Ghoul Master
A project in Portland, OR by Teirdalin000days
Funding Successful
current pledge level
Last Updated: April 1 @ 15:12 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
Kickstarter Complete
April 1st - via:
Thank you everyone who is interested in the project. This will definitely go a way towards making Ghoul Master a better overall game once it's completed! I sent out a message to all backers, so be sure to check that. (Read More)
March 25th - via:
Scoreboard system is working optimally and am finally finishing the final touches on the tutorial level and dreading the next step where I'll be programming some full NPCs AI. But I've been planning out the framework for it for a while now and got... (Read More)
March 23rd - via:
Been working on the scoreboard data reading and also the AI a bit more for the ghosts. It's still so janky, so trying to make it at least.. Working reasonably before finishing the tutorial level and beginning work on the rest. For some reason... (Read More)
March 17th - via:
Took a week off since we had to pack up and move out of the FEMA trailer and into an apartment a flight of stairs up, reopened an old spine injury and been recovering. Annoying, but that's life. Gotten the scoreboard built today, will add a... (Read More)
March 5th - via:
Added room variables to tethers, ghosts, and everything else really. This framework will allow for roomwide abilities. Rooms highlight when tethers are hovered over or a ghost is selected and their abilities are shown onscreen. (Read More)
February 28th - via:
So far today I added some new effects for when ghosts are summoned in and also set it up for attacks to have particle effects. I love that the attack system is working exactly as I want it to now too, I'm very nearly done setting up the basic... (Read More)
February 25th - via:
Added a chain and particle effect when ghosts are connected to their tether and livestreamed it on my twitch page. (Read More)
Added a discord channel for people to talk about the project, or whatever they want really.
February 25th - via: (Read More)
February 24th - via:
Attacks are now working and playing animations and the NPCs are responding to the attacks, and I learned how to change anything from playmaker. Things have been getting a lot easier after figuring it out better. Almost able to finally finish the... (Read More)
February 20th - via:
Been redoing all my currently existing scripts in PlayMaker format as it's so much easier to work with. And ugh, I had so much written up that's having to be redone from scratch. At least it'll be overall cleaner and probably more... (Read More)
February 18th - via:
We reached the funding goal! Congratulations everyone! I know it's not really much, but it's enough. Thank you everyone for your support and I'll be sure to contact those who gotten the be a human in the game for info when I need to fill out... (Read More)
February 16th - via:
I absolutely love playmaker! It is making setting up the AI along with HonorAI a breeze. This will definitely help a ton with getting the AI made with the rest of the NPCs as well as the ghosts. Unfortunately that means having to scrap a lot of... (Read More)
2/9/22 - Energy Usage
February 9th - via:
Abilities are now functions in the individual ghosts and activate properly when turned on from their popup menus, energy usage is now working correctly and if it goes over maximum it shuts off all ghosts abilities. (Read More)
2/8/22 - Active Abilities.
February 9th - via:
Today I setup some better display to the abilities menu for when an ability is active and the ghosts now properly are detecting when their abilities are active; next I'm going to have to get energy usage setup properly then start on getting the AI to... (Read More)
2/5/22 Update
February 5th - via:
Today I wrote the script to set which abilities a ghost has and made a GUI element which pops up onto the screen when you have the ghost selected with the abilities it has, each button will have an additional tooltip with description/energy... (Read More)
Oh I can post updates on here.
February 5th - via:
Yesterday I gotten the system setup to allow for ghosts to be summoned from the dropdown ghost menu, as well as for them to detect humans nearby. Today I plan to setup the system to allow for you to select which abilities the ghost has active and... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!