Gwen Gaming Table by Geeknson
A project in Evesham, UK by Geeknson Team000days
Funding Successful
Gwen Table has all you need! Save up to £824 thanks to unlocked Stretch Goals. Everyone gets USB powered 360° LED lights!
Backers: 686
Average Pledge Per Backer: £1130
Funded: £775,357 of £50,000
Dates: Apr 19th -> May 18th (29 days)
Project By: Geeknson Team
Backers: 686
Average Pledge Per Backer: £1130
Funded: £775,357 of £50,000
Dates: Apr 19th -> May 18th (29 days)
Project By: Geeknson Team
current pledge level
Last Updated: May 18 @ 07:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Last 18h of the campaign! New Wooden Accessories Available!
May 17th - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! The last day of the campaign is upon us! Now when we are at the last stretches of the campaign it is the best moment to hop in if you were still on the fence. YOU WON'T GET A BETTER DEAL THAN THIS! Sorry for the slightly... (Read More)
10th Dev Diary - Wood Types, Wood Finish and Fabric Options.
May 15th - via:
Hello Fellow Bakcers! Today we've unlocked The Acrylic Player Boards! Next is the handy Acrylic Phone Holder for free! Tomorrow we should receive some new acrylic prototypes to show. We were supposed to get them some time ago but unfortunately, they... (Read More)
Accessory Bundles Announcement!
May 11th - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! Many of you have asked for the Accessory Bundles, as those can yield substantial discounts for the Backers while still driving sales up. So we've decided to offer them to you. Accessory Bundles We could have made predefined... (Read More)
Two-Headed Dragon's Siege Dice Tower - Give Away
May 10th - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! We are happy to announce that in collaboration with Nobel Knight, we've prepared a Two-Headed Dragon's Siege Dice Tower Give Away! The Give Away The Give away is run by Gleem. Click the image below for a chance to win a... (Read More)
9th Dev Diary - Dice Towers & Adventures of Geeknson-Man
May 9th - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! In this campaign, we are offering not a single, not two, but three different dice towers! It is about time to take a closer look at all of them! Ninth Dev Diary When it comes to dice rolling there are many opinions on what is... (Read More)
8th Dev Diary - New Wooden Accessories concepts!
May 5th - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! Today we've unlocked a new Stretch Goal - Double Acrylic Bin - UNLOCK! Now double-width acrylic bins will be available in the pledge manager! Next stop: Cushioned Seat Variant 2.0 Cushioned Bench Seat Cushioned Wall-Mounted... (Read More)
7th Dev Diary - Cushioned Seat Variants 2.0
May 2nd - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! In this update wish to take a look at the contents of the Cushioned Seat Variant 2.0 Stretch Goal While we announced this stretch goal previously we swapped it out for something more exciting for the Backers at the time. Now... (Read More)
6th Dev Diary - Acrylic Card Dispensers!
May 1st - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! It is time to announce the results of the last vote and dive into a new Dev Diary! 6th ACRYLIC BIN COLOUR VOTE - RESULTS! It is time to announce the winner of the last vote we had! All the votes have been tallied and here are... (Read More)
2nd Vote Results + New Vote, Early Bird Reward, New Stretch Goals Reveal.
April 28th - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! In this update, we are going to announce the results of the Wooden Component Holder Vote and start a new vote. We also discuss the Early Bird Reward and finally take a look at newly revealed Stretch Goals. WOODEN COMPONENT... (Read More)
5th Dev Diary - New Prototypes and Ideas developed for the Gwen Table.
April 27th - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! It is time for the next instalment of our Dev Diaries - it's been a while! What was the 4th you may ask? I think that update #4 which had a long and deep dive into a Hobby desk thicks all of the checkboxes of a Dev Diary except... (Read More)
360° LED lights now for all Gwen Tables for FREE!
April 26th - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! You've all read the title of the update so there is no point in delaying it with a lengthy foreword! Backers have unanimously decided to share their Early Bird Reward in the form of 360° LED Lights, with all of the Backers!... (Read More)
Vote Results + New Vote. Early Bird Reward Reactivation? and Addressing some Concerns.
April 25th - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! We've had tremendous success with this campaign so far. Thanks to you this is our best campaign launch up to date! This campaign is a huge success already! But we believe we can take it even further together and make it the best... (Read More)
Stretch Goals Description + Free Beverage Holder Vote!
April 22nd - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! You continue to go through the Stretch goals like crazy! We can barely keep up to post them! We must admit that we are astonished by the success of this campaign! This is by far our most quickly funded campaign up to date! And... (Read More)
Last day of Early Bird and Geeknson's Hobby Desk Pledge Announced!
April 21st - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! We are 2 days into the campaign! You continue to smash through Stretch Goals like it's nothing! Your current savings are doubling the Earrly Bird Reward already! Last Day of the Early Bird! It is a last chance to hop into the... (Read More)
More Stretch goals & Third Dev Diary
April 20th - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! You are smashing through stretch goals like crazy! We can bearly keep up updating and posting them! Here are a few additional ones before we'll be ready to reveal a new larger batch of those! £315K FUNDING GOAL ACRYLIC... (Read More)
Stretch Goals Reveal and Second Dev Diary!
April 19th - via:
Hello Fellow Backers Now that the project is funded and we are gathering more and more Backers we are ready to publish the first batch of stretch goals for this campaign! But first a few announcements! Gwen Table reviews are In! If you have missed... (Read More)
Project Funded!
April 19th - via:
Hello Fellow Backers! Thanks to your support the Gwen Table is going to become a reality! We are immensely grateful to you for your support for this campaign and are humbled at the speed it was funded! YOU MADE IT JUST UNDER 45 MINUTES! It is... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!