Bibliophile - Volume 2

A project in County Durham, UK by Geek and Artsy

Funding Successful

Enamel pins for book lovers
Backers: 389
Average Pledge Per Backer: £45

Funded: £17,526 of £500
Dates: Mar 16th -> Apr 5th (20 days)
Project By: Geek and Artsy
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Last Updated: April 5 @ 17:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Free set of stickers unlocked! Also, some notes now the project is almost done!

April 4th - via:
Good evening book dragons! We unlocked our last goal last night, and every backer will receive a free set of vynil stickers with the 5 most popular designs of the project! Form people who love the add-ons the most, i will be making some stickers of... (Read More)

IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN! tananana tanana nan naaaaaa

April 3rd - via:
Gooood sunday Book Dragons! Here is a short update on how we're doing! The project is coming to an end soon, and we are at 15.5k£ (including website preorders), only 500£ away from unlocking the last goal of the project- a free set of stickers... (Read More)

Freebies? Freebies!

March 30th - via:
Good morning Book Dragons!  Plenty of updates this morning... Firstly, we recently unlocked our last add-ons! "Fire Breathing Bitch Queen" is the last ToG pin in this project, and will feature transparent enamel for the flames. The crown will also... (Read More)

Two more pins unlocked!

March 25th - via:
Gooooood evening Book Dragons! First of all, i had a lot of requests for designs and encouragement to keep adding to the collection if i can when i posted about it on FB and instagram- thank you so much for all the great messages! We are now halfway... (Read More)

Two new add-ons have entered the library!

March 23rd - via:
Good morning Book Dragons! Our second to last add-on unlock is here! This time i took requests for what backers would like to see on instagram, and Lucien was a very popular choice- "Lord of Foxes" will measure 45mm and feature glitter in the... (Read More)

New main collection pin unlocked!

March 22nd - via:
Knowledge is Power... And knowledsge of more books leads to larger TBR piles. That's really all it is. Seeing threads of book recommendations of FB groups is actually dangerous.  I've been taking a little bit longer to add unlocked designs for real... (Read More)

Two new add-ons arrived from Erilea!

March 20th - via:
Good Sunday Book Dragons! I hope you've had a great weekend! On this end, i've finished up these two as promised for the unlock! These are both add-ons! As a reminder, to add them to your pledge: Click the "Manage Your Pledge" button by clicking your... (Read More)

There was only one bed!-New design unlocked!

March 18th - via:
Good evening Book Dragons! Aaaaaaand day 2 of Bibliophile saw another design unlocked! Can't even pretend it isnt true- i'm a sucker for a good trope, and "there was only one bed" is one of my absolute favourites. It can lead to moments of comedy, or... (Read More)


March 17th - via:
NEW PIN DESIGNS HAVE ENTERED THE LIBRARY! As promised, reaching 5000£ means you unlocked two more Add-on designs! These are CC and ACOTAR themed, and they are officially licensed designs. These are NOT part of the normal campaign, they are specific... (Read More)

THANK YOU! Now, would you like more?

March 17th - via:
Good Morning Book Wyrms! We have had a sensational first day after getting the first pin funded in under 10 minutes, and we are now approaching the last stretch goal!  It's always a fear-inducing experience, throwing your work out into the world and... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!