There's an Alien in my Toilet #1- All Ages Sci-Fi Comedy
A project in Rowlett, TX by Samuel000days
Funding Successful
current pledge level
Last Updated: March 8 @ 22:03 -0500 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
Last 11 hours! We just might do it!
March 8th - via:
Good Morning fellow Doodsters, Well, we are finally here. As we approach the finish line we just may unlock the first backer goal of 102. Crossing fingers and toes. To close out the campaign, I will be live on Catch Da Craze Podcast at 7PM EST and... (Read More)
The Final Countdown...
March 7th - via:
Good Morning Fellow Doodsters, Well, we are here at the final 36 hrs of the campaign. Will we break 100 backers? Either way, Doodie and I are grateful for your support and look forward to getting the books and more into your hands. Start the clock...... (Read More)
Last two days - Doodie on a Hoth
March 6th - via:
Happy Sunday Fellow Doodsters, We are down to the last two days. Can we get to 102 backers? Time will tell. Today I wanted to share a sketch I did on my live stream this morning of Doodie on a Hoth from Star Wars. I hope you enjoy it. You can watch... (Read More)
3 Days left. Still time to get some cool swag
March 5th - via:
Good Morning Fellow Doodsters, We are down to the final 3 days. We are looking forward to getting the books and cool Doodie items in your hands. While we are sorry to see a couple of you back out, we are encouraged by the response we have received by... (Read More)
Did you see what just happened?
March 4th - via:
Good Morning fellow Doodsters, Another Doodster joined the adventure yesterday. Welcome and thank You. We are down to the last four days and we are excited to offer these to new ADD-ONS. This is a one time (ONLY HERE ON KICKSTARTER) offer. Who will... (Read More)
Special Mini Print + Comic Books for Kids and more
March 3rd - via:
Good Morning Fellow Doodsters, With just 5 days left, the Uranium Chips are coming as we are at 111% and 69 Doodsters. Thank You. You may or may not know that I am a HUGE ALF fan. With the recent announcement that Shout acquired the license to the... (Read More)
Last 6 Days... Progress....
March 2nd - via:
Good Morning Fellow Doodsters, The Ship is flying and Doodie is ready to take on Earth and all it has to offer. Well, at least he thinks he is. We are still hopeful that we will get to 150 backers or 5k in pledges to raffle off the 6" military Doodie... (Read More)
Monster Sticker Bundle... OH MY!
March 1st - via:
Good morning Fellow Doodsters, Doodie, as you know is the ultimate Cosplayer. He was begging me to let him play and give you something new before the end of the campaign in 7 days. So here it is! Are you ready? THE MONSTER DOODIE STICKER BUNDLE!... (Read More)
Progress + Down to the last 8 Days...
February 28th - via:
Good Morning Fellow Doodsters, We are inching closer to that backer count to raffle off the Doodie Figure. Now at 102% & 66 Doodsters. THANK YOU!!! This is the first campaign of a series for Doodie. And our goal is to get Doodie's story into as... (Read More)
Newly Added Original Art + more
February 27th - via:
Good Morning Doodsters, First, while yesterday we dipped, we still moved to 101% and 64 backers. Thank You! We are now down to 9 days in the campaign and my goal still is to get Doodie into as many hands as possible. The weekend bundle ends tonight.... (Read More)
WOW! Thank You + Stretch Goals & More
February 26th - via:
Good Morning Fellow Doodsters, First let me start by saying THANK YOU! Your investment in Doodie is allowing us to move towards making him a household name. You are AMAZING! Now it's time to have fun and start unlocking the coolest of cool... (Read More)
Weekend Special and Emperor Bundle OH MY!
February 25th - via:
Good Morning fellow Doodsters, Thank You to the newest recruits bringing us to 92% and 59 backers in 10 days. We are now down to 11 days left in the campaign and we really want to be able to raffle off one of the Doodie 6" figures. All we need to do... (Read More)
89% to Goal $161 away
February 24th - via:
Goo Morning Doodsters, First, Doodie and I extend our gratitude to the newest backers of There's an Alien in my Toilet. We are just $161 away from goal and 12 days left of the campaign. We are 92 backers away from raffling off the 3D printed 6"... (Read More)
First Rendition of Doodie from 2005 + 86% to Goal 56 Backers
February 23rd - via:
Good morning fellow Doodsters, First, Doodie and I want to thank the 3 new backers who became Doodsters yesterday, inching us closer to goal and increasing Doodies recruits to 56 THANK YOU!!! Did you know, I first sketched... (Read More)
Update: The Artist that almost wasn't / 6" Doodie Figure Raffle & more
February 22nd - via:
Good Morning Doodsters, First, while the train is moving slower than expected it is moving. We are at 83% to goal and 52 backers in. THANKYOU!!! We have 14 days left of the campaign and I have some incentives to influence the 100 others who have... (Read More)
What do 3 Monkeys in a barrel, Too close for comfort and Alf have to do with There's an Alien in my Toilet?
February 21st - via:
GM Doodsters, I would like to share the influence behind me becoming an artist and creating Doodie. In the early 80's I visited my brother in the hospital, (born with a defective liver). He had a sketchbook where he sketched 3 monkeys in a barrel. I... (Read More)
Random Drawing winner
February 20th - via:
Hello Fellow Doodsters, Did you miss the random drawing? Well, no worries. The wheel was spun and the winner of the original art rendition of Doodie is (Daphne L) .CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You will receive the piece with your reward at the close of the... (Read More)
76% / Last day for Sam Special / Raffle Update
February 20th - via:
Good Morning / Evening Fellow Doodsters, First the ship continues to move forward and Doodie is now at 76% to fueling his ship with enough Uranium chips to get back home. Thank You. As a reminder, today is the last day (ends midnight) to take... (Read More)
Happy Saturday! Did You know?...
February 19th - via:
Hello Fellow Doodsters, While yesterday was a slow day, I am excited to see the number of potential Doodsters sign up and watch the campaign. Doodie and I are excited that you made it this far. We hope that you pledge today. Did you know, when I... (Read More)
Original Art Raffle Saturday night 9PM EST on Russxplode Podcast LIVE
February 18th - via:
Hello Doodsters, I normally don't provide two updates in one day but this is a BIG ONE. I was honored with an amazing rendition of Doodie by the talented Rodney Fyke and he has generously offered to raffle it off tomorrow live on... (Read More)
68% to Goal Plus a Sam Special Weekend Bundle
February 18th - via:
Good Morning / Evening fellow Doodsters: WOW! We are almost there THANK YOU!!! So, Doodie and I were talking and he challenged me to make something special. So here we are! Starting today 12:00 CST (1pm EST) Doodie has authorized me to launch a Sam... (Read More)
3 Hours Left to take advantage of there Early Bird Bundles
February 17th - via:
Hey everyone. This is nuts! Only 3hrs left to scoop up the Early Bird Bundles. No regrets! Get it while it's still there. Also, I just posted the photos of the 6" figures of Army Doodie on the site. See below. Hurry! I'll hold the door as long as I... (Read More)
Day 2 57% in the books and new add-ons
February 17th - via:
Good Morning / Evening fellow Doodsters First Thank You, we are close to making Goal this week! YEAH! I have added several add-ons and updated the educators bundles. Did you know that every issue of There's an Alien in my Toilet comes with four pages... (Read More)
UPDATE 1: 46% Funded Day 1! THANK YOU
February 16th - via:
Hello Fellow Doodster supporters. First THANK YOU for those of you who pledged and for the many who joined the live launch party where you got to meet the Emperor of Uranus. If you missed it, here is the episode. It is out of this world. A special... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!