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your support! Here are the voting results for the fifth stretch goal: Choice A: 21% Choice B: 52% Choice C: 27% Congratulations! We have unlocked a... (Read More)

Vote #4 results + 3 infos!

December 5th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your votes, it's always nice to read your comments and suggestions! Here are the voting results for the fourth stretch goal: Choice A: 86% Choice B:... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Unlocked! Vote #5

December 4th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Wow! The stretch goals are moving fast, thanks everyone! We've passed the $46,000 cad mark, which unlocks a fifth Stretch Goal. So let’s start a new vote! Let me remind you how it works. Each... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Unlocked! Vote #4

December 4th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Thanks everyone! We've passed the $43,000 cad mark, which unlocks a fourth Stretch Goal. So we start a new vote! Let me remind you how it works. Each time we reach a Stretch Goal, we will put a... (Read More)

Vote #3 results!

December 4th - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your support! Here are the voting results for the third stretch goal: Choice A: 31% Choice B: 54% Choice C: 15% Congratulations! Inexpensive and very... (Read More)

Vote #2 results!

December 3rd - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your support! Here are the voting results for the second stretch goal: Choice A: 20% Choice B: 18 Choice C: 62%. Congratulations! You've unlocked the... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Unlocked! New Vote!

December 3rd - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Thanks again for all your support! The campaign is going well and thanks for telling a friend about GOLDblivion and Goblivion: Storm Edition! It makes all the difference to get as many Stretch... (Read More)

Vote #1 results!

December 3rd - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________ Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your support! Here are the voting results for the first stretch goal: Choice A: 27% Choice B: 68% Choice C: 5%. Congratulations! You have unlocked the... (Read More)

GOLDblivion first 24 hours and vote #2!

December 2nd - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) __________________ -Hi everyone! It's been a crazy first 24 hours! Thank you so much! I can't seem to respond fast enough to everyone. Please be patient, thank you! :) So, we've passed the $35,000 mark! Let's start a new... (Read More)

First Stretch Goal unlocked! Now let's vote! :D

December 2nd - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) _______________________________________________ Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your support! We have already reached the first Stretch Goal! Here's how it works: "You vote the added content!" Every time we... (Read More)

-GOLDblivion is funded! -GOLDblivion est financé!

December 1st - via:
(Le français suit plus bas.) -Wow! Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart! I am ecstatic! GOLDblivion is funded in less than 7 hours! It's amazing! Thank you to everyone who contributed to this success and thank you to all backers! Thanks to... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!