Aetherstream: Leviathan
A project in Corbett, OR by FASA Corporation000days
Funding Successful
Capital ship combat in the Aethersteam Universe
Backers: 218
Average Pledge Per Backer: $249
Funded: $54,322 of $10,000
Dates: Jul 22nd -> Aug 23rd (33 days)
Project By: FASA Corporation
Backers: 218
Average Pledge Per Backer: $249
Funded: $54,322 of $10,000
Dates: Jul 22nd -> Aug 23rd (33 days)
Project By: FASA Corporation
current pledge level
Last Updated: August 23 @ 21:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Radio Free Freedonia Aug 22 8pm U.S. central time
August 21st - via:
Hello Wonderful people! With only a couple days left on the KS, we want to make sure we are answering any questions. So tomorrow, August 22 at 8pm U.S. Central time, our podcast will again feature Ross and Todd to answer your questions about... (Read More)
One Week To Go!
August 16th - via:
Our Leviathan Campaign has one week to go. Please help us spread the word for a successful finish. We finished a successful Gen Con where we showed off the first six ships and ran many demonstration games. Some of you could not wait for the... (Read More)
Carry Cases
August 11th - via:
We finally have some photos of our Carry Cases. All of our carry cases, both for Interceptor and Leviathan have a common case with different tray configurations. The front and sides of the case have pockets with velcro flaps. Aetherstream is... (Read More)
Radio Free Freedonia Podcast
July 25th - via:
Dear Bestest Fans in Fandom, We would like to invite all of you to our first Podcast. We will be recording on the FASA Discord. (Link below, look for the Radio Free Freedonia channels) Why do you care? I have a great... (Read More)
Stretch Goal #1 Reached
July 23rd - via:
Thank you once again to all backers. The campaign is going great and we have reached Stretch Goal #1. All backers with physical goods pledges will now receive the metal Start Marker. This can be used in place of the chip board marker that comes... (Read More)
First stretch goal met and new reward tier
July 22nd - via:
We've already reached our first stretch goal for the custom Start Marker token that will now be included with all reward tiers that include a physical product. The next stretch goals will open free posters for those with physical and PDF rewards. ... (Read More)
Off to a great start!
July 22nd - via:
Thank you everyone for your support on launch day! We've already met our goal and can hopefully keep the momentum going. If you have any friends that might be interested, please pass on the link! We have big plans for Leviathan and Interceptor and... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!