A Catalogue of Curios

A project in Warrington, UK by Andrew Highton

Funding Successful

A collection of unique and interesting magical weapons, jewellery and trinkets to add into your campaign! All from just £1!
Backers: 675
Average Pledge Per Backer: £6

Funded: £4,132 of £100
Dates: May 14th -> Jun 11th (28 days)
Project By: Andrew Highton
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Last Updated: June 11 @ 19:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Just over 24 hours to go!

June 10th - via: kickstarter.com
And we've unlocked another stretch goal! Talk about finishing strong! The Amulet of Unpredictability is quite fun... In my humble, and biassed, opinion. It doesn't require attunement, and it involves rolling a D20 on a trigger table after every long... (Read More)

2 Days left!

June 9th - via: kickstarter.com
2 Days until the campaign finishes!2 Days to get your ideas, and any preferences, out there in the comments! No submissions or votes after the finish time will be counted so make sure you don't miss out!  We've unlocked 27 items, + 5 submissions and... (Read More)

Sorry for the silence, lets blast this last week!

June 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Stretch goals! We have unlocked 3 since the last update! Another backer submission (and nearly 1 more!), the item cards addition, and another weapon stretch goal. That equates to nearly 30 magic items, fully illustrated and wonderfully unique! We're... (Read More)

New stretch goal, and an Item showcase!

May 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi all! We have just unlocked a new trinket "The compass of Desire''. Yet another awesome item to implement into your games! Next up we have the item cards! We'll be implementing these items into a digital card format for you to send out to your... (Read More)

Adorn yourself with the new stretch goal!

May 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hi all! We just broke past the £1,500 stretch goal! Woohoo! That means we have another item of jewellery for the catalogue! And we're heading towards the trinket pretty quick too! Check out the first draft of the stretch goal!Buckler BangleThis item... (Read More)

300 Backer goal! Magic item submissions!

May 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Hi all! We have reached that 300 backer goal, and have unlocked another item! so far we have a collection of 25 handcrafted unique items and it keeps growing!  If you have an idea for an item you wish to see brought to life in our catalogue,... (Read More)

Stretch goal reached! and a new one around the corner!

May 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi all! We have just reached the next stretch goal and unlocked a new weapon! We're now at a total of 24 marvellous items! We are having fun making these unique and getting them into a visual too! Keep an eye out for the sneak peak! If we hit £2,000... (Read More)

Awesome launch - and submission competition!

May 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi all! Thanks so much for your support! It's been an awesome launch, we've unlocked 2 monetary stretch goals already, and our first backer stretch goal! Amazing!Here's how it'll work! Backers can submit one idea for every 100 backers we reach, right... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!