Oh Joy, Sex Toy, The Book

A project in Portland, OR by Erika Moen

Funding Successful

A collection of the first years worth of comics produced by Erika Moen through her popular sex education webcomic www.ohjoysextoy.com
Backers: 1850
Average Pledge Per Backer: $37

Funded: $69,270 of $18,000
Dates: May 21st -> Jun 20th (30 days)
Project By: Erika Moen
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Last Updated: June 20 @ 03:30 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Thank you!!!!!

June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
 Thank you Thank you Thank you! 69k raised? I couldn't have hoped for a more hilariously dirty ending number. Thank you most of all for that, my Dearest Perverts.  (Read More)

Bookplates Have Landed! & 6 Days Remaining

June 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Our bookplates from Bookplate Ink have arrived! "That's cool, Erika!" You say, "...but what are they for? I don't really get it. They're some kinda sticker?" I'm so glad you asked, dear backer! They are indeed a type of sticker, one that I can sign... (Read More)

40k Raised and Book Progress Shots

May 30th - via: kickstarter.com
 Oh my gosh, 40k raised is quite the milestone for us! We're over 200% funded and will be able to bump up our page rate to ALL of our guest cartoonists, past and future, to $70 a page. That's $20/page more than we could afford out of pocket before... (Read More)

First Stretch Goal Met!

May 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Matthew Again:Incredible, we've hit our first stretch goal of $30k! What does this mean? Well It means we'll be making about $750 worth of retroactive checks for our guest artists of old (and the ones who we've yet to post)! And now that we've got... (Read More)

Funded in ONE DAY

May 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Matthew Here:Oh my lord, you people are fantastic! Erika and I have been blown away by the response. $18k makes everything possible, $30k is the next golden number, where everything is covered by the kickstarter, and I can't believe we're so close... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!