Dungeon Brah
A project in The Hague, Netherlands by Skycastle Studios000days
Funding Successful
Dungeon Brah is a comical Deck Crawler card game. You're on the most noble quest of all - to not die!
Backers: 2174
Average Pledge Per Backer: €43
Funded: €93,881 of €10,000
Dates: Sep 20th -> Oct 20th (30 days)
Project By: Skycastle Studios
Backers: 2174
Average Pledge Per Backer: €43
Funded: €93,881 of €10,000
Dates: Sep 20th -> Oct 20th (30 days)
Project By: Skycastle Studios
current pledge level
Last Updated: October 20 @ 10:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Plungeon
October 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Now that you are the Bog Master, it's time to learn how to use the magical Plungeon! Either draw cards from approved places, or dig for swag in less savory places... Next up is the big one! 2 hours to go! $95 000 Stretch Quest Locked... Foil copies... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Bog Master!
October 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Congratulations! You are now the Master of the Bog! What does that mean? Well, if you've been drawing trash weapons (aka the Bog Blade) then you get upgrade them with world enchanting magic! Presto, you're king in here! Come play in the gutter with... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! KS Exclusive Hero, Ty the Game Master!
October 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Another Kickstarter Exclusive Hero! TY, THE GAME MASTER! This hero was not planned at all. Some lore: There were loud calls for solo mode, something we didn't plan for... But, we found a way to pull it off mid-campaign! But how? Ty... that's how. I... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Plague of Rats mini expansion is now 16 cards!
October 18th - via: kickstarter.com
This one was not planned. Here's what happened. This expansion was meant to be 12 cards, but I made a typo on one of the assets that said it was 16 cards (which was a mistake). To own this mistake, the Plague of Rats mini expansion is now OFFICIALLY... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Little Boy!
October 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Your fellow party members are getting some stacked bonuses from their Heroic Items and World Enchantments in play... and you should be happy for them... It'll be petty to be envious right? Right? No! Deploy Little Boy! (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! HypnoCat!
October 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey! It's your birthday! Your fellow adventurers should all think about getting you a gift. Oh wait... it's not your birthday, but you still want gifts and trinkets and loot and weapons? HypnoCat is here to help you out! (Read More)
We're 700% Funded!
October 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Again, just an appreciation post from your pals at Dungeon Brah! (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Dungeon Riot!
October 17th - via: kickstarter.com
We've unlocked another World Enchantment, and on $70 000 no less! What shall we do? RIOT! Next up we have some treasure... (Read More)
October 17th - via: kickstarter.com
It's here! You all asked/shouted, and it's here! If you want all the stuff (ALL OF IT) in a nice big sturdy deluxe box that holds ALL your stuff, you can upgrade NOW! All you have to do is go to: Manage my Pledge > Change my pledge > (select)... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Dungeon Snob
October 17th - via: kickstarter.com
These budget heroes and their budget weapons have had their way for long enough! Time to tax the tanks daring to use common items! Dungeon Snob World Enchantment is here! (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! KS Exclusive Hero, Jeff the Gameswalker
October 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Dungeons aside, I'm very happy about this Stretch Quest being unlocked. Some lore: Jeff is the main character of my very first game, Jengo. After some amazing initial traction, the publisher decided to push for a crowdfunding campaign, which... (Read More)
A quick (positive) note on sleeve add-ons.
October 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Dungeon Divers! A very short note. If you've added the Sleeve add-on ($10 for 200 standard sleeves), we will give you 30 Hero sized sleeves, FREE. This is enough for all your heroes. We cannot change the details on the reward tier unfortunately (you... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! End of Days!
October 16th - via: kickstarter.com
There are many ways to win Dungeon Brah! You can fight monsters for loot, you can dodge fights until everyone else meets their demise or you can change the rules in your favour... But, what about tossing the rules entirely... for loot! Then End of... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! SOLO MODE!
October 14th - via: kickstarter.com
I honestly didn't think we'd see this day... You asked! Then a few more people asked! Then (almost) everyone asked! And finally, Blink 182 is back! Also, SOLO MODE is here! (Read More)
We're 600% Funded!
October 13th - via: kickstarter.com
600%! 6 days to go! We're in the final stretch of our quest! Thanks again backer! (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! NAY!
October 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Perhaps the card we all wish we had in real life... NAY! Redirect some nasty bollocks to some other bastard and/or friend. (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! EXPANSION BOX UPGRADE!
October 13th - via: kickstarter.com
The Cultists of Cat'hulhu has expanded so much that they've started adding cosmetics! Behold the new bling-bling box of the expansion! (Read More)
ADD-ONS are LIVE! (Finally)
October 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Dungeon Divers! We will delay add-ons no more! It's an end campaign level-up loot bonanza over here! We've got Heroes! We got sleeves (we're still confirming Tarot sleeves, expect news soon), we've got a play mat and we've got a whole Kickstarter... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Raging Wood!
October 12th - via: kickstarter.com
You were all laughing at my Useless Stick weren't you? Well, well, well... We'll sort that right out. Presenting your latest reward... Raging Wood! Now you can maximise the performance of even the weakest weapon in your holster! (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Useless Stick*
October 5th - via: kickstarter.com
We are a generous bunch here in the Dungeon... And because we love and appreciate you we will reward you with... a Useless Stick. Gee, thanks pals, a stick. How very nice of you... You can use the stick to shoo off a pigeon at best. At least you... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! The Call of Cat'hulhu expanded to 50 cards!
