Let's build our medieval town!: The Forge - STL Files #1

A project in Warsaw, Poland by FIERCE FEMALES FACTORY

Funding Successful

Medieval Modular Forge Scenery, Props & NPC: 3D printable + NSFW, Presupported 75/32mm Minis for RPG, Tabletop Games, Wargaming DnD STL
Backers: 171
Average Pledge Per Backer: €22

Funded: €3,843 of €100
Dates: May 29th -> Jun 27th (30 days)
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Last Updated: June 27 @ 15:03 -0400 GMT


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Promo: Steampunk Dice Tower + Pirate Girl

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Funded - thank you! + FREE Dice Tower & Promo

May 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello! Huge thanks for such a great start! I'm very grateful for your trust and I hope we can create the medieval town of our dreams together:)I already have an idea for the next part, a big store, a monastery, or a town guard.If you have an... (Read More)

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