The Blood: More Drops

A project in Grand Rapids, MI by Falconian Productions

Funding Successful

A tabletop RPG about vampires as creatures of modern magic.
Backers: 41
Average Pledge Per Backer: $54

Funded: $2,224 of $1,500
Dates: May 14th -> Jun 13th (30 days)
Project By: Falconian Productions
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Last Updated: June 13 @ 08:09 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Goal met! Stretch possibilities.

June 11th - via:
So, we've met the goal and even gotten one of the big rewards claimed while I was away from the keyboard. I can't thank you all enough! It's been a rough one so I'm glad things are turning around in the final push.  The first stretch goal is at 3k,... (Read More)

Final 2 days

June 11th - via:
So, here's the final stretch! We're really close, and hopefully it's not a jinx to say we'll probably get funded at at least the basic level, but keep your fingers crossed since it's of course not a sure thing! I'll do a big post when we're done, if... (Read More)

Keeping Going

June 4th - via:
We've gotten some more backers in the past week or two, but we've also had a bit of a lull. I won't bother repeating about helping sharing the game. That said, quick update, I'm feeling fairly confident we'll at least get to the minimum, even if it... (Read More)

Arcane Options

May 23rd - via:
So, let's talk a bit about Arcane Options, shall we? Atellurian Realms is definitely the one I've been more excitedly promoting, but Arcane Options is one of those books that's going to have a lot of stuff you'll want to use piecemeal, rather than a... (Read More)

Continuing Along

May 21st - via:
Hello all! Things have been a little slow the past few days, but we're still hopeful that we'll pick back up as we go. It's a small Kickstarter so it's expected. Still, anyone who's been simply following, now's a great time to go for the backing. For... (Read More)

Halfway, and Atellurian Realms

May 15th - via:
Hey, all. We just hit the halfway point, so hopefully that's a sign of good things to come! If you haven't backed us yet, well, go do so, and if you want to help spread the word, check the last update for links to posts to reblog and such. ... (Read More)

Starting Off

May 14th - via:
So, first 12 hours or so have gone by and things haven't been going quite as quickly as I'd hoped, given past campaigns, but sometimes that's life. I've gone ahead and tweaked some things to hopefully draw some more eyes to it, but in the meantime,... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!