The Shackleton Series - Interactive Puzzle Adventure

A project in Calgary, Canada by Escape Mail

Funding Successful

Solve your way through a true survival story. A 6-episode puzzle game that blends escape rooms and board games with historical fiction.
Backers: 353
Average Pledge Per Backer: $143 CAD

Funded: $50,603 CAD of $30,000 CAD
Dates: May 7th -> Jun 6th (30 days)
Project By: Escape Mail
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$50,603 CAD

current pledge level
Last Updated: June 6 @ 07:02 -0400 GMT


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funding period ended

$0 CAD

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Latest News

Late SURGE could unlock MULTIPLE stretch goals!

June 5th - via:
Well...  This is unexpected! A late-in-the-expedition rally is bringing home not just ONE but possibly TWO stretch goals that will be SO cool for you to experience first-hand. SAILING past the 40k mark and well on our way to 45k - again - very... (Read More)

36 hours left to go, last push for another stretch goal!

June 4th - via:
We feel like Shackleton, on the final leg of his journey. Only 40 hours left to go! If you haven’t already, share the campaign with someone who you think might love a good puzzle adventure, we are just $1200 away from adding gold foil to your... (Read More)

Unlocked Embossed Packaging ($35k Stretch Goal!)

May 28th - via:
Hey everyone! Thanks for following along and supporting The Shackleton Series! We're excited to announce that the packaging upgrade has been unlocked, and the next stretch goal revealed. 🎉  Reaching 40k will add gold foil to the large map in... (Read More)

Fully funded, and two weeks to go!

May 21st - via:
Hey everyone! Thank you for supporting The Shackleton Series! Some of you may already know this, but last weekend, Paul and Eric were in Toronto pitching Mobile Escape (and Escape Mail) on Dragons' Den (Canada's "shark tank"). We can't release the... (Read More)

Budget-friendly Shackleton - New $20 pledge tier added

May 9th - via:
We’ve heard from many loyal Escape Mail fans that they would like to be able to try Episode 1 of The Shackleton Series. For most, this is a budget decision. Most of our previous customers enjoyed subscribing monthly, and pre-paying for the... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!