October 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
50 Cards for an Expansion!? I hope you all have invested some skill points into your shuffle hands as this thing is becoming massive! Almost massive enough to be a standalone? (Read More)
500% FUNDED! Kevin is pleased!
October 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Dungeon Brah has been 500% funded! We thank you all for your support and we cannot wait to reveal more! Kevin is mighty pleased... Add-ons will be released in the coming days. (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! KS Exclusive Hero, Eddy the Brahbarian!
September 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Hard Eddy was smashing enemies so hard in his own game 'Boet Fighter' that he opened a fist-powered wormhole and got sucked into Dungeon Brah! Eddy, the Brahbarian (as he is known in this game) loves fights, but hates rulebooks... "Insaad you are two... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Boon of Brawn!
September 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Are you tired of getting smashed in the face whilst the spellcasters are just phoning it in from the rear? Don't worry friend! We have a World Enchantment for you! Boon of Brawn, for the damage stackin', monster whackin', skull crackin' pick-me-up... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Boon of Brains!
September 28th - via: kickstarter.com
The tanks have charged to the frontlines to tackle the monsters up close, whereas the smart heroes fling offense from a distance. Boon of Brains is a reward for you smart spellslingers doing the dirty from a distance! (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! The Call of Cat'hulhu expanded to 45 cards (for real this time)
September 27th - via: kickstarter.com
The Cult is growing! Soon it'll be tax exempt! The expansion has expanded to 45 cards. Up next is a treat for all the Magically inclined folks in the party... (Read More)
400% FUNDED! That means more loot soon!
September 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Our little adorable 5th dimensional overlord is well pleased... We can even afford some extra treats for Kevin... mainly being you, the Dungeon divers setting out for his loot. (Read More)
Correction on Previous update. Jackie's Magic Chest Unlocked!
September 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Dungeon Divers! You've unlocked Jackie's Magic Chest! At $40 000 we will unlock 45 cards in the expansion! Apologies for the error in yesterday's update. All those responsible have been fed to Kevin. (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! The Call of Cat'hulu expanded to 45 cards
September 25th - via: kickstarter.com
There's nothing worse than collecting precious loot just to have some other player pinch it from your hand... Luckily, if you have Jackie's Magic Chest equipped, that will no longer be an issue. Next up is the $40 000 Stretch Quest. (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Lord Skromhof, Dark Bargain AND Philanthropy
September 25th - via: kickstarter.com
My, my, my! Now that is a big package! And yes, you can make some combos here! (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! It's GO TIME!!!
September 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
It's GO TIME!!! Your actions will have double the consequences! Next Stretch Quest is a goodie... (Read More)
300% FUNDED! Thanks again pals!
September 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
The Cult of Cat'hulu is almost becoming mainstream! (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! The Call of Cat'hulu expanded to 40 cards
September 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
The Cult of Cat'hulu is growing! All the OG Cultists are a bit bleak because they were all about Kevin before he 'went mainstream'... They preferred Kevin during his underground phase. It matters not. What matters is that you're getting more cards!... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! BOX UPGRADE!
September 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Like the shimmer of a mighty blade, the Dungeon Brah box will now reveal it's qualities with a spot varnish treatment that will blind your enemies with it's magnificence! (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Go Fish!
September 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Paranoid that your fellow adventurers are holding on to weapon parts that are rightfully yours? Be alone with your thoughts no more friend! Simply play GO FISH! to force them to hand over the goods! (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! The Call of Cat'hulu expanded to 35 cards
September 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Things are expanding in the ruins of Skromhof Ridge as the expansion grows! 35 cards and counting! We've added a few monsters as well and things are going to become desperate - so we'll throw a useful treasure your way to turn the tide... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Larry the Wandless unleashed!
September 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
We've hit $20 000! Larry likes this... Larry is coming for your wands! Next up! The expansion grows to 35 cards! (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! BIGGER HERO CARDS!
September 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
This is a BIG one,,, Literally! Hero cards have now DOUBLED in size! Next up! Another monster lurks in the shadows, looking for a wand... (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! Chickenface unleashed!
September 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Chickenface is here! And he loves nothing more than to chomp down on Spellcasters. Fight brawn with more brawn! Next Stretch quest is a good one! We will DOUBLE the size of your HERO cards at $19k! (Read More)
Stretch Quest Unlocked! The Call of Cat'hulu expanded to 25 cards
September 21st - via: kickstarter.com
We've hit $14 000! Thank you backers! We've expanded the expansion to 25 cards! This is the start of a trend for the 'The Call of Cat'hulu' expansion. Up next! Are you brave enough to battle Chickenface? Find out at $16 000 (Read More)
Stretch Quests are open! And you've already unlocked a new card!
September 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Let's introduce you to the World Enchantments! Cards that change the rules of the game. Behold! The Dark Portal, which you have unlocked at $11 000! Now, why would you summon monsters to attack you? Well, you want their precious loot - so if you're... (Read More)
Dungeon Brah has funded in under 12 hours!
September 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Dungeon Brah Update #1 What a way to wake up this morning! Our tired bones needed a few winks after the first night of campaigning and in the dead of night (at least where we're at) something amazing happened... WE FUNDED! Now, the wizard told us to... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!