Zapad 1 - Cold War Soviet Motostrelki STLs
A project in London, UK by Flank March Miniatures000days
Funding Successful
High quality STLs for 1980s Soviet Motostrelki in three scales - 15mm, 20mm and 28mm.
Backers: 142
Average Pledge Per Backer: £120
Funded: £17,071 of £500
Dates: Nov 11th -> Nov 25th (14 days)
Project By: Flank March Miniatures
Backers: 142
Average Pledge Per Backer: £120
Funded: £17,071 of £500
Dates: Nov 11th -> Nov 25th (14 days)
Project By: Flank March Miniatures
current pledge level
Last Updated: November 25 @ 04:03 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
What's Next?
November 24th - via:
There's lots more Stretch Goal unit sculpting to do over the next few months but it's never too early to start planning and researching the next project. But what could it be? Sign-up to the Flank March Mailing List to make sure you never miss an... (Read More)
Final Stretch Goal Update - They're All Unlocked!
November 24th - via:
With 24 hours to go the final Stretch Goal has fallen and the PSNR-5 TALL MIKE Ground Radar team has been added to the pack of free rewards which all backers will receive. That means there's only one final update to go before the campaign draws to a... (Read More)
BMP Riders Unlocked
November 23rd - via:
Morning all, 48 hours to go and the last paid Stretch Goal has unlocked! I'm currently away from my PC so I'll update the stretch goal graphic in a little while, but the add-on should now be visible in the pledge manager. All-In tier update: you're... (Read More)
Been watching Zapad 1? Here's 3 great reasons to become a backer before the campaign ends.
November 22nd - via:
If you've been watching Zapad 1 but not yet made the jump to backing the project, here's 3 great reasons to consider it before the campaign comes to a close in just over 2 days time: Zapad 1 is the biggest Soviet Motostrelki range available anywhere.... (Read More)
Two More Rewards Unlocked & A Great Blog on the Soviet Army
November 22nd - via:
It's Double Unlock Friday! The 120mm M1943 Mortar has now joined the list of available add-ons. It's pretty tricky to find 1980s era images of this weapon being used (I imagine there was a preference for showing off more modern and exciting kit) but... (Read More)
Cold War Terrain: The North German Plain
November 21st - via:
It's not quite as short and sweet as I initially intended but I've just finished and hit "PUBLISH" on the first in (what I hope will be) an ongoing series of posts about Cold War terrain on the Flank March blog: Click here to read Cold War Terrain:... (Read More)
Black Death in a Cold War Gone Hot
November 21st - via:
Some of you may know my first Kickstarter - Black Death - was focused on the Soviet Naval Infantry of the Second World War. I've always had a softspot for the Naval Infantry and have been desperately trying to find ways to include them in my Cold War... (Read More)
Downed Pilots Unlocked
November 21st - via:
Morning All, We've reached another Stretch Goal and it's unlocked the figures I've been most looking forward to sculpting - a pair of downed pilots! As with the LIONHEART Brits, I'll sculpt one as a fast jet pilot and the other as a helicopter... (Read More)
FREE Painting Guide for Soviet Motostrelki Infantry
November 20th - via:
After the release of the MOTOSTRELKI wargaming guide last week, it's now time for the painting guide! Click here to download PAINT SWIFTLY AND BOLDLY! PAINT SWIFTLY AND BOLDLY! is packed full of painting tips to help get your force from bare resin to... (Read More)
T-12 100mm Anti-Tank Gun Unlocked
November 18th - via:
We're into the second week and we're still going strong with another stretch goal met and another add-on unlocked: the mighty T-12 anti-tank gun. The All-In tier now represents a £14 discount - if you were on the fence before then it may be time... (Read More)
Artillery Observer Unlocked and Howitzer Sneak Peak
November 17th - via:
Morning, Now we have a howitzer we really need someone to call it's fire in - luckily the artillery observation team has just unlocked! Speaking of the D-30 howitzer, Matt Webb has actually made a head start so it's already ready for a sneak preview.... (Read More)
The Big Guns are Starting to Unlock!
November 16th - via:
Morning all, Quick update from my phone - D-30 122mm Howitzer has been unlocked and added to the available Add-Ons. If you've been considering the All-In tier: this is it's break even point. Everything add-on from now on is essentially free to... (Read More)
AT-7 Saxhorn ATGM Free Reward Unlocked
November 15th - via:
Morning All, Another day - another stretch goal reached! Everyone will now receive the AT-7 Saxhorn ATGM as a free reward. Combined with the AT-4 Spigot, that now covers pretty much all the infantry ATGMs that you'd expect to see in a Motostrelki... (Read More)
FREE Wargaming Guide to Soviet Motostrelki Infantry
November 14th - via:
Hi All, I do a lot of reading and research for each of my projects before I start sculpting. It's a really enjoyable process for me because I often start with some vague ideas about how a force worked historically (mostly filled with a lot of... (Read More)
NATO Pilots Beware - the ZU-23-2 Has Been Unlocked
November 14th - via:
We're making our way through the heavy kit - the ZU-23-2 twin 23mm autocannon is now available in the pledge manager. If like me you enjoy making your own sound effects while wargaming, here's a good audio reference for you to get some early practice... (Read More)
Even More Stretch Goal Rewards Unlocked!
November 13th - via:
The Stretch Goals continue to fall as we unlocked two more yesterday - the SPG-9 73mm Recoilless Rifle and the Medic. It's easy to overlook the recoilless rifle as an obsolete weapon on a 1980s battlefield where guided missiles could reach out and... (Read More)
D+1: More Stretch Goals Unlocked than I can Fit in this Title!
November 12th - via:
Morning All, We're off to a fantastic start! A massive thanks to everyone who's backed the project in its first day - we've already unlocked 8 of the Stretch Goals and we're well on the way to the next one. That means the following add-ons are now... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!