Draw my Dungeon

A project in Bordeaux, France by Fabrice PINTURAUD

Status: Active

And easy drag and drop system to draw old school dungeons for any system (any RPG, 4 against darkness, 2d6 dungeon, d100 dungeon, ...)
Backers: 294
Average Daily Pledges: €37
Average Pledge Per Backer: €4

Funding: €1,032 of €90
Dates: Jun 1st -> Jul 1st (30 days)
Project By: Fabrice PINTURAUD
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Latest News

More than 267 backers ... and still drawing the different types of tiles requested

June 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
I have continue to draw : tiles to create larger rooms, some floors with decor, shrine, throne room, tiles to create a prison, treasury rooms (1 full of gold, 1 full of chests). I will continue with tombs (different styles) and others items and try... (Read More)

Stairs and portals + backs for tiles (for printing on cardboard)

June 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello, there are more than 180 backers now. There will be at least 270 different hand drawn tiles. I've finished to draw stairs, magic portals and 4 examples of back if your want to print the tiles on cardboards. I will draw sewer to allow creation... (Read More)

Great background is scanned (stretch goal for 100 backers) and cavern tiles with mushrooms are drawn.

June 9th - via: kickstarter.com
This backgound may contain 7x7 tiles (35x35 cm). His dimension are 41x44 cm (possible to print it on 4 A4 sheets). It's scanned high res (300 dpi) and it will also be inclued in a presentation file (powerpoint and other systems to create great... (Read More)

Drawing ... Drawing ... Drawing (on the river ?? Not for the moment)

June 7th - via: kickstarter.com
The mushrooms and fungus are crawling .... You have passed 500% in less than 1 week, I will draw at list 220 tiles and in few hours, I think it will be at liste 230 tiles when there will be 140 backers. Thank's a lot for the ideas and for your... (Read More)

It's incredible - we have 302% at the middle of the second day

June 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
You are, for the moment 79 backers and I'm drawing. As i wrote, you will now have at least 160 tiles (+10 original tiles for each new 10 backers over 30 in addition for the 120 first one). One more backer and it will be 170 tiles ...  I continue to... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!