AI 100% Human - Boardgame

A project in Lille, France by EXPLOR8

Funding Successful

Innovative drafting game with a reserve and immediate scoring, all structured around building a tableau.
Backers: 431
Average Pledge Per Backer: €65

Funded: €28,188 of €10,000
Dates: Apr 30th -> May 24th (25 days)
Project By: EXPLOR8
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Last Updated: May 24 @ 14:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

News#10 Thank you / Merci

May 24th - via:
French below Dear Ambassadors, Dear Ambassadors, We just wanted to take a moment to say a massive thank you for supporting our project. It was an amazing campaign.  Thank you for joining the adventure AI 100% Human. To thank you, we're going to... (Read More)

Stretch Goal#7 unlocked / Stretch Goal #7 débloqué

May 24th - via:
French below Dear Ambassadors, You did it, a new stretch goal unloked! Congratulations!!! You have now 8 new AI cards in you Deluxe box. You will have so much fun with AI 100% Human :) There is one last stretch goal: all your divider cards foil...... (Read More)

News#9 Last 2 hours - New videos / 2 dernières heures et de nouvelles vidéos

May 24th - via:
French below Dear Ambassadors, The last 2 hours ! Still have time to watch a video :) We wanted to share with you a new video :) We are talking about the Hacking cards specificities :) Did you know that with the Hacking cards, you are going to use... (Read More)

Social Goal #2 unlocked / Social Goal#2 débloqué

May 24th - via:
Dear Ambassadors, We are so close from the 125 ❤ on BGG, only 4 are missing !!!!. We decide to unlock the Social Goal #2 ❤❤❤❤. Thank you for your support during all the campaign ! So, a new AI foil card in your Deluxe box!!!  Explor8 is an... (Read More)

Stretch Goal#6 unlocked / Stretch Goal#6 débloqué

May 24th - via:
French Below Dear Ambassadors, Congratulations! Last day and a new Stretch Goal is unlocked! We are so excited for the final hours!!! The climate of mistrust created by Manipul8, is scaring off some AIs who are afraid they won't be able to show the... (Read More)

Strech Goal#5 unlocked / Stretch goal #5 débloqué

May 23rd - via:
French Below Dear Ambassadors, Well done! A new Stretch Goal is unlocked! It is the end of the campaign and there are still Stretch goals :) Let's Go! As the gaming arena continues to grow in notoriety, it is beginning to attract all covetousness.... (Read More)

News #8 - Last 48h / Dernières 48 heures

May 22nd - via:
French below Dear Ambassadors, The last days are so excited!  Dice Tower team had a look to our project. Camilla and Zee played the prototype in Essen a few months ago! Listen to them :)Thanks to your support, many stretch goals have been... (Read More)

News #7 - Social Stretch Goal#2

May 21st - via:
French below Dear Ambassadors, We would like to thank you for your support and offer to help us go even further by unlocking a new AI card (double-sided foil) before the end of the campaign (already Friday the 24th of May) 😍  It is quite easy:... (Read More)

News#6 Let's talk about the Expansion 6 Playmats / Parlons de l'extension 6 Playmats !

May 20th - via:
Hi Ambassadors, Please find a new short video with Renaud and Anne-Catherine!  They are talking about the expansion 6 playmats with exclusive 6 AI! The AI Playmat expansion offers you 6 Playmats, each including a new, exclusive AI. These neoprene... (Read More)

SG#4 unlocked / SG#4 débloqué

May 18th - via:
French Below Dear Ambassadors, Congratulations on unlocking this new Stretch Goal ! With 4 new AI Cards, more than 50% of Diamond AIs (historical AIs) are now challenged daily!! And while Serendipity (the new green AI) offers great flexibility with... (Read More)

SG#3 unlocked / SG#3 débloqué

May 15th - via:
French below Dear Ambassadors, Always on the lookout for changes in the AI landscape, Serendipity wants now to join the brilliant group of AIs. Serendipity intends to seize every opportunity thanks to its flexibility. Serendipity will take advantage... (Read More)

News #5: Let's talk about our favorite Development cards/ Parlons de nos cartes Evolution préférées !

May 13th - via:
Hi Ambassadors, Please find a new short video with Renaud and Anne-Catherine! They are talking about their favorite Development Cards and why they like them so much!  Don't forget since you immediately score each Development card played, the reserve... (Read More)

Social Goal unlocked / Social Goal débloqué

May 11th - via:
Dear Ambassadors, You did it, the social goal is unlocked! Clone, the blue foil AI card is added to the Deluxe box :) Clone is an AI that likes to spread and aims to build up the largest possible area with cards of the same number. All the AI cards... (Read More)

News #4: Let's talk about our favorite AI cards! (short video)/Parlons de nos cartes AI préférées (capsule video) !

May 10th - via:
Hi Ambassadors, Please find a new short video with Renaud and Anne-Catherine! They are talking about their favorite AI Cards! Each AI card is double-sided and has 2 different effects/conditions. For your first game, you will probably choose your... (Read More)

News #3 SOLO Mode in video / Mode Solo en vidéo

May 7th - via:
Dear Ambassadors, Let's continue with our short videos! Today, let's have a look to the Solo Mode. Anne-Cat explains the solo mode and play a few turns so you can see how to play! Prepare your combos, face dilemmas and manage the timing of your cards... (Read More)

News#2: Short video presentation with one of the designers/Capsule vidéo avec l'un des auteurs

May 5th - via:
Hi Ambassadors, All along the campaign we are going to share you some short English videos about AI 100% Human!  Let's start with a short interview with Renaud Libralesso one of the designers of AI 100% Human. Renaud talked about the first time he... (Read More)

SG#2 unlocked / SG#2 débloqué

May 5th - via:
French below Dear Ambassadors, It is a succes for Proximity!!! Proximity is now joining the brilliant group of AIs that count. In view of this success, Balancium an illustrative AI, that particularly appreciates a certain color balance, believes... (Read More)

News #1: Social Stretch Goal

May 3rd - via:
French below Dear Ambassadors, We would like to thank you for a great first few days and offer to help us go even further by unlocking a new AI card (double-sided foil) 😍  It is quite easy: share this post on your networks this post on your... (Read More)

SG#1 unlocked -

May 1st - via:
Dear Ambassadors, 24 hours we launched and you already unlocked the first Strech goal! We are so happy that you joined the adventure! What's happening now Explor8 Ai is in? The first AI to jump in and disrupt the established order is Proximity, a... (Read More)

10K€ - Project Funded

April 30th - via:
French below Dear Ambassadors, Thank you to each and every one of you for your incredible support! Thanks to your enthusiasm, we have successfully funded the project in less than 6 hours! 🎉✨ Let’s go for 24 days 😊 What’s coming? The... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!